Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 7223

GA 7223 - Balmoral

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Kiaora Linmoore Ashleigh Pines Brooklyn Wattle Park Dutson Lodge Carramar Braemark The Lakes Evecol Carinya Lake Bank Welanda Glen Dale Killarney Gleneden Coolangatta Hollywood Mullagh Wattlebank Changbool East Changbool Fairview South Milingimbi Yarrabee La Roma Pine Hills Montuna Sandy Lands Montrose Glenbrae Dukera White Lake Fernlen Woorak Park Vernie Roo Park St Evins Red Hill Mc Kinnon Park Naranghi Tarqua Merri Merri Westwood Carmyle Carnyle Merina Hillside Koolana Latani Nerrinyerie Salt Creek Misery Mount Frybrook Fairfield Kiandra Salamander Baringa Craignook Elroy Kout Norien Avonlea Glenelgen Redlands Foster Billah Fullham Dundee Hills Babba Mia Thornlea Glanmire The Rises The Rises Cottage Westmeath Doon Gara Chishall Manyata Barangaroo Mountain View Braemar Mount Byron Long Lands Clunie Clifton Lynworth Strathlynn Yulong Mount View Carrigeen Killara Mamre Milton Hill Karrawirra Kurra-Wirra Tuloona Wackado Dunroamin Quaama Rocklands Bonnevista Awain Awaiti Banyula Yat Nat Roseville Spring Valley Bellevue Crofton Park Pentland Scarletts Gerelgrambeth Kongbool Renown Yetholm Chatfield Cobbity Gartymore Fortrie Wilray Grassgunya Kumaon Kengbool Englewood Koolomurt Barrama Seventrees Cumberland Englefield Englebrae Willah Koolinda Fair View Kelso Murrindindi Beltana Byfielda Byfield Nullagong Pearl Ridge Burthong Tandara Paradoo Dewrang Carmona Lynora Noremac Tralee Rock Bank Glenvale Glendinning Yeramba Oak Royal Tirrana Dovecot Glenburnie Glen Brae Armidale Glenbrook Englebool Clonard Erindale Glengoyne Warrack Armadale Burablay Mahnew Park Kalimna Wandyra Springvale Rosewood Vasey Summerbank Merriefields Glenavon Nareen Summerbridge Warrol Ballathie Galimba Woodbine Indi Netley-North Romani Nukara Cottage Cullulleraine Giovanni White Oaks East Romani Glanleam Hillview Rockview Ballara Glenetive Inverary Kilmuir Coorabil Ruthven Woodilee Tobruk Guyuac Cuyuac Kinlet Innisfail Innifail Barnside Araglen Oaklands Dungloe West Dungloe Sarona Deepfields Netley The Gums Nokara Melville Park Parkside Orana Coonara Banoal Banool Blair Athol Avalon Wallabadah Kooringal Greenacres The Wash Waradgery Gringa Doon Gringegalgona Canowindra Wootton Park Dundas Park Quamby Annalong Satimer Wando Dale Mawarra Kerrsville Gothic Park Nundora Patawilya Hyde Park Bundilla Kalinya Willaroo Anna Dale Annadale Moorabinda Range View Wincanton Elfin Mount Melville Mt.Melville Crossley Park Maroondah West Yarramundi Shervyn Brim Brim Burlendi Cherrymount Heatherlea The Willows Lothlorien Mt.Dundas Moonbi Grassdale Woolbrook Rhodaville Cooinda Coonda Garyalan Shervyne The Ranch Boreen Squerryes Thurles Warooka Helm View Pencarrow Glencarron Tulse Hill Maroondah Fleming Argyle Dargeeling Woodlands Kassingbrook Melville Forest Cormaston Mountview Avondale Balmoral Balmoral Consolidated School Balmoral Golf Club Balmoral High School Balmoral North Fire Station Balmoral Police Station Balmoral Telephone Exchange Banangal Creek Bartons Swamp Basin Creek Bil Bil Wyt Jeff Davies Swamp Black Swamp Brit Brit Brit Brit Fire Station Brocks Creek Bruk Bruk Carrak Centre Lake Claude Austin State Forest Coojar Telephone Exchange Corea Creek Culla Fire Station Debwabbin Lake Douglas Fire Station Douglas Public Hall Douglas Telephone Exchange Dundas Range Grimgundidj Range Dundas River Frenchmans Creek Gatum Gatum Creek Gatum Gatum Giant Rock Glendinning Creek Grassgunyah Creek Greens Creek Greens Swamp Gringegalgona Public Hall Gringegalgona Telephone Exchange Harrow Harrow Fire Station Harrow Police Station Harrow Primary School Hassalls Creek Hawwor Fire Station Hawwor Recreation Reserve Hawwor Reservoir Hermits Caves Jeffries Johnny Mullagh Memorial Park Jones Creek Kanagulk Kanagulk Fire Station Kanagulk Public Hall Kanagulk Recreation Reserve Karup Karup Konong Wootong Fire Station Konong Wootong North Primary School Konong Wootong Reservoir Konong Wootong Telephone Exchange Kout Narin Lake Culla Culla Lake Dewabbin Lake Dollanoke Lake Jarracteer Lake Kanagulk Lake Mullangoree Lake Swanee Lime Kiln Lake Mather Creek McGills Creek McGlashin Swamp Moorwinstowe Mostyn Mount Dundas Talbot Creek Muryrtym Nareen Fire Station Nareen Telephone Exchange Salt Lake Old School Yard Balmoral Pawbymbyr Pendyk Pendyk Pendyk Pendyk Creek Pigeon Ponds Creek Pigeon Ponds Fire Station Pigeon Ponds Public Hall Pigeon Ponds Telephone Exchange Pot Brook Quamby Creek Reillys Creek Robertsons Creek Rocklands-Toolondo Channel Scabbing Station Creek Schofield Creek Sugarloaf Creek Tarrayoukyan Tarrayoukyan Telephone Exchange Tea Tree Creek Telangatuk Telangatuk Public Hall Telangatuk Recreation Reserve The Stony Lake Toolondo Toolondo Golf Club Toolondo Reservoir Toolongrook Urangara Vasey Fire Station Vasey Public Hall Vasey Telephone Exchange Wanwandyra Wategat Whittaker Creek Wombelano Wookurkook Wytwallan Yarramyljup Yarramyljup Creek North Lake Mount Talbot Creek Douglas Telangatuk East Whittakers Creek Culla Mathers Creek Pigeon Ponds