Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 6632

GA 6632 - Orroroo

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Lancelot Orroroo Peterborough Short Dam Westbury Downs Cavenagh West Greg Duggan Nature Reserve The Deep Well Reserve Dam Parkindula Ucolta Downs Hundred of Pekina Hundred of Walloway Magnetic Hill Wongwa Creek Irre-oopa Creek Coo-owie Spring Coo-owie Hut Merowie Spring Cavenagh West Post Office Pekina Post Office Hundred of Coomooroo Petersburgh Rems Yard Muccra Hill Marice Lookout Hut Murundie Well Hundred of Erskine Hundred of Yalpara Flagstaff Hundred of Oladdie Milkia Water Plain Hut Taminga Kooladdie Mine Orroroo Police Station Buttamuc Hill Nelia Petersburg Tarcowie Hills Crayburn Milkia Springs Ucolta Hill Rye Primary School Yorke Plains Hogs Head Chinamans Yard Peterborough Railway Station Pekina Creek Irrigation Area Wongway Hut Greenacres O'Loughlins Hut White Rock White Dam Walloway Plain Mount Raphael Peterborough Post Office Mucra Gunyah Hut Two Lubra Hut Depot Range Boothainga Hut Old Blackrock Station No 3 Well Mitchylie Milkia Hut Woodlynn Mavisgrove Avonmore Illinunja Water Pine Glen Western Plain Well Pekina Black Rock Post Office Ucolta Rye Hundred of Cavenagh Walloway Primary School Boralong Park Deep Creek Dawlish Old Well Peterborough High School Old Artesian Bore Walloway Post Office Erskine Post Office Manning Well Merowie Hut Dawson Pine Grove Minvalara Yard Eurelia Post Office Kooladdie Mineral Claim Mucra Hut Pekina Irigation Area Freshwater Spring Red Hill Minvalara Dam Nine Mile Bore Koolinda Muckra Hill Peterborough Primary School Maurice Hill Range Bullshit Hill Mukra Creek Murinda Hill Minvalara Railway Station Colliny Springs Golden Gully Hut Wudlanowie Spring Illapimpa Hut County of Dalhousie Orroroo Area School Hundred of Gumbowie West Erskine Post Office Kelvin Grove Willangi Delmara Rocky Gully Hut Peterborough Northern College of TAFE Log Hut Boudaglen Champion Hill Parkes Hut Mount Raphal Yatina Byefield Mindlara Hut Hundred of Black Rock Plain Yalpara Post Office McKenzies Hut Morowie Spring Red Hill Dam Eldoratrilla Moncra Lambing Station Nelia Hut Nepi Dam The Homestead Nithsdale Yatina Gorge Minburra Hundred of Minburra Murinda Well Oladdie Post Office Yadina Hut Government Tube Well East Lawns Walloway Orroroo Railway Station Moncra Hut Fly Yard Depot Hills Eurelia Railway Station Black Rock Hill Glen View Smokers Hole Hut Yalpara Creek Mile and a Half Well Walloway Railway Station Orroroo Creek Boynbolloway Spring Ucolta Post Office Wepowie Water Bambricks Creek Minvalara Hut Mannanarie Hills Black Rock Railway Station Rems Hut Slate Hill Urrala Rabbeo Willang Coothadee Creek Bildawaroo Plain Coothadee Hut Woolyknowie Hill Shepherds Rest Well Paradise Valley Cairn Hill Cairne Hill Minvalara Erskine Black Rock Pekina Homestead Chinamans Hut Gumview Pekina Plain Pekina Irrigation Area Mucra Springs Walloway Peak Nelia Well Reserve Bore Yatina Post Office Buttamuck Dam Coothabee Hut Nepi Bore Isolated Rock Fred Dam Lower Yadena Old Hut Wattle Vale Two Lubra Spring Greens Hut Muccra Hut Malford Nine Mile Well Old Dam Mount Pleasant Clifden Vale Saltbush Dam Carinya Talubra Springs Braestead Mukra Well Yalpara Cavenagh Hundred of Coglin Murinda Hut Nullya Pekina Well Walloway Spring Walloway Station Rockleigh Downs Morgan Centre School Connemara Fly Hut Blue Rock McGee Springs Nanatina Hut Tarcowie Tarcowie Post Office Coothabee Creek Mount Lock Range Yadena Hut Pekina Reservoir Watke-Idna Plain Moncra Well Hundred of Morgan The Olives Pine Well Government Well Youngs Dam Hogshead Range Delamere Hogback Hill Pekina Hut Sheoak Hill Aramaa Dalton Eurelia White Banks Windemere Oaklands Raevale Black Rock Plain Orroroo Cave Dawson Post Office Little Buttamuck Dam Deep Well Dam Kolinda Orroroo Post Office Deep Well Walloway Hut Willanowie Creek Winowie Creek Pekina Hill Deep Well Swamp Yalpara Conservation Park Sunny Rise Manna Vale Muckra Creek Meadow Downs Cooinda Peaked Hill Steve Gap Colliny Creek Hill View Ackland Dam The Bluff Depot Hill Oladdie Lavington Hogshead Hill Pekina Creek High Slate Hill Ailerue Udnawadloo Creek Ucolta Railway Station Woodland Park Batt Ruin Bob Gap Pine Vale Smedley Town Clifton Hills Irrabera Creek Devils Chimney Woodlands Jubilee Hut Burtergill Bully-Acre The Wade Copper Mine O'Laddie Park Rockwood The Deep Well Plain Morowie Hut Coglin Park Hillpara Creek Oakdowns Aramma Two Sisters Urrala Estate Burnt Pussy Mine Golden Gully Buttamuck Buttamuck Hill Pearlahvale Pine Hill Wongway Creek Granite Top Black Rock Conservation Park Oladdie Creek Wepowie Creek Treehaven Rocky Gully Morowie Hill Nisdale Hurtlegrove Hogshead Creek Erupa Creek Minvalara Telephone Exchange Narien Range Rocklea Milkia Hill Dowds Hill Acklands Ruin Weircombe Wardle Dam Boniah Creek The Oaks Walloway Creek Mucra Hill Mount Charlie Philmau Little Mukra Hut Morganvale Barra Hill Amelia Park Wepowie Hut Murundie Hut Maurice Lookout Hut Poverty Corner Pekina Range Mukra Hut Oakclift Bouda Hut The Twelve Mile Yadena Creek Gallwey White Rock Hut Kylmorn Maurice Hill Red Hill Dams Micks Dam Nectar Brook Morchard Maurices Hill Nalia Creek