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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Oakleigh Roslea Alta Villa Warrangong Cabana Meadowbank Pine Hill Rockdale Rosehill Cocomingla Lawling Vale Bennet Springs Ceweroo Riversteen Maryamma Alston Bon-A-View Kooradale Smesto Woodleigh Yeronga Clarence Gap Maroo Balla Downs Cucumgilliga Grasmere Jennincona Kooringle Silentdale Kilkee Stud Banoon Westwood Cucumgilliga South Kylie Park Glendon Spring Creek Box Range Stony Ridge Crowther Hillside Kia-Ora Tenahbi Lodgedale Vine Lodge Riverview Winderadene Karoopa Cloverdeene Hillview Willow Glen Barrelli Caringa Ballymena Tatong Glenavon Taroona Bonanza Newhaven Park Strathfield Sunnyside Clonalton Glenview Woolpack Karlee Kenyu Brooklyn Windermere Glen Allen Colo Gungahleen Yundoo Glenbrook Ingleside Channel Little Forest Forest Creek Sunnyridge Templimore Rowena Wirrana Dranoel Spring Valley Dorroughby Tyrone Omach Eurimba Forest Lodge Ballyhooley Claremont Gairloch Khanyunnig Wiruna Hazeldean The Range Narrallen Avonleigh Roaring Rock Balbardie Tara Fairview Glenton Villa Cains Cobra Kyeema Little Kyba Stud Gentle Destiny Bolong Boona Forestdene Doonside Pine Hills Annalee Bellview Amerton Little Plains Westerways Lugarno Red Bank Shalimar Geegullaleng Limerlost Suffolk Vale Gunnary Vale Trenayr Dunmore Noongah Alexander Heathfield Louvain Allendale Langley Crossroads Wantana Willawong Killanear Mount View Oak Hill Willowmere Glenina Tamale Bangalore Hillgrove Glenmore Caramba Mimosa Rockview Hanaminno Kawhia Macclesfield Strathmore Hillrose Iona Summerdale Tiwarrie Beltana Boorowa Koorawatha Back Creek Anns Vale Alton Bakers Creek Bala Bald Hill Bales Creek Bang Bang Bang Bang Creek Barnett Barnett Hill Bees Nest Creek Bees Nest Gully Bendick Bendick Creek Bendick Murrell Creek Bendick Murrell Gap Big Canemumbola Big Canemumbola Hill Big Carramumbola Hill Black Springs The Black Springs Black Range Blacketts Creek Bolter Creek Boorowa Cemetery Boorowa Central School Boorowa Post Office Boorowa Public School Boorowa Railway Station Boorowa River Box Hill Boyles Creek Boyles Gully Bramah Creek Branch of Opening Creek Branch of Walla Walla Creek Breakfast Creek Bules Creek Cades Creek Carramumbola Castles Creek Church Creek Cockatoo Hill Congera Congera Hill Coppermine Hill Corcorans Creek Crowther Creek Crowther Gap Crowther Railway Station Cucum Cucum Creek Cucumgillica Public School Cusack Dananbilla Dananbilla Nature Reserve Darling Mount Darling Davy Creek Dead Mans Gully Deep Creek Deep Gully Fell Timber Creek Fishers Creek Five Mile Creek Frogmore Frogmore Creek Frogmore Public School Frogs Hole Frogs Hole Creek Gap Creek Geegullalong Geegullalong Creek Mount Geegullalong Goba Creek Godfreys Creek Gooramma Gorham Creek Graham Grahams Creek Grove Gungewalla Gunnary Gunnary Creek Happy Jacks Creek Harry Darts Creek Harrys Creek High Hill High Hill Creek Honeysuckle Hill Hovell Hovells Creek Hunter Ridge Illunie Illunie Creek Illunie Range Jemersons Creek Kangaroo Creek Kember Kennys Creek Calabash Canemumbola Cat Creek Cattle Station Branch Cocomingla Creek The Coppermine Crowther Platform Davys Creek The Deep Creek Dwyers Springs Fishers Branch Creek Geegullalong or Castles Creek Gooramma Railway Station Gungewalla Creek Gunning Creek Mount Hunter Range Jemersons Gully Jourdans Creek Jourdens Creek Kangaroo Micks Kenneys Creek Kilcow Creek Kinghorne Creek Koorawatha Creek Koorawatha Cemetery Koorawatha Public School Koorawatha Railway Station Koorowatha Koorowatha Public School Kurrajong Creek Licking Hole Creek Licking Hole Gully Limestone Creek Little Canemumbola Little Canemumbola Hill Little Carramumbola Hill Little Creek Little Plains Creek Lyons Macneil Creek Mcbriens Creek Maryamma Creek Medway Creek Mick Mahons Creek Monteagle Morongla Morongla Creek Mount Morris Mountain Creek Mountain Flat Creek Mount Collins Mount Darling Range Murdering Creek Murringo Murringo Cemetery Murringo Creek Murringo Flats Murringo General Cemetery Murringo North Murringo Public School Murrungal Murrungal Hill Narrallen Creek Native Dog Creek Neila Neila Creek Newham Newhams Creek Numby Nurung Oaky Creek Opening Creek Phils Creek Pine Creek Pipeclay Creek Pipe Clay Mountain Playboy Hill Pound Creek Prings Gap Prossers Crossing Pudman Pudman Creek Pudmans Creek Quigleys Gully Racecourse Creek Reedy Creek Reedy Flat Creek Reynolds Mount Reynolds Right Hand Creek Rock Hole Creek Rossi Rough Hill The Rough Hill Rugby Ryans Creek Saltwater Creek Saltwater Hill Sandy Creek Sawpit Flat Sawyers Creek Shanty Creek Slatterys Hill Smelleys Lagoon Spring Arm Springy Flat Creek Stoney Creek Stony Creek Stringybark Flat Suffolk Sullivans Creek Sullivans Gully Sullivans Springs Tarrants Gap Top Creek Trengove Park Wallaroo Creek Walla Walla Creek Ware Warrangong Creek Warrangong Hills Washpan Creek Waterhole Flat Creek Water Hole Flat Water-Hole-Flat Creek Wattle Flat Creek White Rock Creek Wild Horse Camp Willawong Creek Willawong Falls Willawong Ridge Wommerah Creek Woolpack Creek Woolshed Creek Wyangala Yambarri Creek Yellow Waterhole Creek Dog Trap Creek Dog Trap Hill Douglas Douglas Gap Douglas Range Dry Creek Douglas Spring Creek The Dry Creek Burrowa Dirt Hole Creek Hardiman Creek Koorawatha Nature Reserve Illunie Nature Reserve Gungewalla Nature Reserve Meadow Mountain Mount Baker Spring Vale Mount Hunter The Ranch Congerah Hill The Pine Hill The Little Creek Campbellfields Fishers Branch Kyeemagh Nilgari Goorama