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Tanfield Ratho Currajong Glenvalley Farm Taunton Table Cape Farm Robin Hill Clovelly Amberley Norwood Inglisdale Riverdale Glen Inglis Barloythorpe Onyx Park Willow Vale Terra Nova Wattle Park Green Acres Fairview Pleasant Valley Ross Grange Rose Haugh Woodburn Doctors Rocks Clover Lea Fair Hill Kandra Lewana Green View Kelvin Lea Winter Burn Wimira Roaninna Greenslopes Pleasant Valley Farm Mooreville Glenview Leura Pinebrae Anidlo Narbro Fairleigh Wharoongah Waldheim Sunnyside Boavista Banyanda High Acres Cascades Pine Lodge Karingal Turakina Greenburn Weona Greenside Westwood Wooden Burn Armitage Bingarrah Springfield Warrego Blackwood Greenmount Oakdale Carmantown Forest Gate Inglewood Idlewilde Wybalena Blackwood Glade Metaira Sunny Hill Glance Lodge Silver Lea Ellenton Ormley Greyfrairs Lonah Laroona Malmaim Sea View Whitton Farm Panatana Banksia Rise Larooma Evergreen The Croft Cooyong Farm Cox Vale Hill Park Rosemont Knob Park Brookvale Springvale Berndale Boisdale Rubicon Estate Westward Ho Mt Lyell Farm Quandeine Tiree Killah Melfield Cornhill Alpine Highfields Thornhill Glenholme Woodcote Willmount Bendermere Fairhaven Innisfree Wi-Wurri Bracken Downs Hollydene Braeside Highfield Cymbrook Omeo Caringal Greenhythe Beaconsfield Beauty Point Burnie Devonport Forth Gawler George Town Heybridge Low Head Penguin Port Sorell Ridgley Sisters Beach Somerset Sulphur Creek Turners Beach Ulverstone Wynyard Hellyer Kelso Beechford Boat Harbour Beach Lulworth Abbotsham Acton Acton Recreation Ground Adams Creek Aikenhead Point Aikenhead Spit Alarm River Alexander Creek Allison Bridge Allison Creek Allison Golf Course Ambleside Anchor Point Andersons Creek Andrews Creek Anniversary Bay Anniversary Point Anzac Park Appin Creek Appleby Creek Archers Knob Doone Creek Doone Falls Dotterel Point Dotterel Reef Dowlings Creek Downlands Drumstick Islet Dykes Reserve Eagle Point Eagle Point Beach Eagles Lookout East Arm East Beach East Cam East Cam River Conservation Area East Devonport East Devonport Beach East Ridgley East Wynyard East Wynyard Beach East Yolla Eastern Channel Eastwood Reserve Eddie Creek Edgcumbe Beach Conservation Area Edies Point Arthurs Head Asbestos Range Ashmans Point Audrey Quilliam Netball Centre Ayres Creek Back Beach Back Creek Badger Beach Badger Head Baker Tier Bakers Beach Bakers Point Banksia Grove Barkers Creek Barnes Hill Barrel Rock Barrel Spit Barren Creek Barretts Lookout Barrows Hill Bass Strait Bassetts Creek Batman Bridge Batten Park Baulds Creek Baulds Hill Beaconsfield Reservoir Beecraft Point Bell Bay Bell Bay Line Bell Bay Station Bella-Macargee Creek Bella-Macargee Falls Bellbuoy Beach Bellfield Bellions Rock Beswicks Creek Betts Falls Bicentennial Park Biddle Creek Big Bay Big Creek Bill Toms Gully Billings Creek Bishton Creek Black Jack Rock Black Reef Black Rock Point Blackboy Hill Blackboy Rocks Blackfish Creek Blackman Point Blackman Reef Blandfordia Spur Blanket Creek Blue Gum Park Blue Rocks Point Bluff Beach Blythe Heads Blythe River Blythe River Conservation Area Boat Harbour Boat Harbour Siding Boats Crew Point Bombay Rock Bonnie Beach Boongala Reserve Borradale Creek Braddons Lookout Bradleys Beach Branchs Creek Brandy Creek Brandy Pond Breakneck Point Briggs Creek Briggs Regional Reserve British Creek Broadridge Broadview Hill Brooklyn Brooklyn Reserve Browns Creek Browns Lookout Bruins Pond Bryants Bay Budehaven Bull Island Burgess Cove Burnie City Council Burnie Golf Course Burnie Lawn Cemetery Burnie Park Burnie Tennis Centre Burntwood Point Busbys Hill Buttons Beach Buttons Creek Byard Park Byes Hill Cabbage Tree Hill Calder Calder River Calder River Conservation Area Cam Park Cam River Cam River Conservation Area Cam River South Conservation Area Camdale Camena Camp Creek Campbell Range Campbell Rivulet Cann Creek Cape Bridge Reserve Carrolls Creek Cascade Creek Cassidys Creek Castle Rock Cateena Point Cathedral Hill Cathedral Rocks Cave Bay Central Burnie Central Creek Chambers Bay Champion Park Chapmans Creek Chasm Creek Chasm Creek Conservation Area Chellis Creek Chinaman Creek Cimitiere Creek Cimitiere Plain Clarence Point Clarkes Creek Clayton Claytons Bay Claytons Rivulet Clog Toms Creek Cobblestone Creek Coles Beach Colgrave Creek Cooee Cooee Beach Cooee Creek Cooee Falls Cooee Point Cooee Point Reserve Coopers Creek Copper Cove Cordell Point Coroneagh Park Cow and Calf Rocks Crag Peak Crisps Hill Crowes Bend Cummings Creek Cuprona Curries River Curries River Dam Curries River Reservoir Curries Rivulet Currong Reserve Dallas Hill Dans Creek Dans Hill Dans Hill Conservation Area Darling Falls Darling River Davis Cove Dazzler Range Deacon Creek Dead Horse Creek Deans Point Dear Creek Deceitful Cove Den Creek Den Ranges Detention Detention Falls Detention Falls Conservation Area Detention Peak Detention Plain Detention River Detention River Conservation Area Deviation Creek Devils Elbow Devonport Airport Devonport Cemetery Devonport City Council Devonport Oval Devonport Showground Devonport West Diabase Hill Dial Creek Dial Point Dial Range Dip Range Dip Range Regional Reserve Dipwood Plain Dirty Bay Distillery Creek Doctors Flats Doctors Rocks Conservation Area Don Don Heads Don Heads Conservation Area Don Hill Don Junction Don Recreation Ground Don Reserve Don River Don River Tramway Donovans Bay Edwards Hill Egg Island Elbow Spit Elizabeth Park Elliott Ellis Creek Ellis Lookout Emu Bay Emu Heights Emu River Emu River Conservation Area Examiner Rock Exploration Creek Fagans Hill Fairlands Beach Fairway Park Farquhars Bridge Farradys Creek Fenton Creek Fern Glade Fern Glade Conservation Area Fern Glade Reserve Ferndene Ferndene Picnic Ground Ferndene State Reserve Fidlers Creek Fishpond Rocks Five Mile Bluff Five Mile Bluff Conservation Area Five Sentries Flagpole Hill Flour Mill Bay Flowerdale Flowerdale River Flowerdale River Conservation Area Flowers Hill Foggs Bridge Foggs Flat Forky Creek Fothers Hill Four Mile Bluff Four Mile Creek Fourteen Mile Creek Foy Creek Frederick Head Freers Beach Freestone Cove Freezers Siding Frenchs Bridge Freshwater Creek Friend Point Forth Weir Forthside Forthside Hill Forwards Beach Forwards Beach Conservation Area Forwards Plain Fossil Bluff Fossil Bluff Conservation Area Grass Island Gravel Hill Great Dragon Greens Beach Greens Beach Conservation Area Greens Beach Golf Course Griffiths Point Fulton Creek Fulton Park Gables Park Garden Island Garners Creek Garrow Rock George Hooper Reserve George Town Conservation Area George Town Council George Town Golf Course George Town Station George Town Sugarloaf Gibsons Beach Girdlestone Park Glance Creek Goat Island Goaty Hill Gordon Square Guide Falls Guide River Gum Hill Half Tide Rock Hamilton Rivulet Handsome Sugarloaf Hardmans Creek Hardmans Hill Hardstaff Creek Havenview Havenview Reservoir Hawley Beach Hawley Nature Reserve Hays Creek Haywoods Reserve Hearps Reservoir Hebe Reef Hebe River Hellyer Beach Hellyer Siding Henrietta Henrietta Plains Henslowes Park Heybridge Rivulet Heybridge Station Highclere Highclere Siding Hilder Parade Hillcrest Hiller Flora Reserve Hiscutt Park Hogarths Creek Honduras Bank Hook Creek Hoopers Hill Horsehead Creek Horseshoe Reef Hospital Bridge Hospital Point Howe Street Playground Howell Reservoir Howth Hyena Rock Ilfraville Inglis Plantation Inglis River Inspection Head Irby Flats Ironstone Hills Island Breakwater Jacobs Boat Harbour Jaycee Park Jefferson Creek Jessie Gorge Jessie River Johnnys Creek Johnsons Beach Jones Creek Jones Hill Jorgenson Street Reserve Jubilee Park Kayena Keddies Creek Keeles Cutting Kelcey Tier Kellatier Kelso Bay Kennetts Gully Kens Creek Kerrison Creek Killara Reserve Kimberleys Hill Lades Tongue Lagoon Bay Lagoon Beach Lake Llewellyn Lanaba Hill Land O'Cakes Creek Langley Park Lapoinya Lapoinya Plantation Lauriston Reservoir Lawrences Bluff Lee-Archer Cave Lefroy Legion Park Leith Les Clark Oval Leven Bridge Leven Park Leviathan Hill Library Creek Lillico Lillico Beach Lillico Beach Conservation Area Lings Creek Lions Park Little Badger Head Little Browns Creek Little Claytons Rivulet Little Devils Elbow Little Dragon Little Mary Ann Creek Little Wonder Pond Lobster Creek Lockwoods Point Lodders Point Londonderry Creek Long Flat Long Reach Long Tom Reef Lopham Hill Lovers Islets Low Head Conservation Area Low Head Historic Site Low Head Lighthouse Lower Mount Hicks Lowries Creek MacKenzies Beach Maidstone Park Maitland Bay Majors Rocks Majuba Hill Maldon Creek Malmarney Sugarloaf Malua Creek Manduama Park Mannings Creek Margaret Rocks Marsdens Hill Marshalls Creek Marshalls Hill Marshalls Point Mary Ann Cove Masons Creek Masseys Creek Maweena Hill Max Harris Memorial Reserve Max Perry Reserve Maynes Creek McBrides Creek McHughs Falls McKenna Park Meercroft Park Mersey Bluff Mersey Bluff Lighthouse Mersey Bluff State Reserve Mersey Bluff Stop Mersey Lions Park Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery Messengers Creek Meunna Meunna Hills Miandetta Miandetta Park Middle Arm Middle Arm Conservation Area Middle Bank Middle Channel Middle Island Middle Island Conservation Area Middle Point Midgleys Falls Milabena Milky Creek Misery Knob Misery Mountain Mission Hill Mitchells Creek Monarch Hill Monomeeth Reserve Mont Albert Mont Albert Reservoir Montello Montello Recreation Ground Montumana Moores Plains Moorland Beach Moorland Point Moorleah Moriarty Moriarty Reach Morses Hill Mount Dial Mount Dial Nature Recreation Area Mount Dipwood Mount Duncan Mount George Mount Gnomon Mount Hicks Mount Hicks Road Conservation Area Mount Leslie Mount Montgomery Mount Montgomery Nature Recreat ... Mount Montgomery State Reserve Mount Myrtle Mount Riana Mount Sunshine Mount Vulcan Mundays Hill Murdering Gully Mussel Rock Myalla Mylans Creek Myoora Park Myrtle Creek Nankervis Reserve Narawntapu National Park Natone Natone Creek New Chum Creek Newmans Bay Nicholsons Point Norfolk Creek North Cave North East Arm North Motton North West Bank Northdown Northdown Beach Northdown Hill Northern Creek Nudists Beach Oak Hill Oakleigh Park Ocean Vista Oldaker Falls Oldina Oldina Plantation Orari Bank Orchard Creek Orlando Creek Panatana Rivulet Panorama Heights Pardoe Beach Pardoe Creek Pardoe Downs Pardoe Northdown Conservation ... Pardoe Point Park Grove Parkers Creek Parkers Ford Parklands Parsonage Point Parsons Creek Paton Creek Patricks Bay Pease Creek Pebble Beach Pebbly Bay Penguin Beach Penguin Creek Penguin Golf Course Penguin Island Penguin Point Perrin Reserve Pet Falls Pet Reservoir Pet River Phipps Hill Picnic Beach Picnic Creek Picnic Point Picnic Point Beach Pigeon Hill Pilots Bay Pioneer Park Pioneers Flat Pipeclay Bay Pipers Park Pipers River Point Effingham Point Rapid Point Sorell Point Vision Police Point Porpoise Rock Port Creek Port Dalrymple Port Fenton Port Sorell Conservation Area Port Sorell Golf Course Porters Flats Poseidon Creek Postmans Pass Potato Hill Poverty Gully Powells Creek Poyston Creek Preolenna Preservation Bay Prospect Ridge Pruana Hill Quoiba Rabbit Island Ragged Islet Ralstons Hill Rannoch Ratcliffes Point Rattler Creek Rattler River Rawlings Hill Razor Beach Razorback Red Rock Point Redbill Point Redbill Point Conservation Area Redwood Bay Redwood Islet Regatta Point Regent Square Reids Rock Relapse Creek Reporter Creek Revell Creek Riana Richard Gutteridge Gardens Richmond Hill Ringers Creek River Forth Conservation Area River Leven Conservation Area River Park River Tamar Rocky Cape Rocky Cape Beach Rocky Cape Light Rocky Cape National Park Rocky Point Rogers Creek Roland View Reserve Romaine Romaine Creek Romaine Reserve Romaine Reservoir Round Hill Round Hill Point Round Hill Reserve Rover Creek Rowella Rubicon Reserve Ruffins Bay Rulla Rulla Creek Ryans Hill Saddleback Hill Saltpan Point Sampson Street Reserve Sandersons Creek Sandersons Falls Sandstone Creek Sandy Beach Sawyers Point Sayers Hill Sayers Point Sayers Ripple Scotchmans Point Scotties Creek Scotties Shore Scotts Hill Sea Hill Sea Reach Seabrook Seabrook Creek Seabrook Golf Course Seagull Islet Seagull Islet Conservation Area Searchers Folly Seaview Hill Second Sands Seddon Siding Serpent Creek Serpent Falls Serrata Hill Settlers Hills Shag Head Shag Rock Shakespeare Hills She Oak Point Shear Reef Shear Rock Shearwater Shearwater Golf Course Sheep Tail Point Sheepwash Creek Sheepwash Hills Shell Islands Shelter Point Shepperds Knob Shipwreck Beach Shorewell Creek Shorewell Park Shropshire Park Sidmouth Conservation Area Simmons Mistake Singletons Point Sisters Creek Sisters Hills Sisters Island Sisters Island Conservation Area Sith Cala Conservation Area Sith Cala Nature Reserve Skeleton Creek Slippers Hill Sludge Creek Smarts Creek Smarts Hill Somerset Beach South Burnie South Burnie Beach South Burnie Sports Ground South Burnie Station South Cave South Elliott Southern Creek Southwell Hill Specimen Creek Spicers Lookout Spreyton Park Spring Bay Spring Creek Springlawn Beach Springlawn Lagoon Spy Island Squeaking Point Squires Gut St Georges Creek St Georges Falls St Josephs Falls St Josephs River St Marys Plains St Pauls Pioneer Park Staggs Hills Stanton Creek Stockyard Hills Stone Quarry Bay Stony Head Stony Rise Stowport Stubbs Point Sullocks Hill Sulphur Creek Point Supper Creek Surf Club Point Sushames Hill Sweetmans Hill Table Cape Table Cape Bridge Table Cape Conservation Area Table Cape Lighthouse Table Cape State Reserve Takone Tam O'Shanter Bay Tam O'Shanter Creek Tam O'Shanter Creek Conservatio ... Tarleton Street Reserve Taroona Point Taylors Hill Tea Tree Flats Tea Tree Point Telfords Creek Tenth Island Tenth Island Nature Reserve Tewkesbury The Buffalo The Carbuncle The Fish Pond The Glen The Gut Thirlstane Thoresbys Tunnel Three Mile Bluff Three Sisters Three Sisters-Goat Island Natur ... Thunders Flat Tiger Bend Tinkers Lookout Tippetts Hill Tippogoree Tippogoree Hills Titan Point Tobruk Park Toroa Patch Trout Rivulet Tugrah Tugrah Siding Turkey Hill Turners Beach Siding Turquoise Bluff Turquoise Creek Two Mile Reef Two Sisters Upper Blythe Conservation Area Upper Burnie Upper Burnie Sports Ground Upper Calder Upper Mount Hicks Upper Stowport Victoria Bridge Victory Springs Volunteer Creek Volunteer Hill Von Bibras Reservoir W J Turner Reserve Walkers Cove Wandering Gully Waratah-Wynyard Council Wards Creek Washerwomans Creek Watch House Hill Watcombe Beach Water Rat Wentworth Hill Wescombes Bridge Wesley Vale Wesley Vale Park West Arm West Arm Conservation Area West Bay West Beach West Calder Hills West Head West Mooreville West Park West Pine West Reef West Ridgley West Takone West Takone Plantation West Ulverstone Westbank Hill Western Bay Western Bay Conservation Area Western Creek Western Line Wet Cave Wet Cave Point Whalebone Creek Whirlpool Reach Whisky Creek Wiena Park Wilfred Campbell Memorial Reserve Williams Creek Williams Reservoir Wilmores Bluff Wilsons Creek Windmill Point Windred Creek Wivenhoe Wivenhoe Beach Wivenhoe Cemetery Wivenhoe Showground Wivenhoe Station Wolverine Shoal Woodrising Golf Course Woods Point Woody Hill Woody Hill Point Wright and Egg Islands Conserva ... Wright Island Wrights Valley Wynyard Airport Wynyard Golf Course Yaxleys Creek Yellow Rock Yolla Yolla Reservoir York Cove York Creek York Town York Town Rivulet Yorktown Historic Site Andersons Creek Forest Reserve Appin Forest Appleby Creek Reservoir Appledore Arthur River Forest Reserve Asbestos Range Conservation Area Ashwater Beauty Point Wharf Bell Bay Wharf Bella-Macargee Big and Little Plain Big Creek Bridge Black Tree Hills Blackwood Hill Blythe River Bridge Blyths Dock Boobyalla Bay Bowens Jetty Bradleys Anchorage Brandy Creek Bridge Bread n Butter Hill Bream Creek British Lagoon Broadridge Plain Bullock Hill Calder River Bridge Cam River Bridge Camp Creek Bridge Cascade Basin Cassidys Bog Cavern Cliff Chasm Cliff Chasm Creek Bridge Cherry Hill Cimitiere Valley Clayton River Bridge Coal Creek Comalco Wharf Cooee Creek Bridge Coxs Bight Creamery Road Underpass Dead Horse Creek Bridge Den Ranges Forest Reserve Detention River Bridge Dewpearl Siding Dial Cliff Digneys Corner Distillery Creek Bridge Don Bluff Don River Bridge Douglas East Head Eddie Creek Bridge Emu River Bridge Emu River Forest Reserve Falls Creek Ferny Plain Ferry Point Ferry Wharf First Little Beach Flinders Point Flowerdale River Forest Reserve Forth River Bridge Forth Road Overpass Forthside Falls Four Mile Creek Bridge Fourteen Mile Creek Bridge Gaffneys Bridge Gentle Annie Valley George Town Lookout Gophers Head Heathy Hills Heazlewoods Hill Hickeys Ford Hillgrove Hogarth Street Underpass Inglis Plain Inglis River Bridge Inspection Head Wharf Iron Cliffs Ironcliffe Road Overpass Isandula Creek James Hill Jones Pier Kaloma Camp Kateena Siding Kerrisons Siding King Billy Cave Lanaba Lees Creek Lefroy Forest Reserve Leonardsburgh Leven River Bridge Little Wonder Dam Lovett Street Overpass Lowrie Creek Maidstone Mannings Jetty Marums Flat Maweena Maweena Station McGaw Pier Mersey Light Miners Row Mount Albany Mount Asbestos Mount Edgecombe Mount Ossa Mount Pelion North Head Northdown Plain Ocean Wharf Oldina Forest Reserve Oyster Banks Panatana Rivulet Bridge Pardoe Creek Bridge Parishs Boat Harbour Patcham Penguin Creek Bridge Penguin Ironcliff Off Ramp Underpas Pine Main Road Overpass Pine Road Overpass Pipers River Bridge Point Flinders Port Maldon Preolenna Tramway Primrose Park Pruana Pruana Forest Reserve Riversdale Siding Rocky Cape Station Saddle Plain Saxons Creek Seabrook Creek Bridge Settlers Range Shakespeare Crag Shakespeare Hills Forest Reserve Sharp Peak She Oak Hill Shell Beach Shoal Bay Sloop Rock Soldiers Point South Calder South Road Overpass Specimen Hill Spring Plain Stotts Plain Streets Creek Sulphur Creek Bridge Takone Trig Tanker Wharf Ten Mile Creek Terrylands The Dazzler The Dragon The Punchbowl The Saddle The Spillway Tippogoree Hills Forest Reserve Traceys Hill Tullamona Creek Bridge Upper Flowerdale Veteran Common Walkers Creek Wenvoe West Bank West Calder West Devonport White Hills Wilson Creek Bridge Wivenhoe Rail Underpass Woodrising Woody Sugarloaf Wybia Spit Wyetts Tram Wynyard Reservoir Rocky Head Port Latta Detension River Sisters Islands The Two Sisters The Sisters Barranjoie Island Tenth Islet Allen Allen Siding River Inglis Watts Siding Watt Black Rock Tam OShanter Creek Conservation Area Tam OShanter Bay Currie River Shakespear Hills Currie Rivulet Junction Creek Deep Creek Penrabbel Tamar River Pilots Boat Harbour Slaty Creek Boobyalla Blythe Siding Blythe She-Oak Point Buffalo Hill Sugarloaf Dipwood Mountain Oldin Heybridge Creek Georgetown Mooreville Road Point Sorrell Penguin Ironcliff Off Ramp Underpass Three Sisters-Goat Island Nature Reserve Port Sorrell Lauriston Creek Wright and Egg Islands Conservation Area Ridgeley Pine Road West Mount Montgomery Nature Recreation Area River Leven Buttons Rivulet Pardoe Northdown Conservation Area Lyons River Eastern Creek Keith River Saint Joseph River West Ridgeley Ridgeley Station Methanga Gawler River Clayton Rivulet River Forth River Don Mersey River Port Frederick Muddy Creek North East Bay Brown Creek Anderson Creek Small Creek Aitkenhead Spit Devenport Camenana Adam Creek Adam Rivulet Kerrison Sassafras Creek Westey Vale Hamilton on Forth River Saint Mary Cateena The Dazzier Middle Arm Creek Drumstick Island Redwood Island Whirlpool Rock