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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Lilyvale Kenmac Sherwood Downs Gilgunya Morungle Dutton Downs Dunraven Artesian Downs Gracedale Hazlewood Acton Downs Yan Yean Rainscourt Jones Valley Ranmoor Wallegege Walkcege Somerville Walkers Park Walker Park Ronald Plains Coalbrook Trivalore Burleigh Athlone Gallipoli Freshfields Runnymede Clutha Whim Bald Hills Towri Doncaster Rocky Olga Downs Grampian Valley Grampian Hills Camaray Yanko Dalkeith Cambridge Downs Richmond Downs Expressman Downs Spring Valley Harrogate Silver Hills Compton Downs Oban Valley Downs Revenue Downs Villa Dale Molesworth Boree Park Saego Alderley Lucerne Boremba Majuba Wyangarie Toronto Park Killeen Oamaru Stewart Park Malvern Park Torquay Rowena Kara Poseidon Downs Telemen Telemon Rokeby Chatfield Vernon Downs Maxwelton Allaru Riverdale Sylvania Ennis Downs Wilburra Downs Marathon Kalboona Gunnerside Olive Downs Rose Downs Glen Nevis Moselle Downs Nindi Dunluce Langdale Merriula Tweedsmuir Marathon South Patroy Hilltop Marvada Thornhill Cannonball Leslew Downs Lucindale Glenalvon Cannum Downs Clare Valley Killarney Hazelwood Afton Downs Richmond Afton Alexander Creek Alma Waterhole April Creek Back Creek Barabon Bellanda Betts Gorge Creek Black Sams Waterhole Black Soil Creek Black Valley Creek Blairgowrie Blue Lagoon Bluebush Creek Boomerang Waterhole Boree Brantingham Bullock Creek Bundock Bylong Cambridge Camulla Creek Cannonball Creek Cathcart Cattle Creek Cecil Creek Charlotte Plains Chatfield Creek Clare Creek Clarence Cloneys Creek Codfish Creek Compton Cook Creek Coolibah Creek Coolibah Swamp Cudgee Water Facility Cudgelglomera Creek Cummerstone Creek Currie Dalzell Creek Damper Creek Darnley Deepwater Creek Denham Desolation Creek Dutton Dutton River East Warianna Creek Eastern Creek Eight Mile Creek Elmore Emu Creek Eurimpy Eurimpy Creek Fairlight Flagstone Creek Four Mile Creek Galla Gemoka Gibson Creek Glenloth Grampian Green Creek Gum Creek Hampstead Creek Hazelwood Creek Horse Creek Horse Lagoons Hulbert Jones Valley Creek Kalpara Kunnar L Tree Creek Lignum Creek Limestone Creek Lisboy Loth Loth Creek Lucerne Water Facility Magnay Creek Maiden Springs Creek March Creek McLeod Pass Merridew Merson Creek Merton Middle Creek Middle Valley Creek Mill Mill Creek Mistake Creek Moselle Mountain Creek Muddan Muddan Water Facility Mumu Nell Creek Nine Mile Waterhole O'Connell Creek Pandanus Pandanus Creek Patience Creek Pelican Creek Pialah Plum Tree Creek Poison Creek Raincourt Rathole Creek Redan Hill Water Facility Richgar Water Facility Rocky Creek Rosewood Creek Running Creek Rupert Savage Creek Sawpit Creek Saxby Scrubby Creek Six Mile Creek Sloane Creek Snake Creek Soda Creek Soda Valley Creek Solway Downs Spinifex Spinifex Creek Split Rock Creek Station Creek Stawell River Stawellton Stewart Creek Stony Creek Sylvia Sylvia Creek Thompson Three Mile Creek Thums Creek Turtle Creek Twenty Mile Creek Walker Walker Creek Warianna Creek Washpool Creek Whistler Lagoon Wilburra Woolgar River Wyangaree Water Facility Yanko Creek Yappar Talmoi Richmond Richmond Shire Mill Mill Bore Red Mill Bore Rocky Bore Patience Creek Bore Central Bore Solway Dowrns New Coalbrook Bore Mount Sturgeon Bore Mousehole Bore Solway Downs Bore Plum Creek Express Bore Cudgie Spring Burleigh Lease Bore Cattle Creek Bore Bloodwood Bore Saxby Downs Bore Lane Park Bore Woolgar River Bore Back Bore Waitalong Bore Pandanus Creek Bore Yanko Bore Cudgelglomera Cudgelglomera Creek Netting Bore Trivalore Bore Pelican Bore Tin Dish Bore Duffers Bore Hazlewood Creek Bore Cummerstone Bore Hazlewood Creek New Bore Army Downs Bore Whim Paddock Bore Dalzell Bore New Camulla Bore Back Creek Bore Boomerang Alexander Creek Bore Stewart Creek Bore Top Lily Bore Figtree Bore Ironstone Creek Bore Camulla Creek Bore Cudgee Bore Stony Vale Bore Lower Boree Bore Grampian Bore Dampier Creek Bore Valley Waterhole Valley Bore Langboyde Bore Swamp Bore Ram Creek Bore Upper Alexander Creek Bore Deepwater Bore Flagstone Bore Dampier Creek Yellowwood Bore Camulla Creek Bullock Waterhole Rainscourt Bore Four Mile Bore Yan Yean Bore Acton Bore Acton Lily Bore Kenmac Creek Yarraman Bore Maadi Bore Thums Creek Bore Yarraman Creek Bore Desolation Bore Molesworth Bore Redan Bore Lower Thums Creek Bore Walkcege Bore Galway Downs Bore Lower Yanko Creek Bore Oban Bore Eight Mile Creek Bore Sawpit Bore Jones Creek Alexander Bore Ballia Creek Bore Joykin Cambridge Creek Plains Bore Saego Plains Bore The Twins Whistle Lagoon Back Valley Creek OConnell Creek Compton Creek Gorman Creek Bore Dutton River Bore Stewart Park Bore Murrays Bore Canterbury Creek Keira Bore Whitewood Bore Talmoi Station Gemoka Station Gorman Creek Carrar Rolling Downs Bore Farnon Bore Carrar Bore Southerness Bore Telemon Bore Cape Horn Tank Armdale Bore Sylvania Bore Moselle Trust Bore Moselle Station Riverdale Bore Nine Mile Creek Mile Creek Ten Mile Bore Barabon Station Brucedale Bore Tralee Mumu Station Boree Station Twelve Mile Bore Glenalvon Bore Dunlace Dunluce Bore Sandringham Bore Tweedsmuir Bore Kate Creek Hillview Bore Namo Sloan Creek Bore Cannonball Bore Lonsdale Tyrone Bore Clare Valley Bore Hong Kong Bore Killarney Bore