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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Windmere Moolabah Baquabah Altonvale Foxborough Spring Mount Lienassee Gooralie Toorumbee Ranchall Nooramunga Thuraggi Big Angle Remilton Lundavra Riverston Wyona Wonga Downs Kia Ora Warrie Woodlawn Cairngorm Buckhaven Wilga Park Bieune Cavan West Haran Beltana Willsmere Ventura Downs Tabaringa Iona Llidem Vale Burloo Denver Gulnarbar Minimi Iandra Hollymount Fairymount Binalong Kalala Coorangy Springwell Goondoola Maranui Hillview Eaglebar Kinsale Three Valleys Darran Canbrae Walton Downs Willow Glen Kurray Chelmer Aurifer Downs Waverley Kioma Minnel North Cheriton Belmore Wycanna Arden Downs Box Yard Dunrobin Woodbine Locarno Tori Molinda Yilgangandi Balagna Ruglan Hazelmount Redfield Boogumbilla Windamore Yarrandine Minnel Talinga Qui Qui Lyolia Nariel Jindabyne Kyawanna Binnerwell Bayoud Geralda Charlton Glen Alyn Apple Tree Ottley Mulga Ridge Kamboona Welton Vale Melanga Myall Plains Dunbarr Tabooba Grui Glengower Morville Gooyay Karee Bimbel Surrey Tandawanna North War War Box Flat Yarrawonga Evergreen Boomblar Lyndhurst Park Roseneath Pine Vale Pine Hills Bullagreen Warrandine Windamall Ballangarry Hawthorne Red Bank Totara Glenleigh Trimenbah Bereena Winton Moonie Ponds Melrose Omeo Wandibindle Arahluen Bundah Omeroo Welltown Dunkerry Oakleigh Delina Downs Junaville Gradna Booberanna Shirley Mirrimindi Ellaville Glenreagh Wondoogle Euroka Knutsford Goorarooman Leithmoor Chudleigh Boolarwell Kalanga Brooklyn Strathmore Mulga Dumeresq Wonolga Wondulla Boongargil Glentown Maryvale Woodstock Harmar Wolonga Newinga Melvern Littleton The Briary Burwood Westcourt Koramba The Aloes Whynot Werindi Bullamon Plains Worral Creek Booberoi Riverview Terrewah Birra Birra Mina Belle Plains Jericho Bonanga Palarang Stuartville Dunroman Noondale Broadwater Mirreyah Cambooya Boronga Nullera Bullamon Niminbah Callygoora Kulali Willarie Trefusis Dunwinnie Tawarri Box Plains Carbuckey Johnstone Pine Park Eumerella Corenda Northcote Hazeldene Lochadare Tocal Norlin Langoora Kanowna Maxvale Courallie Corona Avymore Mona Breenie Castlevilla Kunopia Bywanna Maplemore New Haven Sunnyridge Ginnabri Merriot Guildford Merriba Dalman Bethellan Kelvington Barnato Kurrajong Berrica Gleneve Werrina Wilga Bundori Te Quay Torquay Ardnacona Claremont Refuge Nekarboo Naroola Eural Morella Whalan Willimill Eulaville Bullawarrie The Bore Mugan Yarrowee Mertona Glen Ayr Boxburn Euraba Mozelle Hillstead Kalali Yarroirr Allaru Athlone Thorndale Burraweeda Murki Plantation Yarramildi Galtymore Clonard Glenmore Morelands Kerriot Boy-Anda Callawera Dolgelly House Dingadee Retreat Greenwood Kluang Redlands Currawong Burrenbar Boonal West Roseview Trewilga Karraba Mena Ulinga Kareeba Yuronga Laurel Vale Maxland Talana West Talana Bora Strathgar Carlingford Glenbranter Euligal Fenton Old Maxland Teviot Dale Eaglefarm Balarang Collareen Wynola Mirroobil Brownleigh Rosyth Turrawah Dindierna Amondale Pipiriki Gunnindaddy Woolamit Gnoolooma Bunardo Bunarba North Delvin Braemar Maxwellton Rosebrook Boonery Coolibah Morynga Barrakee Welbondongah Wottombri Waroo Kinnimo Merriwee Kincora Boola Boxhill Needlewood Avroe Mungindi St George Thallon Talwood Bungunya Toobeah Boomi Weengallon Boronga Nature Reserve Boronga State Forest Barwon River Bonall Well Boomangera Creek Boomi Artesian Well Boomi Bore Boomi Cemetery Boomi General Cemetery Boomi Nature Reserve Boomi Public School Boomi Weir Village of Boomi Boonal Boonanga Crossing Boonangar Boonangar Crossing Boonarl Bora Waterhole Boronga Bore Boronga No 1 Bore Borongo No 2 Bore Boronga No 2 Bore Boroo Breenie Creek Brigalow Budelah Creek Caloona Canary Careunga No 1 Bore Careunga No 2 Bore Careunga North Carwall Waterhole Clodes Gate Cobbanthanna Waterhole Commillamori Creek Cooloobong Coubal Coubal Bore Cowmerton Cowmerton Waterholes Crooked Creek Currah Currah Plain Currica Waterhole Euraba Bore Geary Creek Gnoura Gnoura Creek Goodlayamma Creek Goony Waterhole Graman Waterhole Granite Waterhole Gravelly Creek Greaves Hamilton Carbeen Camp Careunga Artesian Well Site Cooloobong Waterhole Coubal Artesian Well Gooney Creek Graman Hole Little Barwon Creek Midgeri Watercourse Mungindi Cemetery Mungindi Common Mungindi General Cemetery Mungindi Railway Station Newcastle New South Wales Queensland Border Crossing Boonanga Niggetts Creek Noona Waterhole Noora Oaky Creek Paleranga Paleranga Hole Paleranga Waterhole Roly Poly Plain Sandholes Sandholes Tank Sandy Camp Steamar Dam Tallwood Crossing Tarpaulin Creek The Granite Hole The Round Hill Thorndale Creek Tycawina Tyrrell Umbri Village of Kunopia Welbondonga Bore Weringa Waterhole Willimill Bore Winslow Wombeyana Lagoon Wombyanna Creek Wombyanna Lagoon Woolinna Waterhole Yarrol Creek Yooloobil Bumble Waterhole Dolgelly Bore Burramundeina Sandridge Boonanga Bridge Boonal Tank Borongo Bore Boronga Bore Site Careunga Bore Goony Creek Barwon River Post Gregory and Greaves Corner One Ton Post Alton Ballagna Ballandoon Creek Belchers Waterhole Birribindibil Creek Bollaranga Bombyanna Creek Booberanna Creek Booberanna Waterhole Booberi Lagoon Boogara Creek Boogara Water Facility Boombah Boonanga Brendle Lagoon Burra Wurra Lagoon Macintyre River Callandoon Branch Carnarvon Collyben Coomonga Creek Cunniana Dareel Daymar Daymar Reserve Water Facility Emu Waterhole Flinton Frazers Lagoon Garden Island Gerar Goondoola Creek Gradna Creek Gradna Lagoon Gradna Water Facility Gradule Gradule Creek Gurardera Gurardera Creek Gurrinbiry Creek Hawkston Horseshoe Swamp Jack Taylor Weir Kaywanna Kiddy-Gearan Creek Kiona Creek Lalaguli Limebush Little Barwon River Little Weir River Luke Camp Creek Macintyre River Middle Creek Milkami Lagoon Minimi Water Facility Minnel Creek Modills Water Facility Momonga Creek Moonie River Lake Munya Nindigully Ningham Noola Lagoon Noondoo Nula Parachute Lagoons Quart Pot Water Facility Redbank Creek Sandy Creek Sheepcamp Creek Springmount Tandawanna Taraba Tarewinnabar Tarewinnabar Water Facility The Blue Lagoon The Gleer The Serpentine The Shed Hole Thomby Creek Thuraggi Lagoon Uragara Creek Wandibingie Warandine Creek Warril Creek Weengallon Water Facility Weir River Windamall Creek Winton County of Carnarvon Winton Lagoon Wondoogle Lagoon Yarramildi Creek Yarrilwanna Yarrilwanna Creek Yarrilwanna Water Facility Mungindi Waggamba Shire North Bungunya North Talwood South Talwood Tarawera Mungindi Balonne Shire Clodes Crossing Burren Downs Crossing Gunnandaddy Crossing Gregory And Greaves Corner Ula Ula Creek Taggi Baquabar Bendee West Bore Lienassie Saint George Town Bore Lundarra Kondar Hollymount Bore Horseshoe Lagoon Gulnarbah Taringa Bumble Boxyard Creek The Shell Hole Kaywanna Bore Goondulla Minimi Tank Myall Plains Bore Birch Lagoon Wycanna Bore Crescent Vale Sherwood Geralda Bore Merlow Rexton Parks Forestville Dunbar Binner Rock Well Warrandine Creek Rook Wells Bendibendible Creek Belah Holes Tank Wandibingle Old Widgelow Lalalguli Kiddy Gearan Creek Borlarwell Moonie Creek Bingara Swamp Boongargie Newinga Bore Currinbry Creek Saddletree Tank Lucksall Sawpit Lagoon Wandibingle Tank Wandibingie Tank The Briery Bollarranga Booberai Callandoon Branch Terreweh Tommoo Dam Noondee Bore Coolabahdungindhi Tank Byrons Tank One Guinea Tank Commillomori Creek Cinnibri Bore Old Werrina Merriott Bullawarrie Bore Glenive Bullawarie Maxlands The Cowmerton Waterholes Girran Waterhole Welbendungah Dundierawina Boy-anda Maxland North The Currah Plain Dilapool Calloona Boopal Tank Barbara Tank Polygonum Swamp Nemenong Tank Welbendong Bore Whalan Creek Tala Creek