This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Petita The Range Wattle Vale Willaroy Monolon Myro Glendara Questa Park Mulga Valley Purnanga Bluff Creek Blue Swamp Blue Bush Swamp Boyds Swamp Canegrass Swamp Five Swamps Hilly Vale Creek Erno Creek Part Of Five Swamp Lignum Swamp Mulkowah Creek Mulkowah Hole Mulkowah Waterhole Multara Creek North Creek Purnanga Dam South Creek The Vee Creek Two Mile Swamp Yancannia Creek Yancanya Creek Dicksons Swamp Yencanya Creek Lower Part Of Youltoo Creek Alto Hogarth Morton Questa Yooltoo Bootra Narumerpy Nungo Wattlevale Pultewera Range Hilly Vale