Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SH54-14

GA SH54-14 - Curnamona

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Claypan Swamp Bimba Bore Dam Canegrass Dam Glenorchy Well Corona Dam Cochra Well Bundara Waterhole Brooks Dam Box Swamp Dam Billeroo Hut Furlough Dam Coondappie Well Kidman Bore Main Dam Koolka Dam Koolka Mill Bore Napier Catch Kittel Dam and Catch Paul Well Pioneer Dam Poodla Well Watson Bore Treloar Dam Telechie Six Mile Auxiliary Dam Strathearn Red Dam White Dam Orange Dam Eaglehawk Dam Duffers Dam Sara Dam Johnson New Dam Napier Dam East Boolcoomata Bore Willows Dam Burmah Dam Waukaloo Mine Sampson Dam Sandyoota Dam Buckland Bore East Toolaby Johnson Dam Winter Dam Middle Toolaby Satchell Dam Frome Hut Junction Well Kalabity Well Fyfe Dam Mulga Dam Ironstone Bore Coombalarnie Dam Kalkaroo Auxiliary Dam New Chum Dam Basin Dam Deep Well Hut Two Gums Well Little Bimba Hill Catch Dam Furlough Tank Eurinilla Dam Lockhart Bore White Well Carlendara Tank Pinery Catch East Station Dam Picnic Dam Gorge Bore Mallee Hollow Dam North Mcpherson Dam North Dam Carpentaria Tank Billeroo Hill Ironstone Dam Morgan Dam Alconie Well Zac Bore Deep Well Dam Gorge Yard Dunn Dam Lake Constance Auxiliary Dam McLean Nob Pope Tank Loveday Dam New Ironstone Bore Telechie Dam Boolcoomata Mine V Dam Mooleulooloo Weimera Yards Windbag Dam Yalu Dam Swamp Dam Fox Tank McKenzie Bore Manning Dam Mercer Dam Oban Tank Digby Dam Banavie Bore Camel Dam Kalkaroo Dam Gluepot Dam Billeroo Well Big Dam Buckland Tank Shepherd Bore Mallee Hollow Well Mulyungarie Purnamoota Spring Hill Dam Old Kalabity Well Lake Charles Lake Jadliaura Waite Lake Mundi Mundi Umberumberka Creek Willyama Siccus River Koolka Hill Wallace Bore Waterloo Dam Bill Swamp Dam Ram Dams Weeroopie Hill One Gum Well Hunter Dam Marldakunha Telechie Swamp Auxiliary Dam Muster Paddock Dam Upper Toolaby Dam Koolka Quarries New Dam Rosetta Dam Crozier Dam Waltherco Auxiliary Dam Mount Victor Dam Waukaloo Dam White Dam No 1 Wiperaminga Gap Amphitheatre Dam Bundera Well Wiperaminga Hill Erudina Woolshed Horse Shoe Lagoon Gum Tree Well Mundilla Well Old Station Hill Nest Dam Duckhole Dam South Willows Dam Red Lake Dam Gill Pond Puzzle Dam Yarramba Black Hill Koolka Auxiliary Dam Kalabity Hut Claypan Dam Lake Tinko Station Beulah Dam and Catch Parkinson Dam Watercourse Dam Parranappa Dam Johnny Hill Dams Kellys Bank Corona Bore Lake Dam Sanddrift Wells Mosquito Dam Lagoon Dam North Billeroo Dam Oonartra Creek Gould Dam Mount John Dam No 1 Bore Lake Benagerie Beefsteak Dam Old Station Dam Bullock Dam North Willows Dam Jadliaura Creek Lake Wauwauba Baye Dam Davies Dam Mulga Well Hut Mundaerno Hill Mannings Country South Aggrennon Dam Toraminga Hill Black Oak Dam Springs Dam Mudros Extension Tank Broken Jaw Dam Cedarville Dams Mount Victoria Salt Well Dam Coolibah Dam Chocolate Dam Pootharingla Dam Flint Dam Mulga Bore Kalabity Calcera Dam Lake Tinko Collins Lagoon Benagerie Lake Tarkarooloo Stephen Creek Glenroy Bore South James Dam Poodla Dam Jacks Reward Dam Katchiwilleroo Swamp Springs Bore Ironstone Well Treloar Dam No 2 Emu Dam Sandyoota Bore Farley Swamp Dam Phillips Well Killawarra Dayana Dam Dismal Dam Mulyungarie Lake Boolcoomata Dam Crabb Tank Black Hill Bore Jack Dam Catch Tank McLennan Dam Lake Yantawena Spencer Crib Gum Well Old Telechie Cartspring Dam Hempson Catch Lake Tom Nancatee Dam Patt Dam Wynaroo Hut New Kalabity Dam Lake Mongala Parkinson Bore Twin Tanks Gums Dam Lake View Dam Big Nancatee Bore Toraminga Well Woolshed Dam Collins Dam Bundera Dam Johnny Hill Cooraninnie Dam Kalkaroo Main Dam Kalabity Auxiliary Dam Mels Catch Gill Dam Gorge Dam Freckleton Dam Camel Tanks Boolcoomata Creek Child Dam Artipeana Creek Security Dam Lake Yandra Wild Horse Lagoon Gentile Dam Toraminga Dam Neales Dam Frome Well Rutherford Dam Frome Dam Billeroo Waterhole Kalkaroo Well Birksgate Bore Mundianna Dam Paddy Dam Honeymoon Mine Waroope Max Swamp Dam David Dam Freeman Bore Cozens Dam and Catch Togo Dam South Weeroopie Dam Billeroo Dam North Manning Dam Norrie Dam North Station Dam Red Well Dam Mile Well Triangle Hill Maynard Well Blackoak Hill Telechie Main Dam Marches Dam North Koolka Bore Kaloola Dam No 2 Bore Piltheroo Dam Doctor Dam Curnamona Lake Folly Dam Hempson Dam Ragless Catch Nancatee Hill Stick Hole Bore Coombs Springs Tonga Hill Wahlerts Dam Sardinia Tank Schultz Dam New Mount Well Rocky Dam and Catch Alconie Dam Holdfast Dam Burden Dam Windowta Lake Mary Dam Relief Dam Wallace Dam Claypan Auxiliary Dam Embankment Pond South Cochra Dam Little Bore Dam Two Gums Dam Pootharingle Well Eagle Hawk Bore Nolan Dam Hunters Curse Dam Charlies Aunt Dam Alconie Hill Bundera Waterhole Griffiths Yard White Dam No 2 Deep Well Yards McBride Dam Double Dam Blue Lake Well New Chum Bore Birthday Auxiliary Dam Bluff Dam Ethelmere Auxiliary Dam Ashby Bore Billeroo Tank Little Nancatee Dam Ironstone Auxiliary Dam Sampson Dams Glenorchy Lake Constance Dam Bluff No 3 Dam Ninnerie Dam Junction Dam Blueshirt Dam Mundi Mundi Dam Windamerta Hill Telechie North West Auxiliary Dam Luckyhit Bore Buckmaroo Lawlor Dam Long Swamp March Dam House Dam Sandhill Dam Toweroo Bore Big Digby Dam Whey Whey Creek Peter Dam Deep Well Rushy Swamp Dam No 10 Dams Nolan Well Stirling Dam Hassan Dam Birthday Dam Lake Burnadgera Hunters Curse Catch Lake Ashby Dams North Aggrennon Dam Black Hill Dam Lignum Dam Coondappie Station Cummins Dam Two Mile Tank Curse Dam Calico Creek Frome Downs Watson Tank Mount Victoria Hut Pat Dam Marsh Dam Moriarty Catch Pipeline Tank Twins Tank Mount Victoria Well Millierooka Dams North East Dam Koolka Well Lemnos Swamp Nancatee Hut Mudros Dam Kalkaroo Ram Dam Calico Dam Katchiwilleroo Dam Lucknow Dam Nancatee Well Sandyoota Well Mulga Well Griffiths Hut Pinery Hut Brian Bore Curse Tank Sullivan Dam Pecks Hut Parranappa Bore Lake Charles Bore Toweroo Lake Millyera Koolca Well Wheadon Dam Amphitheatre Hut Hard Dam Ironstone Hut Mooleulooloo Dam O'Reilly Dam Dome Rock Calico Creek Well Moriarty Dam Williams Dam Puckridge Dam Mooleulooloo Hill Furlough Bore North James Catch Waltherco Dam Gibson Catch Jason Bore Coombs Bore Berber Dam Farrell Well Ethelmere Dam Berryman Well Morrudoo Lake Buckland Tanks Millierooka Well Lake Namba Leslie Dam Mount John Paradise Dam Aggrennon Dam Boolcoomata Benowrie Spring Hill Napier Wells Lake Pinpa Black Oak Bore Sandyoota Red Well Crutching Yard Deferred Dam Double Wells Amphitheatre Well Oban Bore Saubrice Tank White Elephant Yard Pasmore River Wilpena Creek Ten Mile Creek McLeans Nob Gills Pond Treloar Dam Number Two Morphetts Creek OReilly Dam Lake Mulyungarie Mingary Creek Coondappie Number Ten Dams Croziers Dam Telichie Burrungule McLennon Dam Mundaerna Hill White Dam Number One White Dam Number Two South James Tank South James Doughboy Creek Bimbowrie Creek