Please note that all charts are nominally folded in half for storage and handling as per the marine industries standard.
If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.
This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Goodrich Bank Marie Reef Marie Shoal Belyuen Darwin Howard Springs McMinns Lagoon Milikapiti Snake Bay Nguiu Palmerston Pirlangimpi Garden Point Bathurst Island Airfield Garden Point Aerodrome Lee Point Rangku 4 Mile Camp Abbott Patches Afghan Shoal Alawa Alawa Park Alawa Pre School Alawa Primary School Alawadna Jungle Alf Blaser Park Allamurr Park Allen Park Amsterdam Park Andranangoo Creek Angler Reef Anne Park Ant Cliff Antony Memorial Park Anula Anula Oval Anula Pre School Anula Primary School Apsley Strait Arafura Park Arangimpi Creek Archer Ariat Park Arluwampi Point Arrimu Creek Ascension Park Atauini Point Australian Aviation Heritage Centre Australian Pearling Exhibition Aviators Park Bagot Bagot Park Bakewell Bakewell Pre School Bakewell Primary School Bald Park Bare Sand Island Barlow Point Bass Reef Bathurst Island Bathurst Island Barge Landing Bathurst Trench Bayview Bayview Marina Bayview Park Beagle Gulf Beaumont Park Becker Park Bees Creek Bees Creek Pre School Bees Creek Primary School Bellamack Bellatrix Park Bellbird Belyuen Health Centre Belyuen School Benham Waterhole Benhams Lagoon Benjamin Lagoon Bennett Park Bennett Shoal Bennetts Creek Berrimah Berrimah Farm Berrimah Post Office Bicentennial Park Bill Bell Park Bill Lewis Park Bill Shoal Bill Sullivan Park Billy Shepherd Park Birch Carroll and Coyle Casuarina Cinemas Birch Carroll and Coyle Darwin City Cinemas Blackmore Hill Blackmore Point Blaydin Point Bleesers Creek Bonkalji Beach Bonkalji Creek Booya Borella Park Bowen Bay Bowman Park Brace Point Bremer River Brenton Bay Brian Chong Wee Park Brinkin Britarrimi Creek British Motorist Britomart Park Brooke Point Brooking Creek Brown Point Buchanan Island Buffalo Creek Buffalo Creek Boat Ramp Bullabolla Creek Bullocky Point Burdens Creek Burge Point Burnett House Burra Burra Head Butters Park Byrne Park Cache Point Cahill Park Calvert Park Cameron Park Camerons Beach Cape Fourcroy Cape Gambier Cape Grose Cape Helvetius Cape Lavery Cape Van Diemen Carpentaria Park Castle Hill Casuarina Casuarina Ambulance Station Casuarina Bapist Church Casuarina Beach Casuarina Coastal Reserve Casuarina Delivery Annex Casuarina Fire Station Casuarina Health Centre Casuarina Holy Spirit Church Casuarina Plaza Casuarina Police Station Casuarina Post Office Casuarina Public Library Casuarina Senior College Casuarina Square Shopping Centre Casuarina Swimming Pool Casuarina Village Shopping Centre Catalina Island Caution Point / Pajuapura Cemetery Plain Channel Island Channel Island Boat Ramp Channel Island Power Station Channel Rock Charles Darwin Charles Darwin University Casuarina Charles Darwin University Palmerston Charles Point Charles Point Lighthouse Charles Point Patches Chrisp Street Oval Civic Square Clarence Strait Cleft Point Clift Island Clive Graham Park Cmax Cinemas Cockburn Sound Cockle Point Coconut Grove Colster Park Conacher Street Boat Ramp Confalonieri Park Cook Reef Coolalinga Coonawarra Copeland Park Corneys Creek Cornwallis Park Corrawara Creek Cossack Creek Cox Peninsula CSIRO Tropical Ecosystems Research Centre Culipurungini Creek Cullala Creek Cullen Bay Cullen Bay Boat Ramp Cullen Beach Cunningham Park Curlew Park Curtis Haven Da Costa Park Damoe-Ra Park Dariba Rock Darwin Adventist Primary School Darwin Ambulance Station Darwin Botanic Gardens Darwin City Darwin Fire Station Darwin Gaol Darwin General Cemetery Darwin Golf Club Darwin Harbour Darwin High School Darwin Hospital Darwin International Airport Darwin Middle School Darwin Military Museum Darwin Naval Base Darwin Police Station Darwin Post Office Darwin Princess Darwin Private Hospital Darwin Public Library Darwin RAAF Golf Course Darwin Railway Station Darwin Showgrounds De Vere Creek Dead Horse Point Deception Point Deckchair Cinema Dickinson Park Dillon Park Dinah Beach Dinah Beach Boat Ramp Dinah Oval Doctors Gully Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre Don Point Dorisvale Park Dripstone Caves Dripstone Middle School Driver Driver Pre School Driver Primary School Dudley Park Dudley Point Dudwell Creek Duke Street Rainforest Dunbar Park Durack Durack Pre School Durack Primary School Durham Point Dutchies Lagoon Dwyer Park East Arm East Arm Boat Ramp East Arm Wharf East Point East Point Aquatic Life Reserve East Point Reserve East Vernon Island Eaton Edwin Creek Elizabeth River Elizabeth River Boat Ramp Elliott Point Elrundie Elrundie Peninsula Emery Point Eric Asche Park Essington Park Essington School Eurumpanelli Creek Fairway Waters Fannie Bay Fannie Bay Gaol Fannie Bay Oval Fannie Bay Racecourse Farrar Fenton Patches Fish Reef Fisher Lagoon Fishermans Wharf Flag Rock Fletcher Point Flight Path Golf & Archery Flinders Park Flora McLaren Park Foelsche Bank Fong Park Fort Dundas Fort Hill Fort Hill Wharf Fort Point Frances Bay Frances Bay Mooring Basin Freds Pass Frenela Park Fright Point Frog Hollow Fuingatingerrany Creek Gaden Park Gager Park Gale Shoal Garamanak Park Garden Point Garden Point Barge Landing Gardens Cemetery Gardens Oval Gardens Oval 2 Gardens Park Gardens Park Golf Links Geoid Park George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens George Park Gilruth Neck Gilruth Point Ginty Mcginness Park Girraween Girraween Lagoon Girraween Pre School Girraween Primary School Glencoe Park Glyde Point Golden Grove Park Good Shepherd Lutheran School Goose Creek Gordon Bay Gordon Park Gordon Point Gordon Stott Park Gray Gray Pre School Gray Primary School Grebe Park Greenwood Park Groote Park Grose Island Gsell Park Guido Zuccoli Flyover Guilfoyle Reef Gullara Creek Gulnare Park Gunn Gunn Point Gunn Reef Gwyn Park Halleys Park Ham Luong Reef Hancox Shoal Haritos Park Harlock Point Harmanis Park Harold Point Harriet Park Harris Island Harris Reef Harvey Norman Park Harwood Park Hayball Park Haycock Hill Hayes Park Hayward Park Henbury School Henry Ellis Reef Herbert Herbert Point Hidden Valley Hidden Valley Motor Sports Complex Hingston Beach Hinxman Point HMAS Coonawarra Holmes Holmes Jungle Holmes Jungle Nature Park Holtze Holy Family Catholic Primary School Holy Spirit Catholic School Hope Inlet Howard Channel Howard Park Howard Peninsula Howard River Howard River Boat Ramp Howard Springs Forestry Reserve Howard Springs Nature Park Howard Springs Post Office Howard Springs Pre School Howard Springs Primary School Hudson Creek Humpty Doo Humpty Doo & Rural Area Golf Club Humpty Doo Fire Station Humpty Doo Police Station Humpty Doo Post Office Humpty Doo Pre School Humpty Doo Primary School Hundred of Bagot Hundred of Bray Hundred of Hutchison Hundred of Paton Hundred of Sanderson Hurd Point Hut Point Ida Bay Ida Scott Park Ilwaddy Creek Imaluk Beach Imaluk Spring Indian Ocean Interview Point Iron Ore Wharf Ironstone Head Ironstone Knob Ironstone Lagoon Irrititu Island Jessie River Jikilijipinyapti Cliffs Jingili Jingili Park Jingili Pre School Jingili Primary School Joan Fejo Park John Veal EDM Baseline Johnson Park Johnson Point Johnston Jones Bank Jones Creek Jungle Creek Kahlin Kahlin Beach Kahlin Oval Kailis Park Kanunga Point Kapalga Park Karama Karama Post Office Karama Pre School Karama Primary School Karama Public Library Karslake Island Karu Park Kelleway Reef Ken Waters Memorial Park Kilian Park Kilimiraka Kilu-Impini Creek Kimmorley Bridge Kings Cove Kings Creek Kings Table Kintore Park Knight Reef Knuckey Lagoon Knuckey Lagoon Indigenous Village Knuckey Lagoons Knuckey Siding Koolpinyah Koolpinyah Park Korebum Lagoon Kormilda College Kulaka-Iniarimu Creek Kulaluk Kurumba Beach Kurumba Shoal Lake Alexander Lamberts River Lameroo Beach Larrakeyah Larrakeyah Barracks Larrakeyah Pre School Larrakeyah Primary School Larrakia Park Laurie Cubillo Park Laxton Reef Leaders Creek Leaders Creek Boat Ramp Leanyer Leanyer Pre School Leanyer Primary School Leanyer Recreational Park Leanyer Swamp Lentherra Creek Leprosarium Lethbridge Bay Lightning Creek Limul Limul Lagoons Linde Park Lindsay Park Lindy Danks Park Litchfield Christian School Little Ginger Livistona Park Lockwood Park Loee Patches London Lagoon Lores Bonney Park Lorna Shoal Lowry Shoal Lubra Point Ludmilla Ludmilla Creek Ludmilla Pre School Ludmilla Primary School Luxmore Head Lyne Reef Lyons Lyons Cottage Lyons Lagoon Maand Creek Maclear Creek Maddalozza Slipway Madford Shoals Malak Malak Park Malak Pre School Malak Primary School Malgrew Point Mandorah Mandorah Boat Ramp Mandorah Queen Manunda Terrace Pre School Manunda Terrace Primary School Marloo Point Marlow Lagoon Marlows Lagoon Marrakai Park Marralayangimpi Creek Marrara Marrara Christian School Marrara Fire Station Marrara Sporting Complex Marrara Swamp Marsh Shoal Martaboonga Creek Maruru Point Masson Point Maxwell Creek Maxwell Creek Landing Ground Mazlin Park Mc Minns Lagoon Mc Minns Siding McArthur Park Mcinnis Park Medina Inlet Melville Island Mermaid Shoal Mesquite Shoal Mica Beach Micket Creek Mickett Creek Middle Arm Middle Ground Middle Passage Middle Reef Middle Shoal Milikapiti Milikapiti Community Library Milikapiti Health Centre Milikapiti Hill Milikapiti Police Station Milikapiti Pre School Milikapiti Primary School Millar Siding Millars Point Millner Millner Pre School Millner Primary School Milners Creek Milners Swamp Mindil Beach Mindil Swamp Minmarama Park Minnie Lily Park Mintiluwu Creek Mirikau-Yunga Creek Mirrapoka Creek Mission Hill Mitchell Mitchell Point Mitchells Creek Moanru Creek Moantu Moerk Creek Moil Moil Park Moil Pre School Moil Primary School Moira Reef Moonga Hill Moonganunu Creek Moresby Shoals Moss Shoal Moulden Moulden Pre School Moulden Primary School Mount Hurd Mudlow Creek Muirhead Mullalgah Waterhole Mullen Park Munanampi Creek Munanampi Point Munkunuwa Cliff Muranapi Point Murrow Point Murrumujuk Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Myilly Point Myrmidon Creek Nakara Nakara Park Nakara Pre School Nakara Primary School Nebraska Beach Neds Lagoon Nemarluk School Newby Shoal Nguiu Community Health Centre Nguiu Police Station Nightcliff Nightcliff Fire Station Nightcliff Health Centre Nightcliff High School Nightcliff Middle School Nightcliff Oval Nightcliff Police Station Nightcliff Post Office Nightcliff Pre School Nightcliff Primary School Nightcliff Public Boat Ramp Nightcliff Public Library Ninnis Creek Nodlaw Island Noogoo Swamp North Channel North Gutter North Shell Island North West Vernon Island Northern Territory Library Northern Territory Open Education Centre Northern Territory University Darwin Northern Territory University Tiwi Northlakes Notch Peak NR Diemen Oak Point O'Ferrals Rock Old Man Rock Oliver Reef O'Loughlin Catholic College One Falla Creek Ormiston Park Oyster Rocks Packards Knob Paddy Patches Palm Creek Palmerston Christian School Palmerston City Palmerston City Library Palmerston Fire Station Palmerston Golf & Country Club Palmerston High School Palmerston Indigenous Village Palmerston Police Station Palmerston Post Office Parap Parap Post Office Parap Pre School Parap Primary School Parliament House Parry Shoal Parsons Bank Paru Pastry Wilson Park Paterson Park Peace Park Peak Hill Peaked Hill Peels Well Pekiapauthera Creek Penguin Hill Perakery Creek Peter McAuley Centre Phoenix Park Phyllis Uren Park Pickertaramoor PIckertaramoor Landing Ground Picnic Cove Picnic Point Pimaroo Creek Pinelands Pinyianappi Beach Pioneer Park Piparto Creek Piper Head Pipianamili Creek Pirapillipoonga Creek Pirlangimpi Pirlangimpi Catholic Church Pirlangimpi Club Pirlangimpi Health Centre Pirlangimpi Police Station Plater Beach Plater Rock Poinciana Park Point Fawcett Point Jual Point Margaret Point Punalli Point Stephens Point Strath Point Waters Poonelli Port Cockburn Port Darwin Port Hurd Port Patterson Port War Pramamee Creek President Park Preston Point Pretty Park Price Knoll Pritchardia Park Pukitiarmarloo Point Pularumpi School Purninga Point Purputi Creek Purumpenelli Point Putjamirra Qantas Park Quail Island Que Noy Park Queen Mothers Park RAAF Darwin Radar Hill Radford Point Railway Dam Raintree Park Rapid Creek Rapid Creek Oval Rapid Creek Park Rapid Creek Water Gardens Red Cliff Red Cliffs Reedbeds Park Reg Hillier Park Reggie Park Reichardt Creek Richardson Park Rinamatta Beach Robbie Robbins Reserve Roberts Park Robertson Barracks Robertson Creek Robinson Inlet Roche Reef Rocky Point Roe Point Rooper Rock Rosebery Rosella Park Ross Smith Aerodrome Royal Darwin Hospital Royal Park Sacred Heart Primary School Sadgroves Creek Saint Andrew Lutheran School Saint Francis Assisi School Saint Johns Catholic College Saint Mary's Catholic School Saint Pauls Catholic School Salonika Crossing Sand Island Sanderson Middle School Sandy Creek Sattler Field Saunders Patch Shadforth Park Shark Bay Shepparton Shoal Shoal Bay Shoal Bay Boat Ramp Shoal Bay Peninsula Shoal Bay Waste Disposal Site Shorelands Landing Sibbald Park Silversands Simms Reef Sinclair Point Sirius Park Sitebark Wharf Skottowe Shoal Smith Park Smith Reef Smoky Point Snake Bay Snake Bay Aerodrome Snake Bay Barge Landing South Channel South Gutter South Shell Island South West Vernon Island Spencer Point Spit Shoal St Asaph Bay Stanford Park Stedcombe Park Stephens Bank Stevens Creek Stevens Rock Stobo Park Stokes Hill Stokes Hill Power Station Stokes Hill Wharf Stokes Park Stokes Point Stone Park Strath Sands Strawbridge Park Strele Park Stuart Park Stuart Park Pre School Stuart Park Primary School Sunset Park Supreme Court Swires Bluff Takamprimili Creek Takapimiliyi Talc Head Tamar Point Tamarind Park Taminmin Community Library Taminmin High School Tamratoarimu Creek Tapa Bay Tapp Rock Taracumbi Taradiri Creek Tasman Park Temira Ternau Park The Gardens The Narrows Thorak Regional Cemetery Thornton Park Thrings Channel Tientebei Beach Tipabina Creek Tipperary Waters Tivendale Tiverton Park Tiwi Tiwi Barge Landing Tiwi Islands Tiwi Park Tjipripu River Tjudu Creek Tomaris Park Tominappi Creek Tower Beach Town of Darwin Town of Nightcliff Town of Palmerston Town of Sanderson Town of Virginia Tracy Park Trade Development Zone Trailer Boat Club Boat Ramp Tree Point Tree Point Conservation Reserve Tregenna Reef Triangle Park Tunganapu Creek Twin Cliffs Two Fella Creek Ungallalalla Creek Unjin Point USS Peary Van Waerwyck Reef Varney Park Vernier Park Vernon Islands Vesteys Beach Vestey's Beach Boat Ramp Virginia Wadham Lagoon Wagait Wagait Beach Wagaman Wagaman Park Wagaman Pre School Wagaman Primary School Wal-e-ga Point Waler Lines Walker Shoal Walter Park Wanganui Rock Wangiti Beach Wanguri Wanguri Park Wanguri Pre School Wanguri Primary School Wanyanga Beach Warankuwu School Ward Point Waterlily Creek Waugite Weddell Park Weed Reef Wells Creek West Arm West Channel West Point Whittle Park Wickham Wickham Point Widdup Park Wilson Park Windirr Island Winnellie Winnellie Post Office Wirrianappi Creek Wishart Wiyapurali Wong Yung Park Wongaroo Point Wood Rock Woodroffe Woodroffe Park Woodroffe Pre School Woodroffe Primary School Woods Inlet Woolner Woolunga Creek Wulagi Wulagi Park Wulagi Pre School Wulagi Primary School Wurankuwu Wurankuwu Airstrip Yanyula Park Yarrawonga Yauwalunga Point Yew Creek Yinanapi Point Yirra Bandoo Young Park Zuccoli Cootamundra Shoal Calder Shoal Cape Van Dieman Radford Shoals Purumpinelli Point Saint Asaph Bay Marloo Woolrungku Harrold Point Patchopra Point Deception Bura Bura Head Murroo Point Wulumathera Bluewater Creek Aliu River Elsie Creek Palawaeunga Bay Mirikau-yunga Creek Caution Point Miungapukamu Gribbles Settlement Gribble Settlement Gwyneth Point Johnsons Point Minkau Putuwunni Creek Gullala Creek Gordan Point Kulaka-iniarimu Creek Euingatingerrany Creek Mioni Clift Islet Thiritji Creek Fort Hurd Euro Creek Gordan Bay Mount Walter Perarkery Creek Morriu Point Mindelu Creek Tungandu Moantu Creek Mirialampi Creek Waniunga Beach Buchanan Islets Tangiau One Tree Point Bonkatji Creek Afgan Shoal Point Elly Howard Knoll North West Island East Island South West Island Point Glyde Point Stevens Flat Top Bank King River Middle Pass Howards Peninsula Night Cliff Koolpinyan OLoughlin Catholic College Marmara Swamp Flight Path Golf and Archery Fanny Bay Paraparap Vesteys Beach Boat Ramp Knuckeys Lagoon OFerrals Rock Gardens Oval Two Saint Marys Catholic School Packard Knob Packard Nob Kitchener Bay Mitchell Creek Middle Point Dooenda Quail Islet Delissaville Delissaville Aboriginal Station Humpty Doo and Rural Area Golf Club Douglas Peninsula The Palms Blackmore River Buttyerahit Roche Reefs