Please note that all charts are nominally folded in half for storage and handling as per the marine industries standard.
If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.
This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Cervantes Eneabba Green Head Jurien Bay Lancelin Leeman Aiyennu Cave Anchorage Bay Apex Reef Army Well Arro Lake Back Beach Barara Barn Reef Bartle Reefs Bashford Nature Reserve Battersby Park Baudin Park Beagle Islands Beagle Islands Nature Reserve Beekeepers Cave Bennetts Reef Bibby Creek Bibby Spring Bickers Reef Big Bomba Break Big Booma Big Break Big Wave Reef Bill Wilson Reef Bills Break Billygoat Bay Bindoon Creek Bitter Pool Bitter Pool North Black Peak Black Point Boat Rock Bobs Corner Boggy Bay Boiler Reef Bombora Booka Valley Booker Rocks Bootoo Swamp Boullanger Island Boullanger Island Nature Reserve Brians Break Brockman Tree Brown Bone Cave Buller Island Buller Island Nature Reserve Bullfrog Well Cadda Spring Cambawarra Head Camp Oven Spring Cantabilling Spring Casuarina Park Catamouri Hill Cavanagh Reef Cervantes Golf Club Cervantes Health Centre Cervantes Islands Cervantes Islands Nature Reserve Cervantes Primary School Channel Rocks Cliff Park Cockleshell Gully Colins Break Conover Pool Coolimba Cooljarloo Cooljarloo Swamp Coomallo Creek Coomallo Nature Reserve Coomallo Pool Coonmadodo Swamp Cooper Reef Corner Break Corser Reef Cowalla Peak Cowalla Spring Cray Boat Passage Crocodile Rock Curakineyung Dann Reef Dead Man Thicket Death Valley Depot Hill Nature Reserve Diamond of the Desert Spring Dide Bay Dide Bay Reef Dingo Swamp Dobbyn Park Doug Morphett Memorial Park Downes Soak Drip Cave Drovers Cave Drovers Cave National Park Drummond Rock Drummond Rock Nature Reserve Dry Lump Duggan Well Dump Reef Dumper Bay Dumper Passage Dumper Reef Dynamite Bay Eatha Spring Edward Well Edwards Island Edwards Island Nature Reserve Eelya Park Ellengail Emu Rocks Eneabba Creek Eneabba Downs Eneabba Golf Club Eneabba Primary School Eragilga Hills Eric Collinson Park Erindoon Erindoon Creek Escape Island Essex Rocks Essex Rocks Nature Reserve Fairweather Reef Fauntleroy Park Favorite Island Favorite Island Nature Reserve Federation Memorial Park Fence Reef Fisherman Islands Fisherman Islands Nature Reserve Five Fingers Foul Passage Francis Reef Frederick Smith Creek Freds Beach Freezer Boat Reefs Gairdner Range Gazeley Reef Graham Well Green Head Golf Club Green Hill Green Islands Green Islands Nature Reserve Green Lake Grey Gum Tree Bay Hangover Bay Hansen Bay Hansen Head Harold Heil Reserve Harper Reef Harrop Inlet Hastings Cave Hill River Hill River Nature Reserve Hill River Spring Hole In the Wall Horseshoe Reef Inner 7 Foot Rock Island Point Island Reef Jack Storey Well Jojoba Jurien Bay Aerodrome Jurien Bay Country Golf Club Jurien Bay District High School Jurien Bay Health Centre Jurien Bay Marine Park Jurien Bay Sports and Recreation Centre Jurien Boat Harbour Jutty Reef Kaloyari Kangaroo Point Karinga Katoora Soak Kearn Reef Keoringle Kinchela Pool Kinenabbra King Ranch Kooringa Lake Indoon Lake Logue Lake Logue Nature Reserve Lake Thetis Lakes Reserve Lancelin Golf Club Lancelin Island Lancelin Island Nature Reserve Lancelin Primary School Langford Lawry Bay Leeman Primary School Lesueur National Park Limey Lookout Lipfert Island Lipfert Island Nature Reserve Little Anchorage Little Bomba Break Little Booma Little Looma Little Painted Desert Longman Reef Looma Lower Three Springs Mace Beach Macs Hill Magic Reef Margaria Reef Mcdonald Reef Mctaggart Reef Middle Head Middle Lump Middle Passage Mile Reef Milligan Island Milligan Island Nature Reserve Mintaja Hills Molah Hill Moorba Cave Mount Benia Mount Jetty Creek Mount Lesueur Mount Michaud Mount Peron Mullering Brook Munbinea Munbinea Creek Mungagarra Spring Muran Reef Mystery Cave Nambung Nambung Bay Nambung Caves Nambung Flats Nambung National Park Nambung River Nambung Station Narrow Neck Nilgen Nilgen Nature Reserve North Break Reef North Brown Lump North Dummy North Head North Hummock North Passage North Ronsard Rocks North Tail North West Passage Nylagarda Ocean Hill Old Jetty Park Old River Cave Orton Rock Orton Rock Nature Reserve Osprey Island Osprey Island Nature Reserve Outer 7 Foot Rock Outer Rocks Outer Rocks Nature Reserve Padburys Station Painted Desert Parkes Reef Passamani Park Pats Landing Pearce Reef Pindarita Pinnacle Desert Pioneer Park Point Louise Priest Reef Pudding Hill Pumpkin Hollow Purser Reef R.E. Snook Reserve Red Desert Red Rock Rocky Springs Roger Mo Reef Ronsard Bay Ronsard Reserve Ronsard Rocks Ronsard Rocks Nature Reserve Saddle Hill Sam Reef Sand Knoll Ledge Sandland Island Sandland Island Nature Reserve Sandy Cape Sandy Cape Recreational Park Seatips Seaward Ledge Shuttleworth Sloan Lump Snag Island Snag Island Nature Reserve South Bay South Break South Eneabba Nature Reserve South Entrance South Hummock South Pacific Reef South Passage South Rocks South Ronsard Rocks South West Break Springvale Stockyard Gully Stockyard Gully Caves Stockyard Tunnel Stokehall Downs Surveyors Swamp Swadling Rocks Tailor Bay Target Reef Target Rock Tarra Tarra Taylor Reef Ten N Tern Island Tern Island Nature Reserve Testers Gap Testers Reef The Boomer The Boomers The Coffins The Pinnacles The Tuarts Reserve Thirsty Point Thirsty Point Reserve Three Breaks Reef Three Springs Three Way Break Ti Tree Point Tombstone Rocks Tumblein Cave Twin Banks Udale Vearnlea Verne Hill Villaret Reef Villaret Rock Virgin Reef Viss Reef Wanagarran Nature Reserve Wann Park Warradarge Warradarge Creek Warradarge Hill Warradarge Spring Warrup Pool Watnaby Well Wealacutta Pool Webb Island Webb Islet Nature Reserve Wedge Anchorage Wedge Island Wedge Island Nature Reserve Wedge Island Passage Wedgy Break Weelawadgi Cave Weelawadgi Lake Weelawadgi Well Weld Park Weston Street Adventure Playground White Cap White Cray Bank White Desert White Lake Whitlock Island Whitlock Island Nature Reserve Whittell Island Whittell Island Nature Reserve Wilkinson Farm Winja Wire Reef Wongonderrah Nature Reserve Wongonderrah Spring Wongonderrah Swamp Woodada Lake Woodada Well Wooka Wooka Well Woolmulla Pool Wyip Pool Yanget Lake Yerramulla Spring Yewadabby Spring Beagle Islets Eneabba Gully Eridoon Lake Kings Snag Islet Whitecap Hill Fisherman Islets Depot Hill Sandy Point Green Island Jurien Long Island Vernes Hill Gadda Springs Gadda Spring Frenchman Bay Cervantes Islets Namban River Outer Seven Foot Rock Green Islets Flat Rock Wooka Wooka Wedge Islet Lancelin Islet