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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Beachport Magarey Karana Bloomfield Park Bakers Range Highfield Bowen Park Kirriemuir Caithness Para Park Nathalia Avonel Hatherleigh Post Office Cora Don Saxon Katalpa Swinging Shovel Broadlands Scotglade Lucindale South Telephone Exchange Katani Park Boolringar Koringa Elad Tumbe Munda Crower Fernleigh Bilyarra Trafford Como Laneville St Helena Barkala Joanmma Kookootonga Walteela Park Xanadu Koorool Elroy Sebastopol Telephone Exchange Heathfield White Waterhole Kanangra Furner Telephone Exchange Kintyre Deltana Gilchrist Bridge Log Hut Hundred of Joyce Kirkland Elgin Trig Jacob Range Whites Flat Kasad Surf Beach Glen Ray Iluka Cap le Noir Kooringal Shanondoah Kenlorne Native Hill Symon Post Office Woakwine Swamp Killara Bhoodkarna Ravendale Koniak Tea Tree Swamp Fellwood Mount Bruis Sahara Tuggeranong Pearsons Dunreath Muttaburra Jemalong Clontara Carsluith Glenroystan Woakwine Elgin Tullock Kay Park Clay Wells Paynes Accomodation House Churinga She-Oak Hill Symon H Drain Symon E Drain Symon A Drain Kalimna Park Manuka Kalamerna Conmurra Konetta Con Murra Elm-Park Reedy Creek Drain Koniak Estate Kooiak Park Reedy Creek B13 Drain Woblacoola Cave Port William Euro Greenways Cape Martin Red Bank Talbots Omar Allambi Park Boolringar Station Ross Plains Myland Craiglea Spion Kop Cudlamudla Glen Point Kopje Symon G Drain Talara Kandara South The Oaks Nevon Lea Wilbrae Hundred of Ross Drain Kestel Paralands Avenue Flat Drain The Avenue Banavie Lowan Benjean Joyce Lakala Oackdale Midway Inglemar Callendale Station Barnett Swamp Noorla Dalmuir Jacobs Range Fernview Tlyden Marlen Vale Wattle Park Rocky Gate Arinya Plains Boonderoo Kon-Reedy Cortina Gumbrae Paynes Potawita Demijohn Symon B Drain Barmari Finnisbrook Symon F Drain Gillap North Native Forest Reserve Gilbrae Cluain Carawoona Narraweena Konteri Hundred of Fox Fernside Frank Island Conmurra Telephone Exchange The Poplars Hillside Woodleigh Post Office Hillview Beachport Primary School Keera Park Kulka Carrareagh Rosedale Nelgelttaw Kemar Spotshill Comung Bray 40B Drain Hatherleigh Hills Tolatji Symon C Drain Earthquake Springs 1A Drain Mount Bruce Homestead Caraleagh Dunmuhl Yarrum Park Bokard Rocky Ridge Ternlea De Mole Reef Lake Hawdon Plains Old Reedy Creek Division A Drain Lake George Tandarra Avenue Creek Newhaven Hundred of Symon Lovely Valley Hundred of Conmurra Rocky Glenview Clanparo Hundred of Smith Tea Tree Spring Kenlorne Trig Patawita Corella Marjong Park Clearview Cape Martin Lighthouse White Waterhole Native Forest Reserve Montrose German Swamp Whites Heath George Varcoe Cave Sandy Gate Crams Garden Tylden Glenn Point St Helena Swamp Egremont Carcoola Greenacres Frog Island Glenossie Dalmenx Penguin Island Normans Cave Cockies Point Red Banks The Belt Woomera Carraleagh Orana Ingemar Nallamanna Ballogie Barker Range Karong Kareelah Kangaroo Inn Area School Redbrook Caralue Amaroo Hilton Black Hut Hatherleigh 30B Drain Murtonga Roxley Park Broomfield Park Arabin Inverary Callendale Waringal Wilmet Swamp Gundarimbah Biscuit Vale Glenisla Colamay Noorla Park Lake Hawdon Catalpa Garlee Bangsat Hafen Coongra The South-East Avenue Kangaroo Inn Lorraine Carinda Ashdale Furner School Hatherleigh Port Beachport Sneads Island Tanderra Akeringa 39B Drain Pine View Keross Albynside Hawdon Park Narweena Penguin Island Lighthouse Redbank Noramanoo Annan Fernlea Ey Bend Cudla Mudla Erivon Reedy Creek A7 Drain Hundred of Kennion Qlcar Alennside Nevon Lee Woodend The Valley Yarramundi Twinnlee Kareela Yallambee Fourwinds Beachport Railway Station Sneyd Island Wooley Point Chinaman Wells Mount Hope The Mission Mount Bruce Telephone Exchange Penguin Island Conservation Park Glenmore Corryton Park Wyena Aldina Grasslands Christony Konetta Post Office Capella Reedy Creek Conservation Park Valleyfield Stony Rises Yacca Ridge Pleasant View Arunar Hillcrest Avenue Plains Konelgin Finnissbrook Sheringa Rocky Reserve Native Forest Reserve The Blackwood Poplars Killarney Conmurra South Telephone Exchange Biscuit Flat Telephone Office Noojee Kalarunga Gillap Old Bray Drain Symon D Drain Avenue Creek M1 Drain Burks Island Tulloch Tulatji Warra Warra Lagoon Furner Conservation Park Coles Undoolya Park Mount Bruce School Khayyam Native Forest Reserve Furner Trig Fox Poverty Point Karingal Broadview Rossmurra Blackboy Gate Dalmeny Cloverdale Katinga Klumark Birimba Braemoor Wattle Range Kennion Native Forest Reserve Gillap Station Notawurri Park Oakdale Glenlea Avoca Binbroock Alva Lea Earth Quake Springs Avenue Creek M4 Drain Danatti Clovelly Woolley Point Camelback Trig 35B Drain Drenkirk Dan Atti Green Hill Gillap Corner Catalpa Woolshed Nelgelttan Comung Park Gillap South Native Forest Reserve Illalangi Stockdale Green Acres Woodgera Biscuit Flat Kerewong 30B Drain Glenray Bray Petition Drain Rivoli Bay Lighthouse Twinnlea Avenue Creek M5 Drain Konetta Telephone Office Branch Drain Symon Drain Kewlorne Furner Post Office Diamond Swamp Naponda Airdrie Hifields Bindarrah Mossdale Bokara Fairview County of Robe Belt Hill Conservation Park Rayleigh Lodwick Park Terrigal Park Conkar Downs Woodrise Banksia 37B Drain Lossie Post Office Kandara 31B1 Drain Davlyn Park Ancoona Thalford Woodlands Konetta Native Forest Reserve Tregunna Ceres Khayyam Johnhaven Biscuit Flat 35A Drain Reedy Creek K4 Drain Wilmot 8 Drain Bellinger Swamp Drain Reedy Creek M Drain Wilmot W57 Drain Wilmot 9 Drain Bray 40A Drain Drain Reedy Creek A5 Biscuit Flat 33 Drain Bray 44 Drain Biscuit Flat 30 Drain Lake George Outlet Drain F 36B Drain Wilmot 60 Drain Earthquake Springs 2 Drain Jeffrey Swamp Biscuit Flat 31 Drain Reedy Creek Division B Drain Wilmot 6 Drain Bray 43 Drain M3 Drain Wilmot 56 Drain Reedy Creek Division C Drain Mount Hope Branch Drain M5 Drain Reedy Creek K8 Drain Reedy Creek B14 Drain Wilmot 13 Drain Bonney Well Avenue Woolshed Avenue M5 Drain 32B Drain Reedy Creek C3 Drain K9 Drain Wilmot 11 Drain Avenue M1 Drain Avenue Flat K26 Drain Biscuit Flat 34 Drain Wilmot Drain Furner Wilmot 3 Drain Robe Penola Road Drain Reedy Creek Division A Drain Avenue Flat K23 Drain Reedy Creek K6 Drain Biscuit Flat 41 Drain Eastern Division Diversion Drain Sutherlands Drain Drain M1 Biscuit Flat 36 Drain HW Drain M Drain Bray 42 Drain Wilmot 12 Drain Wilmot 6A Drain M7 Drain Earthquake Springs 1 Drain Drain Reedy Creek M1 Robe Penola Road 1A Drain Bray 45 Drain Woakwine Range Avenue Creek M Drain 38B Drain 32B2 Drain Earthquake Springs Drain Symon Drains Avenue Flat K28 Drain Furner West B13 Drain Wilmot 14 Drain Reedy Creek K3 Drain Avenue Flat K21 Drain Wilmot W53 Drain Wilmot 14A Drain Biscuit Flat 38 Drain Bray 40 Drain Biscuit Flat 35 Drain Wilmot 58 Drain Reedy Creek K5 Drain L63 Drain K Drain Reedy Creek K1 Drain L61 Drain HE Drain Avenue Flat K Drain Thornlea Reedy Creek K2 Drain Cap de Jaffa Wilmot 10 Drain Reedy Creek Wilmot Drain Biscuit Flat 38A Drain 34B Drain Bellinger Swamp 2 Drain Bray 40D Drain Wilmot 7 Drain Mount Hope Drain Reedy Creek A4 Drain Avenue M4 Drain Reedy Creek K Drain Robe Penola Road 1 Drain Reedy Creek K7 Drain Helena Swamp Baker Range Camel Back Reedy Creek Bray Drain Jeffreys Swamp Mount Bruce Drain M Penguin Islet