Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 5832

GA 5832 - Cungena

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Poochera Deep Well Cocunda Rockhole Coolatie Well Frampton Well Fabian Well Mount Jane Hope Downs Koppa Tank Moorkitabie Moodliga Dam Parla Peak Tarlton Sub-Station Whichalby Hut Whichelby Well Walpuntaby Tank Karcultaby Area School Mackardi Waukalooriba Well Columbo Tank Yandra Hut Poochera Post Office Cungena Sams Tank Kaldoonera Tank Emerald Rise Leopold Hut Caddeba Hill Yandra Well Middle Well Wychelby Pemunary Well Crowharven Condooringie Hut Kattata Well Limestone Waterhole Gilligans Dam Moorkitabie Well Black Hill Whichelby Hut Bucks Hut Well Inkster Karcultaby Homestead Tootla Columba Hut Cudilba Tank Kimbennie Poochera Hill Poochera Tank Fairview Walpuntaby Well Rooland Kuddleba Old Well Hundred of Murray Hundred of Inkster Hundred of Campbell Poochera Rural School Narcultie Well Chilpenunda School Chilpanunda Hill-View Poochera Railway Station Mad Bull Plains Karbingie Well Kottata Well Karcultaby Goolata Well Karcultaby Railway Station Kildalton Yandra Tootla Well Eulaby Rockhole Challner Well Parraba Moorcitabie Well Roo-Land-Glen Kalbrae Ulibbie Kaldoonera Plain Coolibah Condooringie Well Waurkagie Well Hill View Old Cungena Moodlica Tank Moorkitabie Sub-Station Columba Tank Moorcitabie Moodlica Dam Kambala Tank Driscoll Bore Chandada Railway Station Kuddleba Hut Hundred of Cungena Old Bucks Hut Well Kaldietha Tootla Post Office Whichelby Inkster Post Office Wattle Hill Perrigillie Well Chandana Well County of Robinson Makitabee Well Chandada Post Office Moodlica Well Glenoak Kapindie Well Pollilia Well Pilleroo Tanks Pine Tank Wurkagie Well Kuddleba Tank Lynch Well Moodliga Well Hundred of Tarlton Condada Hill MacBrae Parla Tank Chilpenunda Well Cungena School Hundred of Moorkitabie Kaldoonera Hill Old Kamballa Tank Cungena Post Office Cuddaba Well Chandada Homestead Yandra Tank Cungena Railway Station Chilpenunda Station Three Day Bore Red Flat Bore Juba Well Conglima Plain Whichalby Well Colba Sub Station Challner Cumbray Round Well Kaldoonera Hundred of Karcultaby Capietha Railway Station Nylor Park Conglima Wirrina Well Parla-Peak Challner Hut Murrominga Rockholes Bucks Hut Nyalls Well Waukalooriba Eulabie Rocks Parraba Well Coolata Well Parla Dam Tootla Tank Deep Well Tank Poochera Primary School Choontana Well Sandhill Well Old Lambing Paddock Well Moodlika Dam Mac Brae Inkster Telephone Office Chilbona Plain Capietha Chilpenudla Well Leopold Tank West Wood Leopold Shed Chandada Well Hundred of Chandada Gawler View Old Parraba Station Chandada Chilpanunda Tank Cranbry Tank Benbarber Well