Nautical Chart / Marine Chart

AUS 341

Head Of Great Australian Bight To Streaky Bay
AUS 341 - Head Of Great Australian Bight To Streaky Bay

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If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.

The full Australia Hydrographic Office index of products is available at the Australia Chart, ENC and Publication Index.

This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Ceduna Streaky Bay Sceale Bay Smoky Bay Fowlers Bay Penong High Cliff Colonna Well Chinta Tanks Coorabi Well Edrilpa Hopefield Cundilippy Kutra Water Frostvale Carawa Coralon Chillundie Fig Tree Corner Beautiful Valley Tank Coontama Hut Colona Tank Colona Black Hill Ceduna Hut Congabie Well Eyre Monument Cantaby Hut Davenport Creek Well Charra Well Calca Post Office Mudamuckla Railway Station Far West Aboriginal Sports Complex Alcannabie Well Cannan Reefs Laura Post Office Kooragee Waterhole Mirana Well Muddy Farms Marbra Moyalta Kalka Nundroo Hotel / Motel Pantoulbie Ponkatana Well Nunong Nantabi Sand Nalanippie Well Malangarie Pintumba Hut Sunalia Tarombo Hut Slade Point Boon Din Ya Rockhole Yurabi Well Waltabbie Well Winditta Well Waranda Wells Wilthora Tank Wingara Tank Laura Bay Tank Cheddidinga Cap Soufflet Marnview Cape D'Estees Eyre Bluff Croyiana Granite Rock Kaluna Maltee Railway Station Nundroo Well Fox Hut Yanaba Ceduna Railway Station Nurka Hill Wallanippie Wells Pointe des Capucins Wandana Waterhole Purcell Dams Kangaroo Yard Nanbona Well Nicol Well Charldilla Rockhole Angolaby Rockhole Kudnippie Well Wilkalinsie Well Flinders Rock Kilbroth Well Prindin Waterhole Yooria Far West Senior Citizens Village Daphne Rock Rocky Point Kuragi Telephone Office Inila Rock Waters Uworra Telephone Office Yanerby Hill Eagle Veiw Guddy Well Pilpuppie Well Yumbarra Rockhole Woola Tank McKenzie Ruins Koonibba Mission Inguree Tank Catacombs Cave West View Carambi Plain Point Sinclair Worsnap Camp Charra Railway Station Chilinga Hill Cundiluba Uria Rockhole La Baleine Bookabie Range Malcherob Poringen Well Lone Oak Toorna Park Manandilla Old Hut Urabi Well Pennalumba Hut Cundalippy Well Prongkilla Rockhole Nuyts Reef Poocuppy Rockhole Chintawanta Well Colona Waterhole Bookabie School Wangabina Chillundie Railway Station Chinbingina Railway Station Smooth Pool Purigen Well Corronippie Well Low Point Prongilla Rockhole Eyre Well Mudamuckla Hut Muryilla Rock Pokerby Hut Little Well Mirani Well Catch Tank Wantiby Hill Tallala Tank Ceduna Area School Main Coast Range Charra Post Office Surfers Beach Tonkin Oval Wiabuna Railway Station Northedge Pronchilla Rockhole Choolbra Rockhole Middlepark Kuragi Plain O T C Earth Satellite Station Coorabie Horse Hut Coast View Cooper Hill Whittelby Point Ceduna Old Primary School Site Pine Grove Waratah Gypsum Mine Eyres Depot Watraba Telephone and Telegraph Offce Merghiny Waterhole Hill Well Coorabie Rural School Cootama Hut Denial Bay Tanks Flagstaff Binalumba Well Chryslers Homestead Chinalumba Well Koppitucka Rockholes Edleba Well Myng Plain Moule Railway Station Merghiny Well Nandabi Hillview Cap Lebrun Cootabbie Rockhole Illcumba Wells Kalanbi Gate Yalata Miltaburra Area School Cape Nuyts Wittelbee Point Murat Bay District Hospital Kidnippy Well Pintie Well Saddle Peak Point Red Well Koonibba Post Office Kongwirra Hill Kilkerba Hut Streaky Bay Aerodrome Freeman Peninsula Yanama Point Eyre New Way Telephone Exchange Hawley Eyre Waterhole Bird Rock Merghiny Post Office Kuragi Moyalta Hut New Way School Nelson Gate Tank Tuchinbingina Tank Cadamby Well Puntabie Rockholes Point Westall Coorabie Horse Well Gliddon Reef Yalata Hut and Woolshed Mount Younghusband White Wells Blowhole Weerona Tank Angolaby Coorabi Hut Euria Well Woodlawn Ceduna Lutheran School Coroma Well Dog Fence Beach Malangarie Well Yanerbie Hill Cap Bon Fond The Cutting Coppadarbo Hill Pointe du Romarin Westall Chinbingina Hundred of Russell Hundred of Miller Hundred of Bagster Hundred of Burgoyne Watson Bluff Moornaba Rock Tivin Kimel Koppitucka Waterhole Hundred of Bice Hundred of Bonython Hundred of Moule Hundred of Hague Hundred of Lucy Hundred of Cohen Ilgamba Petrel Bay Baie Lemonier Penong Rural School Boondina Conservation Park Point Bell Conservation Park Nuyts Archipelago Marine Park Port Vine Lake Larson Les Musiciens Hampton Range Mary Acraman Creek Conservation Park Yalata Harbor Pointe du Tisseran Ile Eugene La Rembarde Bookabie Rockhole Dhulanda Chadinga Conservation Reserve Ile Talleyrand Scott Bay De Cres Bay Baie des Herissons Kirkala Tiliqua Sunrise Coorabie Post Office Nerbin Well Maildaburra Kolona Coroona Hut Coppudurba Hill Windy Ridge Yanerbie Hut Nallanippi Well Pondola Franklin Islands Ile Caroline Ile des Olives Edrilpa Wells Yanera Tarombo Bogati McKenzie Mudamuckla Cape Blanche Purdie Islands Ile Pauline Iles du Geographe Ile Richelieu Baird Bay Wiabuna Breakwater Island White Well Wangunyah Sandhills Eyre Island Le Pacifique Ceduna South Coorabie Wandana Smooth Island Yalata Roadhouse Thevenard Post Office Dunn Hill Coorabie Well Derrick Landing Little Eyre Island Poverty Flat Tank Murat Bay Tank Athenna Wells Tiverleen Chinta Cap des Mesanges Pudding Rock Nuyts Archipelago James Baird Lake Hundred of Trunch Yanerbie Pureba Hundred of Nash Pointe du Racroc Hundred of Haslam Hundred of Bartlett Chatana Wells Speeds Point Highview Wahgunyah Conservation Reserve Yalata Homestead Pointe des Bruans Carpenter Corner Evanbrae Kangaroo Yards Meeta Point Cap Le Poussin Freeman Shed Cap Mansard Maylands Sceale Bay Post Office Coorabie Hut Nicol Well Bore Cap des Chauves-Souris Anjutabie Well Mount Maria Scott Point Nantiby Wells Fowlers Bay Conservation Reserve Rocky Rise The Granites Edeloa Well Petina Post Office Ceduna Post Office Yangoona Rockhole Nanbona Tank Injaree Well Enunda Rock Water Government Sheds Cundilubba Hut Pidillie Glen Boree Penong Post Office Lound Reef Puntabie Railway Station Pennalumba Iles St Pierre Ile Langles Ponnunnilla Well Isles of St Francis Cheetetumba Hut Charra Manandilla Wells Bosanquet Bay Sinclair Island Ile Desbrosse Nunora La Navette Chillundie Well Isles of St Peter Ceduna Well D'Entrecasteaux Reef Cap Rosily Tukoma Well Uworra Cap Thevenard Koorabi Congabie Hut Pudrielpa Wells Chinyala Wells Karkara Tank Corner Chillundie Waterhole Bielamah Sandhills MacBrae Urabi Hut Maltee Post Office Pureba Conservation Reserve White Well Corner Isle Rameau Iles des Martins Hundred of Wrenfordsley Tallowan Tank Port Irvine Horse Well Sceale Bay Conservation Park Baie des Charpentiers Isles of St Francis Conservation Park Yalata Reef Baird Bay Islands Conservation Park Koppitucka Well Niall Well Uworra Railway Station Depot Tank Nantiby Hill Hundred of Guthrie Hundred of Goode Chintumba Well Hundred of Wallanippie Iles Montenotte Coymbra Well Cooriji Rockhole Chinta Telephone Office Browns Hill Penong Railway Station Pondola Waterhole Nundroo Tank Plum Puddin Hill Murraminga Hut Le Taureau Wahgunyah Hut Chuttinutta Dry Well Hart Island La Sentinelle Koonibba Yanerby Well Woolshed Hill Wookata Homestead Kidnippy Plain Nurka Hill Trig Watraba Plain Tunraba Well Eyre Peninsula Community College of TAFE Wheatshed Tank Pindumbra Well Waltabie Tank Palpilba Rockhole Waitemata Degraves Head Station Hawks Nest Ceduna Police Station Cabbots Well Chinnilippy Hut Chadinga Hut Kuragi Tank Diamond G Forty Five Mile Tanks Yanama Plain Ocock Sandhills Moolgerie Koppi-Tucka Carrolly Rockhole Noonderu Well Diamond-Tee Waranda Inguree Waterhole Cape Slade Old Station Wells Walthabbi Well Mannandilla Rockhole Yanera Well Tangama Well Yanerbie Beach Thevenard County of Kintore Ile Coquebert Baudin Kalanbi Fowlers Bay Conservation Park Point Bell Sanctuary Port Le Hunte Cap Forbin Anse aux Lezards Black Peak Harbor of Thevenard Baie des Pangolins Cap Motard Baie Murat Pronghilla Hut Nadia Hundred of Keith Pondla Wandana Railway Station Wirilia Tank Fry Well Coorabie Tank Johnson Oval McKenzie Landing Kara-Pine Marumbo Homestead Cap Corvisart Watchbrea Somerset Kevin Chintulda Sinclair Rocks Chinamans Hut Wire Gate Tank Tunta Bald Hill Willora Boree Hut Cooriji Plain Kardiamba Well White Wells Toonabbie Well Cape Thevenard Cantaby Well Denial Bay Post Office Itchalingaby Sandhills Eurea Rockhole Laura Bay Shed Yanerbie Well Nundroo Wadeenar Gaipe Clearview Stud Poondinna Rockhole Coroma Hut Calona Well Laura Bay Conservation Reserve Iles St Francois Tulcola Rock Waterhole Sinclair Island Conservation Park Corvisart Bay Searcy Bay Mexican Hat Carmen Reef St Peter Island Baie Denon Murat Bay Aboriginal Land Pingarla Rockhole Yangoonabbi Cooeyana Hut Athenna Post Office Moule Cheetima Beach Point Fowler Koonibba Aboriginal School Yangoonabie Rockhole Watraba Hut Yalata Hill Fishing Boat Harbor Chadinga Conservation Park Baie Jean-Bart Carawa Wells County of Way Hundred of Kevin Hundred of May Baie du Passage Nerdayerrah Sandpatch Poverty Flat Anse Tourville Wunama Far West Basketball Ball Stadium Mirant Well Pointe Vien Ceduna Tank Vivonne Boon Din Ya Cap des Bourasques Congabie Cape Vivonne Bludgers Paradise Yanera Homestead Windippy Hill Cactus Beach Woolshed Hall Yalara Hill Toonabbee Well Cunderie Tank Koonibba Hill La Boudeuse Denial Bay Pointe du Depart Marne Tank Pintumba Manandilla Rockhole Wahgunyah Conservation Park Karawingi Park Hundred of Blacker Ceduna Aboriginal Land Nundroo Hut Watraba Pokerby Well Cap Dubouchage Beautiful Valley Tank No 2 Chalgonippi Sandhills Port Thevenard Nadia Well The White Sands of Yanerbie Ile Gosselin Goburra Tank Nicolas Baudin Island Conservation Park Hundred of Chillundie Hundred of Wandana Anse Decres West No 1 Island Bookabie Kalanbi Railway Station Eurabie Hut Isles Rubens Chinta Railway Station Hundred of Sturdee Carib Shoulder Hill Athenna Davenport Creek Purdilla Well Puntaby Hut Mudamuckla Tank Cooeyana Well Cap Vivonne Mudamuckla Well Melambauma Well Yanerby Currieifethra Well Fowlers Bay Station Colona Well Jinyalumba Smoky Bay Post Office Point Bell Cooeyanna Well Cap Fernel Illalangi Chadinga Well Pokerby Rockhole Cape Missiessy Murat Bay and District Bowling Club Government Tanks Kalilyabbi Well Wallanippe Wells Cheetima Well Wallanippie Marnview Stud Cap David Cartwheel Corner Coorabie Old Sheep Well Pinong Nundroo Telephone Office Kombera Kowulka Chinbingina Tank Tchalingaby Well Ile Massillon Benavon Boree Flat Lake MacDonnell Marbra Tank Nundroo Post Office Le Sauteur Nadia Landing Malberna La Rambarde Nicolas Baudin Island Goat Island Yalludha Point James Moryalta Port Eyre Bookabie Hill Baie des Saints Les Compagnons Bookabie Post Offcie Illcumba Landing Yanguna Rockhole Tallala Hut Mount Peter Hundred of Catt Hundred of O'Loughlin Hundred of Pethick Pointe du Chat-Huant Waminda Well Cap des Adieux Murraminga Lonsdale Cap Monsard Wahgunyah Well Charra Plain Boree Flat Tank Goondelumba Well Fowlers Bay Telegraph Station Flagstaff Corner Yanibbie Cap du Gay-Trouin Tallala Hill Cantaby Sandhills Tallala Well Blanche Trig Pointe des Cordonniers Oakleigh Yumbarra Conservation Reserve Coronippie Wells Far West Aboriginal Progress Association Tchalingaby Sandhills Saddle Peak Eyre College of TAFE Charoba Tank Worsnop Camp Point Bell Hut Port of Beards Bay Pointe Continentale Wittelby Point Toorna Hut Cuddy Well Nunong Well Portreath Goode Post Office Yatala Channel Cundalippy Tank Coorabie Sheep Well Cheetetumba Well Gypsum Ridge Freeman Tank Marumba Homestead Chintulda Well Twin Rocks Forrest Glen Goalen Rocks Wanilla Hut Cap Beaufort Charra Waterhole Wallanippie Tank Pintuppa Well Pointe Defies-Vous-eEn Moyalta Well Kumbera Murat Bay Post Office Flinders Highway The Dreadnoughts Point Bell Well Searcy Bay Dunes Nuyts Reef Conservation Park Baie Caffarelli Cap Van-Spaendonck Wittelbee Conservation Park Baie Treville Maltee Baie Duquesne West Island Dog Island Iles Josephine Laura Bay Conservation Park Hundred of Horn Ceduna Plains Karribidhera Well Chadinga Hill Soldiers Memorial Park Rocky Ridge Waltabie Hut Seaview Cullanara Well Eleni K Shipwreck Woggurda Karaingabi Well Nundroo Range Pines Way Toorna Well Caroona Hut Hillside Pine Hill Caroona Dam Yalata Well Paddys Plain Pulkatha Rockhole Kalanbi Downs Cap D'Estrees Calca Pointe Sans Eau Sunshine Farm Cape Adieu Blue Hills Sheep Well Cape Beaufort Wonginya Sandhills Baysview Kooringibbie Well Speed Point Kallibulna Plain Wallanippe Tank Half-Way Camp Kevin Railway Station Pronghilla Rockhole Wahgunyah Sandhills Kirkala Well Karkara Tank Jindaldha Well Merghiny Corner Coontlama Well Windon Cootama Well Nallanabbi Well Pintumba Tank Talala Well Iles Labourdonnais Head of Bight Mount Westall Yonera Well County of Hopetoun Ile de Opossums Ile Eliza Calca Peninsula Bookabie Wells Cundalippy Wilipa Wilkalingie Bielamah Well Marbanippi Hut Monkeys Gully Inguree Hut Nantiby Sand Wandana Sandhills Kowulka Railway Station Toorna Tank Oorla Tank Watraba Railway Station Lilliput Island St Francis Island Evans Island Iles du Toreau Flat Well Cundilippy Dead FinishTank Hundred of Pureba Hundred of Caldwell Eubondaby Rockhole Laura Bay Hundred of Magarey Peenalumba Hut Thevenard Railway Station H B Reserve Glenacres Koonibba Aboriginal Land Londsdale Kalanbi Park Wirilya Tank Moornaba Rockhole Mannandilla Wells Round Point Flinders Reef Waltabie Well Point Peter The White Sands of Yanerby Injuree Well Sandlewood Flat Ceduna Airport Nallanippi Hut Chintatumba Matts Point Ile Fenelon Jessies Flat Coontama Well Coast Range Beards Bay Boogabi Old Spoil Ground Murat Bay Kroonilla Rockholes L'Etoile Ayre Island Fenelon Island Athenna School Coondalippie Wallanippie Trig Lound Island Palbilba Rockhole Chatana Puntabie Tank Cape D'Estrees Fredrickstad Duck Ponds Tia Tuckia Eyre Peninsula College of TAFE Fowlers Bay Post Office Madabonna Hut Masillon Island Baie Corvisart Yumbarra Conservation Park Puntabie Hundred of Wookata Number Six Cave Hundred of Scherk Hundred of Ripon Pointe du Berceau Mudamuckla Preschool Centre Old Whim Well Eyres Depot Well Numjikompita Radio Communications Tower Inguree Well Pintumba Well Copper Hill Chinbingina Post Office Murraminga Tank Cumbumba Hut Merghiny Tank Glen Boree Homestead Tarombo Well Denial Trig Colmar Denial Bay Hall Wanilla Well Cap Malouet Beautiful Valley Railway Station Mayland Chintumba Tank Reston Park Wantiby Wells Tulkola Rock Waterhole Colona Spur Pointe de la Navette Corrong Point Bell Conservation Reserve Cap Jerome Cap Vaucanson Shallow Wells Clare Bay Decres Bay Chandler Hill Emeego Noorilla Rockhole Tallala Telephone Office Waterwitch Channel Bilbabbi Well Bob Bay The Follies Coonalimba Hut Undoola Homestead Blefuscu Island Lacy Islands Wandilla Bay Egg Island Wittelbee National Park Nuyts Archipelago Conservation Park Green Tors Euria Rockhole Smoky Bay Hill North Well Cabbots Beach Ceduna Courthouse Wirilya Rockhole Pennalumba Well Eurabie Well O'Loughlin Tank Nullawadda Rockhole Nantuby Well Hundred of Giles Hundred of Carawa Point Slade The Hague Bunyabie Tank Streaky Bay Pumping Station Cap Gerard Yanera Post Office Colona Hill Tourville Bay Koonibba Railway Station Merghiny Sturdee Telephone Office Anse Suffren Le Cabaret Freeling Island Ile D'Apres Yalata Aboriginal Land Coolbong Well Waltabie Tanks Head of Great Australian Bight Union Hill Forty-five Mile Tanks Forty-five Mile Tank Prongnilla Rockhole Torombo Well Beautiful Valley Tanks Nallanippie Well Twenty-Eight Mile Tanks Twenty-eight Mile Tank Green Ant Creek Cundilippy Well Sturdee Glen Borea Chintulde Well Goonabra Tank Wookata Uworra Siding Goode Fowler Bay DEntrecasteaux Reef Coronippie Well Woonooma Tank Charra Wells Sinclair Point Nuyts Reefs Gereeba Island James Point Waranda Well Bell Point Lounds Reef Eagle View Cape DEstrees Cape DEstree Purdie Islets Nunjikompita Lounds Island Saint Peter Island Ile Egene Saint Peters Island Eyres Island Lacy Isles Ile DApres Flagstaff Landing Saint Francis Island Isles of Saint Francis Iles Saint Francois Saint Francis Isles Yatala Reef Harts Island Cannan Reef Flinders Mount Maria Tank Alcannable Well The Dreadnaughts Sceales Bay Beard Bay