Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA 8630

GA 8630 - Cowra

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Oakleigh Roslea Alta Villa Canowindra Cowra Woodstock Wyangala Atkinson Creek Atkinsons Creek Alston Bay Bagdad Bald Hill Bangaroo Bangaroo Public School Bangaroo Railway Station Battery Battery Creek Battery Hill Battery Range Battery Ridge Bellevue Hill Lookout Bellevue Park Belubula Belubula Caves Belubulu Caves Biddle Big Box Big Pine Big Whistle Waa Town of Billimari Billimari Billimari Public School Billimari Railway Station Bills Creek Bills Gully Blunderstone Ridge Blunderstone The Bluff Blue Jacket Lookout Blake Blind Gully The Black Bull Black Bull Hill Binni Creek Public School Binni or The Islands Creek Binni Creek Bong Bong Waterfall Bracebridge Brougham Park Broula Broula Range Canomodine Canowindra Cemetery Canowindra High School Canowindra Post Office Canowindra Public School Canowindra Railway Station Canowindra Showground Canowindra Well Carlton Cassidys Creek Cat Gully Caves Hill Challacombs Crossing Chaucer Chaucer Creek Cliefden Caves Collett Mount Collins Conimbla Conimbla Creek Conimbla Mountain Coota Coppermine Gully Cowra Airport Cowra Cemetery Cowra High School Cowra Post Office Cowra Public School Cowra Railway Station Cowra Rocks Cowra Showground Cowra Technical College Cowra War Cemetery Croakers Creek Crooked Creek Cucumber Creek Cudgelong Cudgelong Creek Currajong Tank Dalys Spring Creek Darbys Falls Darbys Falls Cemetery Davys Creek Davys Flat Deep Creek Dunhill Bluff Dunleary Elliotts Lookout Emu Creek Farleigh Farleigh Beach Frying Pan Creek Fullers Hill Mount Fulton Gleesons Creek Glenlogan Glenlogan Railway Station Goodwins Lookout Goodwins Swamp Gooloogong Grants Sheep Station Creek Green Creek Green Gully Gubbata Public School Hammills Creek Hampton Happy Mount Creek Holmwood Holmwood Public School Icely Creek Icely Hill Icely Spring Jacks Creek Jerula Kangaroo Flat Kenilworth Canowindra Primary School Canowindra Station Village of Canowindra Caragabal or Barbingal Creek Canimsla Cat Creek Mount Conimbla Conimbla Mountains Cocumber Creek Coocumber Creek Mount Coota Copper Mine Creek Cowra Aerodrome Cowra General Cemetery Town of Cowra Frying Pan Gully Glenlogan Station/Glenlogan Railway Siding Happy Mount Rivulet High Granite Peak Mount Icely Lake Wyangala Laurel Lewis Lewis Hill Lewis Mount Licking Hole Creek Lignum or Back Creek Limestone Creek Liscombe Pool Liscombe Pools Creek Little Whistle Waa Lucan Lucan Railway Station Malongulli Malongulli Sugarloaf Markhams Creek Matheson Merriganowry Merriganowry Falls Merriganowry Lagoon Merrimalong Creek Middle Creek Milburn Creek Milburn Moorbel Moorbell Moorbel Public School Morongla Morongla Creek Morongla Creek Cemetery Mountain Creek Mountain Gully Mount Icely Creek Mount McDonald Village of Mount Mcdonald The Mount Mulyan Mulyan Public School Nanami Nanami Tank Nargong Nargong Railway Station Needles Gap Nettley Corner Nettley Flat Newham Bay Noonbinna North Logan Noyeau Dam Noyeau Hollow Nyrang Creek Nyrang Creek Platform Nyrang Creek Railway Station Nyrang Creek Station Oaky Creek Oaky Gully Oaky Ridge Oaky Spur Pine Mount Pine Mountain Pipe Line Creek Pipeline Gully Mount Porter Purfleet Bluff Red Creek Red Gully Rocky Hill The Rocky Hill Pinnacle Rocky Peak Rocky Pinnacle Rothery Round Hill Sandy Creek Sawpit Creek Sawpit Gully Sheet of Bark Creek Smiggins Creek Soldiers Mountain Spencers Flat Creek Spring Creek Spring Gully Spring Vale Creek Steel Head Stockyard Creek Stony Creek Stony Gully Sugarloaf Creek Sugarloaf Mountain Swan Ponds Swan Ponds Railway Station Taplow Flat Taragala Park Tenandra Tenandra Creek Tenandra Knob The Large Flat The Needles The Nob The Stockyard Gully Creek The Sugarloaf Third Angle Flat The Third Angle Tintern Walli Walli Caves Warrangong Warwick Waterfall Creek Wattamondara Wattamondara Railway Station Village of Wattamondara Waugoola Waugoola Creek Waugoola Railway Station Westville Westville Public School Whistle Waa Creek The Whistlewaa The Wistle Waa The Wistle Wau Woods Flat Creek Woodstock Cemetery Woodstock Post Office Woodstock Railway Station Woodstock Well Wyangala Dam Wyangala Dam Public School Wyangala Dam Village/Wyangala Village Wyangla Public School Wynnefield Yarra Creek Mount York Bumbaldry Mount Dribendrew Buramburangal Cowra Reservoir Holman Place School Village of South Canowindra The Sandy Falls West Cowra Recreation Ground Pipe Clay Creek The Knob Mandurama Pennyroyal Mount Cole Canomodine Creek Narambon Gum Creek Panuara Rivulet Panuara Creek Papuara Rivulet Molongulli Muroomba Mount Lewis Nargorg Koorawatha Creek Back Creek Canimbla Big Pine Mountain The Pine Mountain Cowra West Padua Neila Creek Hovells Creek Boorowa River Wyangala Reservoir Glenella Alston