Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 6533

GA 6533 - Quorn

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Quorn The Dyke Kanuka Creek Willochra Railway Station Mount Ragless Etna Mine Pichi Richi Hut Bunardapoona Well Castle Springs Moockra Post Office Donnelly Ironstone Quarries Bringabeeralong Buckaringa Hill Middle Horseshoe Hut Deep Creek Ingaree Creek Boolcunda Manganese Mine Horse Gully Pettana Gorge Calaprinda Creek Valley View Stony Creek No 1 Bruce Reservoir Gordon Post Office Kanyaka Mine Middle Water Hut Quorn High School Mount Browne Creek Hill Hut Slate Creek Pinkerton Woolshed Kingswood Bore Papoodna Dam Willohcra Post Office Kanyaka Homestead Boolcunda Creek Upper Horseshoe Hut Stephenston Post Office Places Creek Kingswood Post Office Mookra Creek Wirrowie Spring Watts Sugarloaf Hill Watt Sugarloaf Bulcunda Hill Hill Side Mount Helen Hundred of Pichi Richi Hundred of Palmer Yanyarrie Bruce Railway Station Quorn Post Office Pitchie Ritchie Creek Springfield Wirrowie Hut Beldina Water Willochra West Railway Station Kanyaka Hutchison Dam Bellaratta Well Cradock Well Bend Hill Bluebush Hills Uroonda Hill Lower Horseshoe Hut Kemps Hut Mount Brown Tank Yanyarrie Hill Bells Grave Waukarie Well Nowhere-Else Olive Grove Station Gum Downs Slaty Cliff Eastern Boundary Hut James Range Yangarg Hut Itali Itali Church Quorn Primary School Crows Nest Creek Arden Vale Primary School Richman Plain Well Yackara Creek Prices Hill Creek Pitchirichie Hut Coonatto Cradock Bruce Stephenston Wyacca Creek Sugarloaf Creek Hawkshaw Willochra Probys Grave White Horse Gully Boolcoonda Creek Middle Gorge Great Gladstone Mine Blue Range Caltuckie Creek Buckaringa Itali Itali The Comstock Mine Horseshoe Range Mookra Peak The Peppers Buckaringa Gorge Partacoona Gap Hill North Round Hill Mount James Richman Valley Yanyarrie Sub Homestead Arcadia North Hundred of Kanyaka Patience Hill Willangri Mount Arden Reservoir Places Hut Paddock Creek Woodruff Dam Allumbie Coorabie Hill Wiena Hut Boolcunda East Post Office Wootoona Boolcunda East Great Gladstane Mine Eastern Boundary Tank Waukarie Falls Overflow of Willochra Creek Four Mile Hut Warren Gorge Sugar Loaf Hut Buckaringa Creek Cradock Post Office Mount Brown Conservation Park Simmonston Kangaroo Reservoir Quorn Outdoor Education Centre Slaty Creek Quorn Railway Station Doughboy Hill Ingarie Hut Cattle Creek Quorn Police Station Capowie Well East Boolcunda Boolcunda Copper Mine Warinara Hut Richman Creek Balcarrie Hundred of Moockra Bellaratta Tank Yanyarrie Homestead Budlawinipa Flat Lees Hut Gordon Railway Station Monument Hill Hundred of Boolcunda The Horse Gully Stoke Hill Trig Playford Rock Wirreanda Ulalowie Well Acacia Creek Milyarrie Well County of Newcastle Kyoota Argadells Braddocks Bridge Grants Hut Round Hill School Boolcunda Range Castle Creek Sugar Loaf Two Wells Mount Brown Whim Well Beelanowie Well Community Sports Show and Recreation Ground Pateince Hill Black Jack Hill Wiena Well Barrandilkie Mount Arden Papoodna Creek Tapowie Well Hundred of Coonatto Mount Brown East Slaty Rock Papaoodna Well Pichi Richi Creek Coonata Hut Wyacca Range Nathaltee Creek Moockra Tower Bellaralla Nethaltie Creek Bellaratta Hut Old Eating House Round Hill Post Office Boolcunda Forest Reserve Criag Glen Stephenston Primary School Gum Glen Valley Creek Ingarie Tank Crabbee Well Youmera Water Yanyarrie Post Office Coal Bores Ulalowie Hut Bulcunda Hut North Well Moockra Pine-Glen Yarrah Radford Creek Willow Glen Pinkerton Creek Cataprinda Creek Alubibira Creek Willohcra Hotel Slaty Cliff Creek Comstock Slaty Rock Mine Lions Club of Quorn Rural Museum Willangri Well Woodsview Gum Creek Mount Dick Hat Hill Yarrah Vale Gorge Milyarrie Hut Waukarie Hut Wallaby Range The Bluff Hieblat Wyacca Bluff Montefiore Allercumba Sub Station Wirreanda Creek Kanyaka Waterhole Almerta Bruce Post Office Hannimans Gorge Stokes Hill Moockra Railway Station Kingswood Itally-italie Caltuckie Water Loders Hut Washpool Black Jack Range Olive Grove Willancri Kingswood Railway Station Mount Misery Station Death Rock The Horseshoe Range Pine Creek Mount Ragless South Kanyaka Creek Junction No 1 Bruce Bore Nethaltee Creek Lower Horseshoe Well Yarrah Vale Mount Brown Forest Reserve Wallaby Creek Kanyaka Hill Sugar-Loaf Creek Lee Peak Burnt Down Creek Hilltop Boolcunda Hill Watts Sugar Loaf Forster Dam Two Wells Hut Warna Hut Pyramide Hill Richman Spring Kains Hut Two Wells Water Pichi Richi Well Castle Hut Benbaldo Hut Bruce Area School South Flinders Ranges Pekina Creek Mount Arden Mine Ellen Mine Calabrinda Hut Hope Valley Hut Hill Wyacca Hill Dick Hill Alubibira Hill Braeside Boolcunda Gorge Creek Bellaratta Gordon Quorn Area School Capowie Hut Stockyard Trig Hundred of Cudlamudla Lees Creek Arden Vale Post Office Langwarren Arden Vale Willangi Abevale Capowie Creek Tertoola Hut Kangaroo Flat Willochra Plain Mount Brown Post Office Apindo Hut Exeter Mine Yatamantla Hill Richman Gap Calabrinda Creek Ingaree Hut Slaty Cliff Hut Boolcunda East Railway Station Bundalkie Hut Gay Hall Flaghill Keans Hut Richman Plain Hut Stoke Hill Richmans Valley Primary School Yanyarrie Creek Coorabie Hut Moockra Dam Papoodna Hut South Gorge Pyramid Hill Watts Sugarloaf Burnt Hill Uroonda Range Accommodation House Quorn and District Memorial Hospital Gum View Bundalkie Well No-Where-Else Dam Mount Arden Creek Mount Brown Creek Bintheeowie Creek Gilbert Hill Drakes Nob Mount Benjaman Mudliecowie Creek Richman Creek Post Office Devils Dyke Ketchowie Creek Drakes Knob Tennants Bluff Ragless Range Richman Hill Mount Benjamin Wilson Partagoona Old Station Kangaroo Resevoir Willochra Creek The Devils Peak Bellaratta Creek