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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Moreland Whyeneah Lakeview Bunyarra Brimin Lodge Timbers Pine Grove Yarramba Norona Park Bundalong Rock Barton Loyola Carlisle Lonies Barangoan Erinvale Flowerdale Rocky Point Yaam Fairfields Moondi Amunga Mount View Loma Glenvale Wattle Grove Montrose Tarrawalla Old Boorhaman Range View Kanangra Corona Elisnor Avondale Omega Bentwood Killawarra Stud Coolangatta The Farms Woodlawn Bonnie Doune Killawarra Park Bontharambo Richfield Ellerslie Maleme Ramelton Rosevale Maralan Al Paso Clear Creek Loma Langi The Willows Waldra Mooramong Remeura Rockfield Broadlands Oparina Every Eumana Gleneaton Hillier Berilyn Marionella Airlie Balargorang Park Greenacres Lincoln Park Karinga Tarcoora Glenelyn Pelican Fordham Park Elmwood Riverside Taminick Cranbrook Kinrossie Cranwilliam Hillcrest Scrub Hill Moorelands Elfra Elmon Kubanka Home Station Miltara Eumeralla Southernwood Coonara Oxley Park Glendalough Linlithgow Deloraine Myalla Baalbeck Everest Nanala Franronia Strathlean Fayrefield Strathlairn Sunnytop Willodri Mahaikan Clanmount Monymusk Echo Ponds Wendouree Dalkeith Park Nioka Tooralea Dalkeith Glenrowan Rutherglen Wangaratta Springhurst Oxley Croppers Lagoon Dairy Lagoon Boiling Down Creek Almonds Fire Station Appin Park Primary School Avian Park Batchelors Green Bill Eaton Athletics Complex Billibong Creek Black Springs Bobinawarra Fire Station Bontherambo Boomahnoomoonah Boorhaman Boorhaman Primary School Boughyard Creek Boundary Creek Boweya Boweya Fire Station Boweya Primary School Bowser Bowser-Peechelba East Railway Briens Gorge Reserve Brimin Bullers Winery Whitwhit Numbul Creek Caliopie Vineyard Camerons Bend Campells Winery Canaan College Carlyle Carraragarmungee Carraragarmungee Primary School Chambers Vineyard Chick Reserve Youanmite Creek Left Branch Cleals Bend Clear Gully Cod Point Croppers Creek Diddah Diddah Creek Dowdles Swamp Dugays Bridge Primary School Eldorado Eleven Mile Creek Estcourt Factory Creek Fifteen Mile Creek Glenrowan Police Station Glenrowan Primary School Gnarite Creek Gravel Point Green Hill Hills Bend Horseshoe Creek Youanmite Right Branch J A Irvine Reserve John Edwin Scott Water Reserve John Voss Footbridge Jones Winery Jubilee Falls Kaluna Park Katamatite Creek Killawarra Killawarra State Forest Laceby Seven Mile Swamp Lake Moodemere Yarrawonga Reservoir Lake Rowan Telephone Exchange Lewis Bend Lilliput Londrigan Lords Bend Majors Creek Markwood Primary School McDougalls Bridge McDougalls Creek McQuades Bend Merriwa Park Milawa Milawa Primary School Mokoan Mount Bruno Mount Glenrowen Mount Killawarra Mount Meg Mount Warby Murdering Hut Creek Niklaus Bend Norong North Eastern Railway One Mile Creek Wangaratta Technical School Ovens Highway Ovens River Oxley Primary School Parolos Bend Paul Larkings Recreation Reserve Peechelba Peechelba Cemetery Peechelba East Peechelba Fire Station Peechelba Public Hall Peechelba-Bowser Railway Pierce Point Porters Bend Puzzle Bend Reedy Creek Robertsons Bend Robinsons Bend Rocky Point Flat Rutherglen Fire Station Rutherglen High School Rutherglen Hospital Rutherglen Magistrates Court Rutherglen Police Station Rutherglen Primary School Rutherknoll Ryans Lookout Salisbury Falls Sandy Creek Seppelts Shannons Hill Sheep Station Creek Show Creek Spring Creek Springhurst Fire Station Springhurst Primary School Springhurst Public Hall Springhurst Railway Station Springhurst-Wahgunyah Railway Springs Creek Stanton and Killerns Winery Stantons Bend Talbots Bend Taminick Cellars Taminick Gap Taminick Primary School Tarrawingee Tarrawingee Area Primary School Taylors Bend Tea Garden Creek Thoona Primary School Thoona Telephone Exchange Three Mile Creek Wahgunyah Wahgunyah Primary School Wallaby Hill Wangandary Wangaratta Base Hospital Wangaratta Special Developmental School Wangaratta Fire Station Wangaratta High School Wangaratta Magistrates Court Wangaratta North Wangaratta Police Station Wangaratta Post Office Wangaratta Primary School Wangaratta South Wangaratta South Primary School Wangaratta West Primary School Warby Warby North Warby Range Warby Range Park Warby Springs Wareena Park Wilby Williams Bridge Williams Island Williams Island East Woodlands Park Woods Bend Woolshed Creek Yanko Creek Yarrawonga Yarrawonga Hospital Yarrawonga Magistrates Court Yarrawonga Police Station Yarrawonga Primary School Yarrawonga Secondary College Yarrunga Primary School Yellow Creek Bathumi North Prentice Esmond Black Dog Creek Great Southern Norong Central Bundalong South Didah Didah Creek Dowdle Swamp Boweya North Peechelba Town Boralma Yeerip Shannon Hill Back Creek Bungeet Thoona King River Mokoan West Targoora Laceby Station Markwood Makoan Swamp Skehan Five Mile Creek Hurdle Creek