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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Minlaton Port Vincent Stansbury Wool Bay Curramulka Wauraltee Sheaoak Flat Black Point Hundred of Curramulka Hundred of Muloowurtie Rocky Beach School-Minlacowie Port Vincent Primary School Minalton District Hospital Savage Hut Penton-Vale Windmill Cave Wildaroca Glenlossie Stansbury Police Station Ecclefechan Harry Hut Reba Don Snook Sporstfield Karoongi Park Fowlers Bubla Cowie Well Beechwood Hall Corner Kooly Hill Minlamulka Beach Wood Red Polls Sandalwood Park Utopia Rams Well Beach Point Roscommon Muloowurtie Reservior Urania School Goldsworthy's Mine Cap Jeanne D'Arc Kangaroo Flat Butcher Well Milner Hut Coonarrie Black Hill Winnup Swamp Glen-Brae Eversley Yandra Oyster Bay Parsonville Rock Vale North Spit Spicer Flat Butchers Hut South Spit Port Vincent Post Office Kooley Wurta Rogers Corner Mount Rat Tank Koolywurtie Museum Curramulka Post Office Gum Flat Lakeview Deep Gully Mickie Well Minalton Wildlife Park Kuriara Dareabold Glampac Hiview Daniels Gate Dalrymple Koolywurtie Telephone Exchange Sandilands Post Office Weaver Lagoon Wauraltee School Oaklands Primary School Ultracowie Hut Oaklands Post Office Pine Point Ultracowie Well Port Stansbury St Vincent Highway Cadd Gully Bone Stone and Bottle Cave Urania Reservoir Muloowurtie Point Mulumba Scrub Hut Curramulka Hut Eldorado Surveyor Point Navan Rockleigh Rose Hill Rock Glen Emu Waterhole Middle Spit Mick Well Tank Trig Rogers Corner Post Office Elanor Syp Home for the Aged Halcyon Stonehaven Ramsay Park Fauna Reserve Hundred of Dalrymple Urania Bublacowie Primary School Minalton Post Office Weaver Glen Vale North Hut Ten Mile Hut Port Wool Bay Lake Sunday Primary School Harbor of Klein Point Burslem Old Post House Koolywurtie Emeego Minlaton High School Stansbury Trig Salt Swamp The Dipper Kangaroo Well Oaklands Shallow Lagoon Pigeon Hole Water Union Mine Warawurae Tanaweal Wells Cudoorowie Lagoon Minlacowie Conservation Park Mulbura Park Pickering Mulbura Sheoak Flat Wells Rocky Waterhole Stansbury Post Office Wil-Da-Ro-Ca Moovilla Kareela The Gap Mickie Flat Yuruga Trig Koongoora Cliff Farm Kiln Corner Hundred of Ramsay Didilyamulka Rocky Point Billygoat Flat Throoka Creek Mallee Park Fairview 10 Mile Hut Ramsay Stansbury Primary School Roscrea Twenty Mile Hut Narama 15 Mile Hut Port Curramulka Hundred of Koolywurtie Pickering Primary School Munduthoo Hill Yongala Cowie Wells Cap Adele Devil Gully Oyster Point Yacca Trig Cadoolowie Lagoon Daniells Gate El Gahila Garden Well Stansbury CFS Weavers Oakwood Harriet Weavers Old Station Broad Beach Mulbura Well Farquhar Jetty Bubla Cowie Wells Shea Oak Flat Wells Kenmore Mulara 20 Mile Hut Green Flat Brentwood Rural School Central Yorke Peninsula Agricultural Soc Showgrounds Muloowurtie Bagnall Well Cranbrook Curramulka Hill Blairgowrie Park Old 10 Mile Hut Harry Well Lindisfarne Pessey Trig Ramsay Conservation Park Port of Klein Point Bookamurray Lagoon Mount Rat Well Klein Point Stansbury Museum Tatiara Hut Spicer Flat Hut Newbold Rambler Bagnell Well Minlaton District School Stansbury Hotel Andervale Boolathurla Devils Gully Lee Well Bayview Babirra Corra-Lynn Cave Cyeema Koondragirta Richardson Well Port Alfred Pink Lagoon Weaver Hill Caller Braes Lamb Reservoir Hundred of Minlacowie Roger Corner Curramulka Well Minlacowie South School Broadacres Weaver Wells Bubbra Cowie Well Dowcer Bluff Koolywurtie School Salt Lagoon Town Cave Deep Lagoon Curramulka Primary School Dalrymple Primary School Cap Amelie Hart Mine Quartoo Yellow Waterhole Hayward Park Minlacowie Naranga Mallydale Sunnyside Duncan Well Streak Point Wirroogalutta Murlong Dynaldie Corra-Lynn Sandilands School Ballater Hundred of Wauraltee Port Julia Sandilands Port of Wool Bay Pickering Urania Post Office Fresh Water Well Seaview Muloowurtie Landing Corrodger Trig Carlowrie Shea Oak Flat Mount Rat Lake Sunday Head Station Widara Curramulka Mine Ramsay Trig Poooleywurtie Seven Mile Hut Minlaton Primary School Moonan Trig Cronulla Trig Fowlers Bubla Cowie One Tree Hill Muloowurtie Post Office Gardiner Well Yankee Wells Bubla Cowie Wonnaburee Murdocks Lake Orontes Bank Washpool Lagoon County of Fergusson Ronwyn North Well Midway Ribo Nioka Minlacowie Well Omaru Minalton Police Station Meninnie Hill Port Rickaby Sheoak Flat Beach Surveyors Point Brentwood Yongala Cowie Yongala Weavers Hill Kleins Point