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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Boxhill Needlewood Avroe Glanville New Farm Kelvin Grove Gunyanna Nilgie Park Burrenbah Wongalee Comilaroi Coubail The Prairies Cleveland The Kraal Yarrawa Miltonville Abercorn Cambo South Bunarba Koree Coreel Eulalie Ingelah Byra Gundabloui Eastwood Mooladree Rosedale Wongamie Ardblair Gil Gil Baloonga Boyanca Gingham Yileena Yarool Burren House Caidmurra Abedoar Tallawanta Mookoo Lynworth Stanley Swanley Westholme Curragundi Colmlee Midkin Lowlands Glencoe Te Mona Balnabeen Oakleigh Bullerana Wallambah Mogil Mogil Banarway Trafalgar Coniston Wandoona Norwood The Valley Meroe Gudgildool Collymongle Carossa Willallee Goonal Wombian Wanda Boorilook Old Pokataroo Iffley Baroona Valetta Courallie Menadool Glen Idyll Trelawney Delamere Bungunya Clifton Kamilaroi West Narba Yamba Merrywinebone Kamilaroi Coombah Mirriadool Carrington Franxton Bellarra Oreel Bellevue Kingston Moomin Florida Tyrone Woodvale Alma Oaklands Ogilvie Rio Park Sesbana Inverness Wonga Pinpampa Corrah Beethoven Koreen Corombie Bulyeroi Bunna Bunna Gurley Thalaba Weatalibah Urimbla Milton Downs Manamoi Wirranina Chelmsford Wilga Eulengo Corian Neotsfield Carbeen Sunnyside Spring Plain Colorado Whitewoods Haddon Hyema Nowley Howley Joycelands Eastgrove Collarenebri Moree Ashley Garah Bellata Weemelah Avon Downs Bore Ashley Cemetery Ashley General Cemetery Village of Ashley Adams Balarang Bald Hill Balerang Ballalla Ballandoon Creek Ballin Boora Creek Ballone Creek Part Of Ballone Creek Banarway Creek Banarway Weir Baroona Waterhole Belar Bellata Bore Bellata Post Office Bellata Public School Bellata Railway Station Benarba Benson Berrieadool Bibble Bibil Big Leather Watercourse Big Waterhole Creek The Big Waterhole Black Ridge Bluebush Swamp Black Hill Black Gully Black Dog Ramp Black Creek Biroo Bingerang Railway Station Bindiar Anabranch Bindiar Gully Boggy Creek Boggy Creek Tank Bogree Bogree Waterholes Boo Boo Boolmuckledi Boolooroo Boolooroo Bore Boolooroo Weir Boomi River Boonaldoon Bore Boonerey Boonoona Boorah Booramine Boundary Oval Box Camp Boyanga Boyanga Waterhole Brand Park Brigalow Brigalow Tank Brigalow Tree Waterhole Brightons Point Brighton Waterhole Broadwater Creek Bronkeedna Waterhole Bronte Tank Broughton Oval Browne Bryanungra Bucknel Bullarah Bullarah Public School Cabul Camp Lagoon Camurra Camurra Railway Station Carbeenbri Careunga Nature Reserve Carlyle Lagoon Carole Creek Carole Creek Regulator Carore Carraa Carwal Creek Centre Creek Christie Clarks Creek Clements Cobban Creek Cobban Lagoon Collarenebri Aerodrome Collarenebri Cemetery Collarenebri Post Office Collarenebri Public School Collarenebri Tank Collyu Collymongle Bore Collymongle Falls Collymongle Lagoon Collytootela Lagoon Combadelo Combadello Tank Combadello Weir Comilaroy Weir Cooee Park Cook Cookabunna Watercourse Coolibah Anabranch Coolibah Lagoon Coolibah Waterholes Coonalgra Coorong Coppingah Creek Courallie High School Cowbail Creek Cowell Lagoon Crinoline Cryon Cudgildool Gunnyanna Waterhole Curragundi Bore Currotha Currygundi Dangar Dealwarraldi Denham Derra Derra Creek Dundunga Eastlake Eckford Edgeroi Eton Eulalie Bore Eulalie Plain Finley First Lagoon Florida No 1 Bore Florida No 2 Bore Forest Creek Four Mile Clump Four Posts No 1 Bore Four Posts No 2 Bore Galloway Garah Cemetery Garah Common Garah Public School Garah Railway Station Gehan Creek Gehan Gil Gil Creek Gin Gingham Watercourse Gingham Waterhole Gin Swamp Glenroy Bore Gnurdarah Creek Goocalla Goonal Creek Goorara Gordon Gorman Grawan Creek Greenaway Greenbah Greenbah Creek Greenbah Cutting Greenbah Oval Gunathera Gunnyanna Gurley Creek Gurley Railway Station Gurley Silo Gurley Tank Gwydir Gwydir Anabranch Gwydir Pool Gwydir Raft Halls Creek Haymakers Camp Haystack Mountain Hill Horse Hill Jamison Jellicoe Jellicoe Park Jews Lagoon Jews Lagoon Bore Kanowna Tank Keelo Careunga Bore Drain Careunga State Forest Carore Creek Center Creek Cobbon Creek Town of Collarindabri Collytootela Warrangool Coolibar Gully Coolibar Lagoon Coolibar Waterholes Courallie Creek Cuttabunda Swamp Florida Bore Four Post Bore Garah General Cemetery Village of Garah South Village of Garah Goona Creek Goonal Branch of Gwydir River Goonal or Great Ana Branch of Gwydir River Gurley Public School Gurley Station Village of Gurley Gurly Haystack Hazel Park Public School Horse Ridge Inverness Railway Station Kanowna Kiga Bore No 3 Kiga No 3 Bore Kilgowla Kirkby Park Krui Lagoon or Big Waterhole Little Bumble Creek Little Bumble Tank Little Haystack Mountain Little Mungeroo Warrambool Little Weir River Lloyd Oyal Long Point The Lower Water of Millie Creek Mallarum Holes Mallarum Waterholes Mallawa Mallawa Public School Mallowa Mallowa Creek Mallowa Public School Mallowa Creek Regulator Manamoi Creek Markham Medgum Medgun Medgun Creek Medgun Regulator Meei Meeki Creek Meei River Meero Mehi River Melleallina Menadool Lagoon Mercadool Bore Mercadool No 1 Bore Mercadool No 2 Bore Mercadool Tank Merkadool Tank Meroe Bore Meroe Tank Merrywinbone Merrywinebone Railway Station Merrywinebone Station Mia Creek Station Midkin No 3 Bore Midkin Nature Reserve Midkin State Forest Millebee Millebee Creek Millie Millie Bore Millie Creek Miltonville Creek Minne Menanne Waterhole Minnaminane Minnaminane Waterhole Mogil Bore Mogo Watercourse Mongyer Mongyer Lagoon Mooee Moomin Bore Moomin Creek Branch of Moomin Creek Mooni River Moorah Waterhole Moorina Moorina Waterhole Moppin Moppin Railway Station Town of Moree Moree Airport Moree Bore Moree Cemetery Moree General Cemetery Moree Flour Mill Moree Golf Course Moree High School Moree Post Office Moree Primary School Moree Public School Moree Racecourse Moree Railway Station Moree Rifle Range Moree Showground Moree Silo Moree Silo South Moree Technical College Moree Tower Morgan Mungerarra Mungeroo Creek Mungeroo Warrambool Mungi Mungie Bungie Railway Station Mungyer Bore Murkadool Murra Murra Myall Hollow Myall Hollow Creek Narba Bore Narrawall Neargo Neargo Bore Neargo No 1 Bore Neargo No 2 Bore Neeworra Neeworra Station Neeworra Public School Nepickallina Noonah Noona North Channel Northern Branch Numby Numby Oaky Creek Old Burren Railway Station Old Burren Old Burren Siding Oreel Artesian Well No. 1 Oreel No. 1 Bore Oreel No. 2 Bore Oreel No. 1 Well Peacumboul Pear Paddock Waterhole Pearse Pially Picone Park Pidgee Waterhole Plains Creek Poison Gate Pokataroo Village of Pokataroo Presbury Weir Racecourse Hill Reedy Water Creek Reynolds Rio Grande River Bend Picnic Area Roberts Rocky Waterhole Rowena Rowena Bore Rowena Public School Rowena Railway Station Village of Rowena Sandy Creek Second Lagoon Sherwood Bore Single Skinners Creek Smart Spring Plains Swamp Hollow Tala Tala Creek Talmoi Talmoi Bore Talmoi Watercourse Talmoi Waterhole Tarion Creek Tarran Creek Taylor Oval Teatree Gully Tea Tree Gully Teleraga Telleraga Bore Site Tellaraga No 2 Bore Tellaraga Telleraga Telleraga No 1 Bore Telleraga No 2 Bore Ten Mile Creek Teralba Bore Terriada Terrille Island Thalaba Creek Thalaba Creek Railway Station The Big Watercourse The Broadwater The Bunna The Gil Gil The Haymakers Camp The Mungeroo The Wallon Creek The Watercourse Lagoons Tiela Tillaloo Tillaloo Waterhole Tilibildi Waterhole Tookey Creek Townday Townday Swamp Tundunna or Doondoona Creek Turramungerie Dam Turramungerie Lagoon Turrawah Tycannah Tycannah Siding Tycannah Tank Tyree Bore Tyreel Anabranch Tyreel Bore Uranbah Uranbah Bore Uranbah No 1 Bore Uranbah No 2 Bore Vickery Wadden Wadden Wadden Gully Wadden Wadden Waterhole Wadden Gully Wales Park Wallanoll Wallon Wallon Bore Wallon Creek Wandoona Waterhole Warrambool Creek Warrambool Warren Waterloo Waterloo Creek Watervale Yards Wathagar Webb Oval Wee Bulla Bulla Weemelah Public School Weemelah Railway Station Weir 1 Welbon Wenna Tank White Swamp White Swamp Tank The White Swamp White Swamp Watercourse Whittaker Whittaker Lagoon Whittaker Lagoon Tank Whittakers Lagoon Tank Willalee Willow Dam Windella Windella Siding Windoondilla Wirra North Wirrigurldonga Wirrit Wirrit Waterhole Wirrir South Wolongimba Wolongimba Creek Head of Wolongimba Creek Woolabrar Yarouah Yarraman Yarraman Crossing Yarraman Lagoon Yarranbah Yarranbar Yarrawa Bore Yarrol Yatta Young Bulldog Creek Bully Ridge Bulyeroi Bore Bulyeroi Lagoon Bumble Bunarba Bunarba South Bunarba North Devil Waterhole Dewhurst Direlmabildi Dirty Lagoon Dobikin Doondoona Creek Doorabeeba Doorabeeba Creek Douro Duffys Creek Bundoowithidie State Forest Bunna Bunna Bunna Creek Bunna Bunna Dam Bunna Bunna Swamp Bunna Bunna Swamp or Watercourse Bunna Watercourse Bunna No. 2 Bore Bunyah Burragillo Burranbah Burrandoon Burrandoon Waterhole Burren Burren Creek Burren Dam Burrendong Butti Lagoon Butti Crossing Moree League Bengerang Bengerang Tank Bengerang Waterhole Bengerang P.W.P. Wathagar Tank Harris Weir Gorian Weir 5 Collarenebri Aboriginal Cemetery No 1 Weir The Rocks Camurra Ecce The Long Oaks Moree Tracking Station Apex Park Mungindi Racecourse Mungindi Post Office Mungindi Weir Boonoona Waterhole Bagot Baloon Burran Burran Burrandown Cambo Cambo Collarindabri Green Mogil Mogul Mooni Werribilla Myall Mike Shaw Park Minne Minnane Waterhole Boonaldoon Midkin Park Kirramingly Nature Reserve Collarenebri Reservoir Moree Secondary College Albert Street Campus Moree Secondary College Carol Avenue Campus Gamalally Hobbes Walkway Moonie River Gregory And Greaves Corner Number One Weir Weir One Goony Creek Tononga Comilaroy Cleeveland Collybidgela Moyen Tundunna Creek Goondublui Nee Nee Watercourse Goondabluie The Four Posts Waterhole Little Esk Creek Ventura Bore Mooney River Quisisana Marshalls Ponds Creek Bogree Creek The Middle Waterhole Long Waterhole Overseas Telecommunications Commission Satellite Earth Station Millewa Lynden Collymongool Lagoon New Collymongoul Old Collymongoul Gwydir River Big River Cooma Ballin Creek Goonal Branch Old Werribilla Gnungarah Creek Waggle Creek Mungie Bundie Mia Creek Whiteswamp Tank Mia Mia Creek Kurrabooma Binna Bunna Inglewood Glenmore Weah Waa Creek Willow Park Combadello Telleraga Bore Weir Five Boxleigh Mungery Iluka Ellerslie Belarra Wolongimbo Creek Heathfield Romani Sesbania Gurley Bore Bomuckledi Pimpampa Glenroy Millie North The Ranch Koiwon Glen Eden Bunna Bunna Bore Merriah Bore Boolcarol Tank Boolcarrol Tank Malaraway Avon Downs Weetawah The Jews Lagoon Warriana The Haystack Mountain Carbeenbi Waterhole