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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Boundary Well Nonning Kimboo Peterlumbo Dam Burrows Dam Ultima Dam Myall Glynde Pilepudla Well Oak Vale Moora Well Large Tank Pinkawillinie Reservoir Mininnie Dam Menninnie Well Nonning Sheep Well Doreen Dam Grantham Dam Wilcherry Hill Pilepudla Catch Weednanna Dam Boundary Gate Menninnie Dam Lake Flora Dam Hansborough Dam Gunter Dam Huntys Dam Cunyarie Dam Eucarro Wall Pinkawillinie Water Conservation Reserve Mosquito Well Buckinie Cortlinye Railway Station Wirrigenda Well Wodalla Dam Richards Bore Karinya White Dam Hundred of Buckleboo Ucarro Well Pat Dam Wirrigenda Hill Peterlumbo Well Menninnie Tank Cunyarie Railway Station Swamp Dam Mount Freeling Victory Dam Wilcherry Homestead Yaltana Bore Yeltanna Hill Peterlumbo Hill Moongi Conservation Reserve South Houlderoo Dam Hamp Hut Buckleboo Tank Ram Well Duck Dam Wattle Grove Buckleboo Rockhole Black Hill New One Mile Dam Muratchina Hill Buckleboo Post Office Back Country Tank Jack Yard Yeltanna Bore Helen Dam Ancatna Dam Horse Well Redding Dam Hampden Dam Cunyarie Buckleboo Cunyari Conservation Reserve Front Bore Weednana Dam Botenella Ranges Hamp Tank Maurice Dam West Black Hill Dam Pinkawillinie Hall Fresh Well Ramsay Dam Ucarro Hill Wirrigenda Dam Wudinna Hill Boundary Dam Pinkawillinie Reservoir Conservation Reserve Willows Dam Ancatna Hill Moongi Division Gate Buckelboo Conservation Reserve Erehwon Yeltanna Well Coatlenye Water Moongi Railway Station Blackwood Dam Yannabie Dam Larwood Dam Eucarro Hill Wilcherry Hut Buckleboo Hut Weednanna Hill Bittali Dam Garden Dam Nugent Bore One Mile Dam Myall Glin Joruland Nankivel Dam Unabbee Rockwater Bullock Water Dam Yaltana Well Moongi Reservoir Referendum Dam Cunyarie Rocks Back Bore Oakland Granite Rocks East Peterlumbo Dam Hawson Hut Botenella Hills Warachina Hill Oak Park Six Mile Dam Peterlumbo Hills Boundary Tank Cunyarie Rockholes Rockwater Hill Mosquito Catch Coralbignie Outstation Burrows Yard Yannabie Well Wudinna Dam Yeltana Hill Wangoraloedie Ronvale Buckleboo Railway Station MacKay Dam Cortlinye Water Buller Dam Seven Mile Dam Yeltana Well Wilcherry Tank Nonning Well Moseley Nobs Maurice Wall Oxys Bore Buckleboo Springs Wilcherry Dam Oxys Dam Black Tank Buckleboo Hall Ancatna Well Country Life Pilepudla Dam Yannabie Rockholes Old Wilcherry Homestead Number Three Cuba Bore Little Billy Dam Coralbignie Hut Hundred of Cunyarie Yeltana Conflagration Dam White Australia Dam Janalea Moora Catch Mount Ive Gate Watson Dam Cunyarie School Emu Rocks Yeltana Bore Moongi School Old Woolshed Freeling Range Nonning Gate Hamp Well Ucarro Dam Wilcherry Botenella Native Well Coralbignie Out Station Coralbignie Coralbignie Homestead Mackays Dam Buckleboo Springs Tank Wirrigenda Reservoir Cunyarie Reservoir Moseley Knobs Pilepudla Reservoir Bascomb Rock Reservoir Cortlinye