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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Kingscote Penneshaw Island Beach Bay of Shoals Haines River View The Fisheries Blue Gum Gully American River Motel The Frenchmans Rock Penneshaw Caravan Park Bulolo Vale Penneshaw Area School Black Point Morrison Point Deep Creek Penneshaw Post Office Presqu I'la Gallissonieve Hog Bay River Willson River Telephone Office Pork Creek Dudley District Hall Christmas Cove Richmond Park Norma Cove Bay View Farm Point Morrison Mopehawk Gully Mouth Flat Freemans Kingscote Post Office Graydon Holiday Lodge Bellevista American River Acquatic Reserve Stoneyridge Brownlow Salt Creek Cap du Geographe Hamilton Kingscote Telephone Exchange White Horse Hill Playford Highway Rolls Point Bear Point Marapana Canberra Wiljean Marsden Trig Gum Creek Loaf Corner Holiday Island Chalets Woolnit Cygnet River Telephone Exchange Kingscote Aerodrome Kingscote Community Recreation Centre Yarrabee Cap Rouge Dova Farm Red Cliffs KI Children's Services Centre Valhalla D'estree Shoal Point Ti Tree MacGillivray Tinline Point Stranraer Karingle Emu Ridge Point Reynolds Redbanks Mount Thisby K I Dairies Goulburn New Lake Tree Hole Lagoon Dead Horse Lagoon Penneshaw Special Rural School Ten-Tree Lagoon White Lagoon Gobell Lake Ballast Head Harbor Osmanli Nepean Bay Conservation Park Kelly Sanctuary William Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park Cap Delambre Boxing Bay Flour Cask Bay Pennington Bay Baie Bougainville Salt Lagoon Presqu La Galissonniere D'Estree Wangara Hog Bay Post Office Pelican Lagoon Brown Beach Flinders Obelisk North Cape Bluegum Hog Point Brackenmore Helyar Hillview Kingscote Area School Cygnet River Post Office Nepean Bay Caravan Park Rocky Point Arltunga Woodleigh Lake Knolls Brownlow KI Buck Hill Discovery Flat Kilmarnoch High Sandhill Dudley Aluka Shag Rock Carnacoo Tea Tree Lagoon Rush Lagoon Harbor of Penneshaw Port Kingscote Lockwood Queenscliffe Primary School Midway H and N Aspro Hill Moreton Buick Point Kangaroo Head Angasvale Point Tinline Karinga Queenscliffe Post Office Willson River Homestead The Deep Creek Strawbridge Point Port of Pelicans Golden Hope Harbor of Kingscote Simpson Conservation Reserve Congony Head Brownlow Units Greenfields Kingscote Sand Reserve White House Hill Beare Point Hog-Bay-River Station Reeves Point Kingscote Racing Club North Cape Lighthouse Deepdene High Barbaree Angas Sunnyside Pine-Grove Bald Rock Flagstaff Lookout D'Estrees Bay Sandhurst Charing Cross Big Conguinar Beach Buick Station Kanguroo Head Point Marsden Lighthouse Hundred of Haines Harbor of American River Shoals Bay Busby Islet Anse des Sources Flat Topped Hill Blue Gum Gully Sanctuary Thisby Trig Pandell Frenchman Head Larluna Strathma Downs Benwerrin Morgan River Cygnet River Grid Iron Corner Kangaroo Island Yacht Club Ozone Hotel and Motel The Red Banks Hog Bay River Station Ironstone Hill Picnic Point Reeves Point Historical Site Dudley East The New Country San Antone Willson River Grassy Flat Little Conguinar Beach Lincoln Green Brigalow Ellson Seaview Motel Baudin Beach Caerdroia Sanctuary American River Post Office Penneshaw Water Supply Baudin Conservation Park Ten Tree Lagoon Tammar Sanctuary Beyeria Conservation Park Kiowie The Spit Kingscote Golf Club Hope Cottage Cape Rouge Tandara Sorrento Resort Cooinda Holiday Village Matthew Flinders Motel Hungry Creek Kingscote Primary School Dudley West The Bluff Table Rock Parachilna Deep-Dene East Stranaer The Tangle MacGillivray Substation Salt Lake Telephone Office Hope Cottage Plantation High Grove Mope-Hawk Gully Hardstaff Shoals Ballast Head Kingscote Hospital Kangaroo Beach Emu Bay Kurrara Sanctuary Boobook Hill Sanctuary Cygnet River Estuary Conservation Park Port Dache Anxious Bay Beatrice Islet Conservation Park Emu Bay Creek Osmanli Beach Penzance Mount Tisby Karoona New Country Willson River Post Office American Beach Cap des Kanguroos Hesso Hut Pigs Head Flat Tooramingah The Big Gully Creek Nepean Bay Lodges Marsden Point Hope Museum Company Point Pigs Head Corner Buick Hill The Hog Bay River White Gum Gully Penneshaw Campus Arranmorn American River Substation Sapphiretown Maxwell Beatrice Islets The High Sandhill Hungry Beach Cook Community Health Centre Buick Landing Discovery Lagoon Three Hole Lagoon YMCA Corner St Austell Taranna Busby Islet Conservation Park Bushy Island Beatrice Point Daring The Cave Sandhills Frank Potts Gully Brownlow Beach Wanders Rest Jacob Gully Old Golf Course Corner Treasure Trove Simpson Conservation Park Sunny-Brae Detroite De Lacepede Cygnet River Primary School Brenton Park Kingscote Point Kingscote Campus Morella KI Children's Services Island Court Holiday Flats Tinsmith Corner Bainbridge Landing Chinamans Hut Tanah Merah Royston Park Anchorage Island Anse des Hauts-Fonts Baie D'Estrees Starr-Haven Stantons Brownlow Post Office Cap Vendome Hog Bay Ryberg House Salt Lake Island Resort Port Hog Port of American River and Pelican Lagoon Fannie M Osmanli Reef White Point Soldiers Memorial Park Wisteria Lodge Motel Nepean Bay Bates Hill Antechamber Bay Telephone Office Felt Hat Corner American River Primary School Dolphins Point Anse des Phoques Troubridge Landing Jetty Martin Quarry Muston Broadway Calnan Well Hart House Mouth Flat Beach Fas Kelly Congony Beach The Ledge Rettie Bluff Hundred of Dudley Emu Bay Primary School Ironstone Arundel Kingscote Preschool Centre Library Haines Telephone Exchange York Farm Arranmore Coranda The Big Gully Linnetts Island Resort McKinlay House Pigshead Flat Hawks Nest Kangaroo Island General Hospital Big Gully Creek Dewars Homestead Birchmore Bowling Club Parade Units Investigator Strait American River Western Cove Point Marsden Eastern Cove Kingscote Harbour Prospect Hill Flinders Isthmus Newland Bay MacDonnell Peninsula Three Well River Dudley Conservation Park Mount Marsden Busby Island Bushy Islet Landing Shoal KI Childrens Services Centre KI Childrens Services Beatrice Island Beatrice Islet Dudley Peninsula Willsons River Reynolds Point DEstrees Bay Baie DEstrees DEstree Bay