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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Learmonth 1 Mile Soak Well 10 Mile Well 14 Mile Well 16 Mile Well 184 Well 2 Mile Well 3 Mile Well 4 Mile Bore 4 Mile Well 5 Mile Well 6 Mile Well 9 Mile Well Aerodrome Well Aeroplane Well Airey Pool Anaconda Well Arabella Hill Artesian Well Babbanjung Pool Badjirrajirra Creek Balchara Pool Balchara Well Bardi Well Barkatangee Pool Barkatangee Well Barlathun Hill Barlathun Well Barradale Barradale Pool Bay of Rest Beavan Well Bennett Shoal Bennett Well Billy Wells Birthday Creek Bobs Well Boongerooda Clayhole Bruboodjoo Point Buchanan Well Bullajacka Well Bullandarra Well Bullara Bulldut Tank Bullendarra Well Bullrush Well Bullvalley Well Bunbury Bore Bungarra Dam Burnside Island Burrows Bore Byrnes Well Camel Paddock Well Camp Hill Campbell Shoal Camplin Shoal Cape Range Cape Range National Park Cape Range No. 2 Oil Well Carter Hill Cave Well Cheetara Rock Cheetarra Well No. 1 Cheetarra Well No. 2 Cement Well Cement Well No. 1 Cement Well No. 2 Centenary Bore Centipede Hill Centipede Well Central Hill Chabjuwardoo Bay Claypan Bore Claypan Well Coast Bore Coast Hill Cody Shoal Coffees Well Collins Well Coober Peedy Mine Cooper Shoal Cork Tree Well Corner Bore Corner Well Coronation Bore Crayfish Reef Cronk Well Crow Plain Well Cunuloo Pool Cunuloo Well C-Y Creek Cyclone Bore Daly Hill Deep Well Desert Tank & Bore Didos Bore Dingo Well Dons Bore Doole Island Doublet Hill Dunns Well Eadey Well Egan Pool Eighteen Mile Pool Emu Bore Entrance Hill Exmouth Aerodrome Exmouth Gulf False Hill Farnham Well Fergies Well Flagstaff Hill Four Corners Bore Gales Bay Garden Bore Garden Well Gaston Well Geebera Pool Geebera Well George Bore George Well Giralia Giralia Bay Giralia Native Soak Giralia Range Globe Hill Goanna Hill Goordeman Waterhole Goordeman Well Government Bore Government Well Granites Bore Grass Flat Well Hayward Rock Heron Point Holding Well Hooley Well Hope Island Hope Point Hopes Corner Hopes Well Hornet Well Horse Works Bore House Bore House Well Howards Well Ironstone Well Islam Islets Jaminu Pool Jaminu Well Jane Well Jinganarra Dam Johnsons Well Johnston Well Jubilee Well Jubricoo Claypan Jubricoo Creek Judy Well Jundelaya Hill K Tree Pool K Tree Well Kings Well Koordarrie Koordarrie Clay Hole Lakeside Lamonts Well Larkin Shoal Learmonth Aerodrome Learmonth Pillar Little Bore Lockes Well Lund Hill Madges Bore Mandora Bore Mandu Mandu Mandu Mandu Bore Mandu Mandu Creek Mandu Mandu Gorge Marrilla Max Bore Merkimanna Well Mesa Mickeys Well Middle Tank Middle Well Milyering Milyering Well Minga Well Monajee Cave Mount Campbell Mount Hollister Mount Mary Mount Mistake Mount Well Mowbowra Creek Mulvie Well Mundararra Well No. 1 Mundararra Well No. 2 Mundora Hill Myallis Well Nabalgee Well Nabbawarra Bore Nabbawarra South Bore Nanjano Well Nanutarra Nanutarra Bridge Nanutarra Roadhouse Nanyarra Well Nanyingee Bore Nanyingee Hill Narneeyarra Claypan New Bore New Outcamp Well Nganyou Pool Ningaloo Ningaloo Reef Nipper Creek No. 1 Bore No. 1 Dam No. 1 Well No. 10 Bore No. 13 Well No. 14 Well No. 16 Well No. 2 Bore No. 2 Bore Bore No. 2 Dam and Outcamp No. 2 Well No. 3 Bore No. 3 Dam No. 3 Outcamp Well No. 4 Bore No. 4 Dam No. 5 Bore No. 5 Dam No. 6 Bore No. 7 Well No. 8 Bore No. 8 Well No. 9 Well Noogara Well North Bore North Hill Old Camp Old Outcamp Well Old Station Well One Tree Well Osborne Well Osprey Bay Oyster Stacks Paddys Well Paterson Bore Pebble Beach Peepingee Corner Bore Peepingee Creek Peepingee Pool Peepingee Well Perry Tank Picardie Claypan Pilgonaman Bay Pilgonaman Creek Pilgonaman Gorge Pilgonaman Well Pilgramunna Point Lefroy Point Maxwell Pyramid Hill Qualing Pool Quartz Well Queerbulla Claypan Queerbulla Dam Queerbulla Well R.A.A.F. Canyon Rabbit Bore Rabbit Hill Rabbit Proof Fence Rainbow Mine Ram Bore Range Well Ration Paddock Bore No. 3 Road Board Well Roberts Island Rough Range Rough Range No. 1 Oil Well Round Well Rouse Creek Russian Bill Well Ryan Well Sandalwood Landing Sandalwood Peninsula Sandberg Well Sandfly Bore Sandy Bay Sandy Well Schofield Shoal Scorpion Well Sextant Hill Shallow Well Shothole Canyon Siberia Well No. 1 Siberia Well No. 2 Simpson Island Snake Gully Well Snapper Shoal South Bore South Well South Yardie Well Spinifex Well No. 1 Spinifex Well No. 2 Spinifex Well No. 3 Stanley Pool Stewart Shoal Success Well Sugar Tank Swan Bore T Bone Bay Table Top Well Talandji Tanda Tattarang Pool Telegraph Bore Telegraph Well Telegraph Well No. 1 Telegraph Well No. 2 Tent Island The Range Thomas Carter Lookout Tinkers Well Toothawarra Creek Trealla Hill Trealla Well Tulki Beach Tulki Gorge Tulki Well Turkey Hill Turquoise Bay Twin Hill Uaroo Uaroo Bore Uaroo Mine Udarry Well Unknown Hill Urama Well Urrabiddy Well Valentine Mine Vaughan Shoal Venn Creek Victoria Mine Wadawan Dam Walbung Bore Wanjacootharra Well Wapet Creek Wapet Jetty Wapet Shoal Warrabilly Well Warralee Well West Tank West Well Whaleback Hill Whalebone Island Whiskey Pool White Ant Bore Whites Well Whitlock Dam Whitmore Island Williaberry Pool William Preston Point Wimbia Hill Windong Bore Wogara Well Wogatti Well Wonangarra Dam Woodhouse Well Woolcott Well Yalgoo Clayhole Yankagee Claypan Yannarie Yannarie Bridge Yannarie River Yanrey Yanrey No. 1 Oil Well Yardie Creek Millarrin Qualing Saltpool Buchanans Well Cunaloo Well Nanjand Well Queebulla Well Number Four Dam Barretange Well Number Five Dam Sixteen Mile Well White Well Manyarra Well Number Three Dam Number Two Dam and Outcamp Wolcott Well Bakharra Well Nabalgee Wells Hollisters Mount Eadys Well Goodingoo Rocks Number One Dam Tattaring Pool Landing Well Jogodor Koodarrie Harry Well Rest Bay The Jacob Remessens Yardi Creek Bigalya Well Gastone Well Bundera Bundera Well Bunderra Bunderra Well Sandy Point Bundera Bundera Spit Sand Wanjalootharra Waterhole Peepingee Corner Well Barlathon Hill Egans Tank Egans Well Cronks Well Manyinjee Bore Manyinjee Hill Manyingee Hill Egans Supply Bore Merkaman Well Cashens Well Two Mile Waterhole Ration Paddock Well Four Mile Well Five Mile Well Whisky Pool Thompsons Bore Perrys Tank Bulldust Tank Nine Mile Well Rous Creek Siberia Well Two Roads Board Well Mics Bore Crayfish Rock Boongerooda Dam East Wanganoo Tank Yarcowie Dam Minga Bore Big Paddock Dam Dondalong Dam Valentine Copper Mine Donovans Dam Bauboodjoo Point Yalgoo Spring Marilla Gooseneck Hill