Please note that all charts are nominally folded in half for storage and handling as per the marine industries standard.
If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.
This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water.A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Naturaliste Reefs Capel Australind Binningup Boyanup Bunbury Busselton Dardanup Dunsborough Eaton Furnissdale Gelorup Golden Bay-Singleton Leschenault Mandurah Peppermint Grove Quindalup Rockingham Stratham Yunderup Myalup Preston Beach 5 Mile Brook Diversion 9 Mile Lake 9 Mile Lake Nature Reserve Abba River Abbey Abraham France Reserve Abundant Life Centre Adam Road Primary School Administration Bay Alexander Island Alfred Powell Park Allandale Allyn Jennings Reserve Alverstoke Amazon Drive Reserve Ambleside Farm Anglesea Island Annie Brook Drain Anniebrook Estate Anniversary Park Antila Park Anzac Park Apex Reserve Aqua Jetty Aquatic Centre Arden Vale Argyle Argyle Bridge Aries Park Arpenteur Park Arthur and Norah Breeden Park Arundel Reserve Ashford Avenue Reserve Ashley Terrace Reserve Assumption Catholic Primary School Austin Bay Austin Bay Nature Reserve Austin Ledge Australind Baptist Church Australind Bridge Australind Primary School Australind Senior High School Avalon Foreshore Reserve Avelon Avocet Island Avonlea Axminster Reserve Aylesbury Hill Ballee Island Banksia Park Bar Island Bardoc Reserve Barnard Park Barragup Barragup Bridge Baudin Point Bayview Baywater Canal Beacham Reserve Beachborough Beaufort Hill Becher Point Beddingfeld Reserve Bedford Hill Bell Park Bellemore Park Bellevue Belvidere Beach Benjamin Way Reserve Bequia Reserve Bernama Park Bethanie Waters Lifestyle Village Bideford Reserve Big Rock Reserve Bight Reef Bilinga Binningup Beach Birchley Park Birchmont Bird Farm Bird Island Bird Rock Black Lake Blackhurst Park Blackwattle Farm Blackwood Park Blind Channel Blue Bay Blue Bay Reserve Blue Water Lagoon Blundell Blythe Reserve Blythwood Reserve Boggy Bay Bone Yards Boodalan Island Boodalan Nature Reserve Boonilup Swamp Borrungar Park Bortolo Park Boulder Lake Boulters Heights Park Boundary Island Boundary Lake Boundary Reserve Bouvard Bouvard Reefs Boyanup Agricultural Area Boyanup Primary School Bradlan Braeside Bramleigh Breaden Drive Reserve Bridport Point Britton Gully Broadwater Broadwater Nature Reserve Broadwater Suburban Area Broadwater Swamp Brockman Park Brother Valentine Flynn Park Broughton Way Reserve Broun Bay Brownrigg Street Reserve Browns Swamp Brunswick Island Brunswick River Bryan Ford Buckle Court Reserve Buffalo Beach Bukari Bunbury Airfield Bunbury Baptist Church Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School Bunbury Catholic College Bunbury Community School Bunbury Golf Club Bunbury Lighthouse Bunbury Passenger Terminal Bunbury Primary School Bunbury Regional Prison Bunbury Senior High School Bungaree Primary School Bunker Bay Bunyip Pool Burradale Burragenup Busselton Baptist Church Busselton Jetty Busselton Primary School Busselton Senior High School Busselton-Boyanup Railway Bythorne Caddadup Reserve Cajuput Pool Calinup Swamp Cambridge Reserve Camden Camp Gully Cape Bouvard Cape Farm Cape Naturaliste Cape Naturaliste College Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse Cape Peron Capel Bridge Capel Golf Club Capel Nature Reserve Capel Primary School Capel River Capel River North Capel River South Captain Baudin Reserve Captain Toby Park Careeba Reserve Carenda Stud Carey Park Carey Park Primary School Caris Drain Carrabungup Casserley Park Castaway Canal Castle Bay Castle Point Castle Rock Catalpa Park Caves House Charthouse Primary School Chesapeake Park Centenary Park Ceri Close Reserve Channel Island Channel Reef Charla Downs Charlie & Dorothy Coote Reserve Christina Reserve Christs Church Chudderee Churchill Park City Park Clairfontaine Cliffhangers Clifton Clifton Estate Clifton Ledge Clifton Park Primary School Cloverdene Coasters Channel Cocos Park Codford Bridge Cokelup Swamp Colin Ganfield Park College Grove College Row School Collie Agricultural Area Collie Head Collie Ledge Collie River Comet Bay Comet Bay Baptist Church Comet Bay Primary School Cometville Coodanup Coodanup Foreshore Coodanup Senior High School Cooinda Primary School Cooleenup Branch Cooleenup Island Coolilup Lakes Coolilup Pool Coolingutup Brook Cooloongup Cooloongup Primary School Coolup Main Drain Coomal Cooper Ranch Coopers Mill Copeland Ledge Coranderrk Coventry Reef Cox Bay Crampton Nature Reserve Creery Island Crinea Spring Crooked Brook Curtis Curtis Bay D C Foster Park Dairydale Dalangela Farm Dalrymple Park Dalyellup Dalyellup Beach Dalyellup Primary School Dampier Reserve Dandatup Brook Dandatup Spring Dardanup Estate Dardanup Primary School Dardanup West Darlingup Davenport David Jones Reserve Davilak Dawesville Dawesville Channel Dawesville Foreshore Reserve Dawesville Reserve Dawson Park Des Ugle Park Diamantina Reserve Dinjim Pools Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School Dole Bridge Dolugup Brook Don Cuthbertson Reserve Donnelly Gardens Doongin Park Doungup Doungup Park Dowell Park Doyston Dress Circle Reserve Drogheda Park Dromana Duck Pond Dudley Park Dudley Park Primary School Dugalup Brook Dunn Bay Dunsborough and Districts Country Club Dunsborough Beach Dunsborough Lakes Resort Golf Club Dunsborough Primary School Duverney Park E W Moose Kingston Reserve Eacott Park Eagle Bay Eagle Bay Estate East Bunbury East Rockingham East Rockingham Pioneer Cemetery East Waikiki Primary School Eastern Foreshore Reserve Eaton Community College Eaton Primary School Eden Vale Edenvale Eedles Gully Elerey Elgin Elmsdale Elvira Gully Elvira Park Emoh Ruo Endeavour Island Endeavour Primary School Eric King Park Erle Scott Reserve Eros Reserve Erskine Estuary Park Eurokaba Fairview Falcon Falcon Bay Falcon Primary School Falcon Reserve Fauntleroy Drain Fenian Park Ferguson River Fir Park Firnsdale First Rock Fishers Spring Forrest Beach Forrest Park Foundation Christian Community School Fouracre Bridge Frank Browne Reserve Frank Buswell Foreshore Fred Gardiner Reserve Frederick Irwin Anglican School Gabyon Park Gallop Street Reserve Gannet Rock Ganya Garden Island Aerodrome Gavin Gully Geerginup Geographe Geographe Bay Geographe Estate George Foster Reserve George Robinson Gardens Gidgi Reserve Gladys Hill Walkway Glen Albyn Glen Huon Primary School Glen Iris Glenalbyn Glenbrook Glencoe Primary School Gleneden Glenhuon Glenhuon Sportsground Glenone Gloverdale Goegrup Lake Golden Bay Golden Bay Foreshore Golden Heights Good Wood Park Goodwin Bay Goodwood Goongoolup Branch Goongoolup Island Grace Christian Church Gravel Pond Greenfields Greenfields Primary School Greenhaven Park Greenlands Road Drain Greenwood Gull Rock Gumnut Reserve Gumnut Trail Gundagai Guppy Swamp Gwindinup Gynudup Brook Hall Park Halls Head Halls Head Beach Halls Head Community College Halls Head Foreshore Halls Head Primary School Hamden Firetower Hampden Hannaby Park Happs Vineyard Harbour Flat Harding Ledge Hardy Cottage Hardys Bridge Harold Bassett-Scarfe Park Harold Thompson Park Harrow Harry Perry Park Hartley Anderson Park Harvey Estuary Harvey Golf Club Harvey River Harvey River Diversion Drain Haselmere Reserve Havendale Hawker Reserve Hay Park Heatherleigh Heirisson Reserve Hennessy Reserve Henry Sutton Grove Hensingham Henson Park Henty Brook Henty Estate Henty Plains Hentydale Herron Herron Point Heseltine Park Higgins Bridge Higgins Cut High Glee Hillman Hillman Primary School Hillside HMAS Swan HMAS Warramunga Park Honey Park Horseshoe Reef Illginup Inlet Park Ironstone Gully Ironstone Gully Falls Irwin Farm Island Point Island Point Reserve J E Hands Memorial Oval Jack Coyle Park Jack Ireland Park James Richardson Park James Rodgers Park James Service Reef Jane Kennaugh Reserve Janet Park Jangagarrup Reserve Janis Street Reserve Java Park Jay Bee Jaycee Park Jeegarnyeejip Branch Jeegarnyeejip Island Jennala Island Jetty Baths Jetty Baths Park Jingaree Jingarmup Creek Jingarmup Swamp John Butts Reserve John Ledge John Point Johnita Joseph Cooper Park Josephine Te-Puni Reserve Joshua Creek Juegenup Julian Sanders Park Julijoogalup Kabbijgup Beach Kanyana Park Kardikarrigup Karinga Katherine Chauhan Reserve Keith Holmes Reserve Kelly Park Ken Cantwell Park Kensington Kentucky Keriroca Killarney Kimberley Park Kingsholme Kingsley Fairbridge Reserve Kolbe Catholic College Kooallup Lagoon Kooljerrenup Kooljerrenup Nature Reserve Koolyanga Reserve Koomarl Park Koombana Koombana Bay Koombana Channel Koombana Park Koorana Education Support Centre Koorana Primary School Kooroocheang Korong Park Kwinana Beach Kwinana Golf Club Kyeema Kyewong Lady Mitchell Gardens Lake Beridup Lake Clifton Lake Cooloongup Lake Hayward Lake Josephine Lake Mclarty Lake Newnham Lake Pollard Lake Preston Lake Richmond Lake Walyungup Lake Yalgorup Lakelands Lakes Memorial Park Public Cemetery Lake-Side Lakewood Shores Golf Course Lark Hill Sportsplex Laureldene Laurie Stanford Reserve Lavender Gardens Reserve Layman Gully Leahurst Leeds Hill Leeward Canal Len Ferguson Park Len Howard Conservation Park Leschenault Estuary Leschenault Inlet Leschenault Peninsula Leslie Street Reserve Lesueur Reserve Lewin Reserve Lexden Lighthouse Family Church Lilac Park Linden Linga Longa Linville Reserve Lions Park Litoria Swamp Little Harvey River Little Meelup Beach Little Yunderup Branch Little Yunderup Island Living Waters Lutheran Ps Locke Estate Locke Nature Reserve Lockville Lone Plain Farm Longbottom Longlands Park Lorendano Lou Weston Oval Loughton Park Louis Dawe Park Lower Brunswick Bridge Lucie Hunter Park Ludlow Ludlow Bridge Ludlow Park Ludlow River Lynx Park Mackillop Catholic College Madora Bay Madora Foreshore Maidenhair Gully Maidment Gardens Majestic Reserve Malbup Creek Mallokup Mandjar Bay Mandurah Aquatic Rec Centre Mandurah Baptist Church Mandurah Bridge Mandurah Catholic College Mandurah Christian Life Centre Mandurah Country Club Mandurah Estuary Mandurah Estuary Bridge Mandurah Estuary Entrance Mandurah High School Mandurah Ocean Marina Mandurah Primary School Mandurah Public Cemetery Mandurah Senior College Mandurah Shs Ed Support Centre Manea Senior College Mangles Bay Maranatha Christian Community School Marbalup Margaret Glasson Park Marlee Reserve Marlston Hill Marlston Hill Reserve Marnup Marnup Park Marriwood Martins Tank Lake Marungi Park Mary Cooper Reserve Mary Street Lagoon Marybrook Mataura Park Maybrook Mayfield Mayfield Drain Mcbride Park Mccarlie Swamp Mcgeary Reserve Mcgregor Park Mckail Point Mckenna Point Mclarty Nature Reserve Mclarty Reserve Mclennan Park Mcquade Park Meadow Springs Meadow Springs Golf and Country Club Mealup Main Drain Mealup Point Mealup Point Nature Reserve Meeandip Bay Meelup Meelup Beach Meelup Brook Meelup Regional Park Meelup Spring Meeyip Branch Meeyip Island Melaleuca Park Melros Reserve Memorial Memorial Park Merlin Street Reserve Mersey Point Mersey Point Reserve Mialla Lagoon Milgar Street Reserve Mill Brook Mill Point Millbridge Minion Park Minjoogup Minjoogup Branch Minninup Minninup Sand Patch Mirravale Mississippi Reserve Molloy Ditch Morangarel Nature Reserve Morfitt Cave Moriarty Park Mount Atom Mount Australind Mount Cameron Mount Duckworth Mount John Mount Lautour Munginup Swamp Murray Reefs Murray River Murrianda Mushroom Rock Myalup Beach Myalup Swamp Nandoo Home Narbethong Naturaliste Naturaliste Downs Naval Memorial Park Neil Bradley Park Nerigardup Spring New River New River Park Newbury Park Newnham Drain Newralia Stud Newton Moore Ed Support Centre Newton Moore Senior High School Newtown Drain Newtown House Ngilgi Cave Nicholas Soulos Reserve Nirimba Nirimba Cay North Boyanup North Mandurah Ed Support Centre North Mandurah Primary School North Sands North Yunderup Novara Beach Reserve Nukklgup Nuytsia Oaklands Reserve Ocean Road Primary School Olive Grove Reserve Olive Reserve O'Neils Drain O'Reilly Park Orion Reserve Other Side of the Moon Overyonda Palm Beach Palmhill Panama Reserve Paperbark Lake Paradise Paradise Creek Park Ridge Foreshore Parkfield Parkin Point Parklands Parkside Passage Rock Pat & Les Smith Viewing Area Pat Usher Memorial Promenade Paul Garnett Oval Payne Park Paynedale Peel Health Campus Peel Inlet Peel Region Peelhurst Hill Peelwood Reserve Pelican Point Penguin Island Peninsula Foreshore Peninsula Lake Penola Peppermint Dell Peppermint Grove Beach Peppermint Path Peron Peron Foreshore Peron Reserve Perry Park Peter Street Reserve Picton Picton East Picton Primary School Pidgeon Grove Pinconning Pinehill Pleasant Grove Reserve Plover Lake Pobblebonk Swamp Point Birch Point Busaco Point Casuarina Point Charlotte Point Collinson Point Daking Point Dalling Point Douro Point Grey Point Hamilla Point Lautour Point Macleod Point Marchant Point Morfitt Point Mornington Point Peron Camp School Point Picquet Point Templar Polleys Hole Port Bouvard Bridge Port Bouvard Marina M&H Port Kennedy Port Kennedy Foreshore Port Kennedy Primary School Port Kennedy Scientific Park Portmarnock Reserve Preissiana Pool Preston Bridge Preston River Punch Bowl Punchbowls Quedjinup Queens Gardens Quejenup Quforty Quindalup Lake Rabbit Hill Rakoa Reserve Rangeview Rangiora Ray and Rose Fowler Park Ray Bain Park Red Lake Reilly Reserve Reinscourt Remlap Reserve Drive Reserve Rev De Pasy Revesby Reserve Rhonda Scarrott Oval Riedle Park Rigel Reserve Riverdale Nature Reserve Rivergum Place Riverina Riverlands Riverside Education Support Centre Riverside Gardens Foreshore Riverside Primary School Rivervale Riverview Riverview Foreshore Robert Bay Robert Bay Drain Robert Point Rockingham Aquatic Centre Rockingham Baptist Church Rockingham Beach Rockingham Beach Primary School Rockingham Education Support Centre Rockingham Family Hospital Rockingham Family School Rockingham Foreshore Rockingham Golf Club Rockingham Golf Driving Range Rockingham John Calvin School Rockingham Lakes Primary School Rockingham Oval Rockingham Senior High School Rockingham-Kwinana Hospital Rocky Point Rolyat Ron Mort Park Rosalie Rosamel Roselea Roseville Rotary Park Roy Tuckey Reserve Ruabon Rush Swamp Rushton Park Rye Field Park Sabina Nature Reserve Sabina River Sabina Vale Safety Bay Safety Bay Foreshore Safety Bay Primary School Safety Bay Senior High School Safety Bay Yacht Club Sail Rock Samphire Bay Samphire Point Samuel Renfrey Reserve San Remo Seafarer Canal Seahaven Reserve Seal Island Seaview Second Rock Secret Harbour Secret Harbour Foreshore Secret Harbour Golf Links Secret Harbour Primary School Sepia Reserve Serpentine River Settlers Primary School Seymour Park Shag Islands Shalimar Shallows Shelley Beach Sheoak Park Shivery Rock Shoalwater Shoalwater Bay Shoalwater Bay Islands Nature Reserve Shoalwater Foreshore Shoalwater Islands Marine Park Shoalwater Oval Siesta Park Signal Park Silver Sands Silver Sands Reserve Silver Spring Singleton Singleton Foreshore Singleton Primary School Sir Stewart Bovell Park Slippery Rock Smeeth Park Smiths Smiths Beach Smiths Point Soldiers Cove Soldiers Cove Reserve Solquest Park Sound City Church South Bunbury South Bunbury Education Support South Bunbury Primary School South Channel South Coolup Main Drain South Halls Head Primary School South Sands South West Point South Yunderup Oval Southern Flats Sovereign Gardens Spinnaker Canal Springhill St Bernadettes Catholic Primary School St Brendan Church St George Church St Josephs Catholic Primary School St Josephs School St Marks Park St Marys Catholic Primary School St Nicholas Stable Swamp Stake Hill Stake Hill Bridge Stan Twight Reserve Stanley Park Star of the Sea School State Forest No. 12 State Forest No. 16 State Forest No. 2 State Forest No. 27 Sticks Channel Stingray Point Stirling Beach Stirling Estate Stony Point Stratham Park Sugarloaf Rock Sugarloaf Rock Nature Reserve Sugarloaf Spring Summerlea Sunnyside Farm Super Tubes Swan Close Reserve Swan Pond Sycamore Park Sykes Foreshore Tarwarri Park Taunton Vale Taylor Lake Templetonia Park The Acre The Bridge The Bubble The Channels The Chimneys The Cove The Cut The Cut Golf Course The Deadwater The Docks The Elbow The Farm The Gunyah The Hill The Lagoon The Links Kennedy Bay The Mealup The Monastry The New Forest The Paddock The Plains The Quarries The Sanctuary Golf Resort The Sisters The Spring The Willows Third Rocks Thirlmere Three Bears Tickner Reserve Tiger Gully Tiger Snake Lake Tikklgup Tim Shaw Park Timberlands Park Tims Thicket Toby Inlet Torpedo Rock Tounge Sand Tranby College Tranby Park Treendale Treendale Gully Tren Creek Trignell Trigwell Trinity Green Tuart Forest National Park Tuart Park Tuckey Landing Turkey Point Turner Reserve Tutunup Tyne Park Upson Downs Usher Vasse Estuary Ventonia Vernlea Victor Adam Park Villa Garda Vincent Park Vittoria Vittoria Bay Waalitj Park Wagon Park Waikiki Waikiki Foreshore Waikiki Primary School Wakefield Wakenup Walbanga Park Walene Walford Waneragup Lake Wannanup Wanto Waratah Christian Community Ward Point Wardandi Flora Reserve Wardanup Hill Wargoorloop Branch Warnbro Warnbro Beach Warnbro Community High School Warnbro Foreshore Warnbro Primary School Warnbro Sound Waroona Drain Warriwood Warrungup Spring Waterloo Waterloo Ford Waterloo Head Watersun Reserve Wattle Brook Wellesley Wellesley River Wellesley River Diversion Drain West Busselton West Busselton Primary School West Coolup West Pinjarra Westham Whalers Reach Reserve Whistlers Gully White Hill White Rock Whiteman Park Wildcroft Willanup Spring Willendaise Park Willie Pool Willmott Park Willow Park Wilson Park Windmill Point Windmills Winjan Reserve Wisteria Gardens Withers Withers Primary School Wittmore Wonnerup Wonnerup Beach Wonnerup Creek Wonnerup Estuary Wonnerup House Wonnerup Inlet Woodlands Park Worallgarook Branch Worallgarook Island Wright Bank Wunda-Buri Reserve Wynley Yalbanberup Pool Yalgorup National Park Yallingup Yallingup Beach Yallingup Brook Yallingup Mainbreak Yallingup Reef Yanget Swamp Yaringa Pre-School Yerrup Well Yorana Yulijoogalup Yullambee Yunderup Branch Yunderup Centenary Park Yunderup Island Yungarra Estate Yurrigup Swamp Zedora Park Shoal Cove McKail Point White Lake Tamworth Hill Lake Walungup Beecher Point Peelhurst Mandurah Hill Madora Peels Inlet Lake Mealup Big Lake Nine Mile Lake Nine Mile Lake Nature Reserve Mialla Swamp Mornington River Naturaliste Reef Bunburry Lighthouse OReilly Park Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School Picton Junction Koombana Paps Minninup Sandpatch Capel Brook Shelly Beach Depuch Bay Colyoolup Pool Dalling Point Bayanup River Vasse River Broadwater Lake Yallingup Caves Carbunup River Buayanup River Yoganup Pigeon Grove