Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SH53-13

GA SH53-13 - Fowler

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Fowlers Bay Penong Colonna Well Coorabi Well Cundilippy Kutra Water Fig Tree Corner Colona Tank Colona Black Hill Kooragee Waterhole Mirana Well Nundroo Hotel / Motel Nantabi Sand Nalanippie Well Pintumba Hut Sunalia Tarombo Hut Boon Din Ya Rockhole Yurabi Well Waltabbie Well Wilthora Tank Eyre Bluff Nundroo Well Fox Hut Yanaba Kangaroo Yard Nanbona Well Nicol Well Charldilla Rockhole Angolaby Rockhole Kudnippie Well Prindin Waterhole Yooria Kuragi Telephone Office Inila Rock Waters Uworra Telephone Office Roe Plains Yumbarra Rockhole Woola Tank Broom Tanks Koonibba Mission Inguree Tank Carambi Plain Cundiluba Uria Rockhole Bookabie Range Malcherob Poringen Well Manandilla Old Hut Urabi Well Pennalumba Hut Cundalippy Well Prongkilla Rockhole Poocuppy Rockhole Colona Waterhole Bookabie School Purigen Well Corronippie Well Prongilla Rockhole Muryilla Rock Pokerby Hut Little Well Mirani Well Wantiby Hill Tallala Tank Main Coast Range Northedge Pronchilla Rockhole Choolbra Rockhole Middlepark Kuragi Plain Coorabie Horse Hut Cooper Hill Eyres Depot Watraba Telephone and Telegraph Offce Hill Well Moondrah Tanks Coorabie Rural School Binalumba Well Chinalumba Well Myng Plain Nandabi Hillview Cap Lebrun Kidnippy Well Pintie Well Red Well Koonibba Post Office Kilkerba Hut Yanama Point Eyre Kuragi Jellabinna Rocks Cadamby Well Coorabie Horse Well Yalata Hut and Woolshed Weerona Tank Angolaby Coorabi Hut Euria Well Pointe du Romarin Hundred of Miller Hundred of Bagster Hundred of Burgoyne Watson Bluff Moornaba Rock Hundred of Lucy Hundred of Cohen Penong Rural School Boondina Conservation Park Hampton Range Yalata Harbor Bookabie Rockhole Chadinga Conservation Reserve Coorabie Post Office Nerbin Well Kolona Coroona Hut Dinah Rock Water Windy Ridge Nallanippi Well Tarombo Bogati White Well Coorabie Coorabie Well Hundred of Trunch Talangkootra Lake Hundred of Nash Chatana Wells Highview Yalata Homestead Evanbrae Kangaroo Yards Coorabie Hut Nicol Well Bore Anjutabie Well Nantiby Wells Fowlers Bay Conservation Reserve Rocky Rise Yangoona Rockhole Nanbona Tank Injaree Well Enunda Rock Water Cundilubba Hut Pidillie Glen Boree Penong Post Office Pennalumba Lake Chundaria Ponnunnilla Well Manandilla Wells Kirkula Tukoma Well Uworra Koorabi Chinyala Wells Urabi Hut Youlalbinning Uworra Railway Station Nantiby Hill Cooriji Rockhole Browns Hill Penong Railway Station Nundroo Tank Oolabinna Rockhole Koonibba Woolshed Hill Wookata Homestead Kidnippy Plain Watraba Plain Tunraba Well Pindumbra Well Palpilba Rockhole Degraves Head Station Chinnilippy Hut Kuragi Tank Yanama Plain Carrolly Rockhole Noonderu Well Inguree Waterhole Old Station Wells Walthabbi Well Mannandilla Rockhole Tangama Well County of Kintore Fowlers Bay Conservation Park Yellabinna Regional Reserve Pronghilla Hut Wirilia Tank Coorabie Tank Marumbo Homestead Somerset Chintulda Tunta Bald Hill Boree Hut Cooriji Plain Moondrah Shed Kardiamba Well Toonabbie Well No 8 Bore Itchalingaby Sandhills Eurea Rockhole Nundroo Walbinya Rockhole Poondinna Rockhole Calona Well Tulcola Rock Waterhole Baie Denon Yangoonabbi Koonibba Aboriginal School Yangoonabie Rockhole Watraba Hut Yalata Hill Chadinga Conservation Park Hundred of May Nerdayerrah Sandpatch Talangkootra Rockhole Mirant Well Boon Din Ya Cap des Bourasques Bludgers Paradise Woolshed Hall Yalara Hill Toonabbee Well Cunderie Tank Koonibba Hill Pintumba Manandilla Rockhole Nundroo Hut Watraba Pokerby Well Chalgonippi Sandhills Bookabie Eurabie Hut Hundred of Sturdee Puntaby Hut Midgerie Rockhole Fowlers Bay Station Colona Well Jinyalumba Oolwadgee Pokerby Rockhole Kalilyabbi Well Cap David Coorabie Old Sheep Well Pinong Nundroo Telephone Office Kowulka Tchalingaby Well Taling-Kudthara Boree Flat Marbra Tank Nundroo Post Office Malberna Yalludha Port Eyre Bookabie Hill Bookabie Post Offcie Yanguna Rockhole Tjurnding Rockhole Tallala Hut Hundred of Catt Pointe du Chat-Huant Boree Flat Tank Fowlers Bay Telegraph Station Tallala Hill Tallala Well Poondinga Rock Water Yumbarra Conservation Reserve Coronippie Wells Tchalingaby Sandhills Charoba Tank Nyoorila Nunong Well Cundalippy Tank Coorabie Sheep Well Marumba Homestead Chintulda Well Wanilla Hut Yalata Pintuppa Well Cap Van-Spaendonck Rocky Ridge Waltabie Hut Woggurda Karaingabi Well Nundroo Range Caroona Hut Hillside Caroona Dam Yalata Well Pulkatha Rockhole Dinah Rock Sheep Well Kooringibbie Well Kallibulna Plain Pronghilla Rockhole Windon Nallanabbi Well Pintumba Tank Talala Well Cundalippy Marbanippi Hut Inguree Hut Nantiby Sand Kowulka Railway Station Watraba Railway Station Flat Well Cundilippy Hundred of Caldwell Hundred of Magarey Peenalumba Hut Koonibba Aboriginal Land Wirilya Tank Moornaba Rockhole Mannandilla Wells Waltabie Well Injuree Well Nallanippi Hut Coast Range Boogabi Kroonilla Rockholes Coondalippie Palbilba Rockhole Chatana Fredrickstad Fowlers Bay Post Office Lake Tallacootra Hundred of Wookata White Well Corner Hundred of Scherk Old Whim Well Eyres Depot Well Inguree Well Monburu Tank Pintumba Well Copper Hill Glen Boree Homestead Tarombo Well Wanilla Well Wantiby Wells Tulkola Rock Waterhole Clare Bay Noorilla Rockhole Tallala Telephone Office Coonalimba Hut Undoola Homestead Green Tors Euria Rockhole Wirilya Rockhole Pennalumba Well Eurabie Well Nantuby Well Hundred of Giles Myltabie Plain Bunyabie Tank Colona Hill Koonibba Railway Station Sturdee Telephone Office Yalata Aboriginal Land Talankootra Lake Prongnilla Rockhole Torombo Well Nallanippie Well Cundilippy Well Sturdee Glen Borea Chintulde Well Wookata Uworra Siding Fowler Bay Coronippie Well