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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Goonery Yandaroo Conlea Delta Boera Toonborough Gumbalara Emaroo Kings Bore Salt Lake Lake Mere Glenora Ballycastle Avondale Uteara Goolgumbla Toorale Bimpero Pelora Dara Goorimpa Mount Mulyah Akuna Pattison Gundabooka Rose Isle East Toorale Talowla Clover Creek Yamaramie Westmere Myrtle Vale Eldorado Woodlands New Chum Lakes Weelong Norma Downs Napunyah Dunlop Trilby Wee Toura Winbar Keelambara Carney Deerina Minley Myall Idalia Wongowal Polocara Bellsgrove Mulya Clifden Tara Iona Yathonga Landsdowne Glenroy Tundulya Kallara Curranyalpa Nangara Bend Narwarre Gambolalley Merrylands Karoo Wygilla Arthur Lake Acton Hill Acres Billabong Acres Creek Baldies Hills Range Bobs Corner Blackjack Waterhole Bloodwood Creek Boera Dam Boero Dam Booka Dam Boundary Swamp Boyds Creek Budjewarra Bend Camel Lake Camerons Creek Camerons Creek Dam Campamooka Mountain Chinamans Creek Church Hills Coonong Lake Coorallie Creek Crowthers Point Deadmans Swamp Mount Deerina Dunlop Range Mount Edwards Emu Creek Flagstaff Corner Frazers Lake Glass Gonella Goonery Bore Gumbalara Tank Karnoo Well Keernie Dam Kerie Kerrigundi Tank Kerribree Creek Cumbedore Branch of Cuttaburra Creek Goomboolara Green Creek Kernbee Killara Kulkyne Creek Lake Arthur Lake Miles Lake Mungundi Lake Waitchie Lookout Point Louth Louth Cemetery Louth General Cemetery Louth Racecourse Louth Waterhole Mount Macpherson Maranoa Middle Paddock Sandhill Miles Lake Monday Creek Mount Burragurry Mount Burrygurrie Mulyah Mulyah Mountain Mulya Tank Mumber Dam Mumpber Dam Mungundi Lake Newfoundland Nine Mile Creek Nobby Nobby Hill Old Toorale One Tree Creek Opera Bore Paddys Creek Pats Sandhill Pelora Lake Peoples Dam Rankins Rankins Range Rocky Hill Ross Lake Round Hill Plain Round Hill Tank Stony Creek Stonyhurst Creek Stonyhurst Dam Talowla Billabong Talowla Lagoon Mount Talowla Talyawalka Creek Talyawalka Sandhill Taylors Lake Taylors or Ballycastle Lake Ten Mile Point Tuesday Creek Turtle Hole Turtle Waterhole Twenty Mile Dam Upper Nummo Tank Utah Lake Waitchie Lake Wednesday Creek Willeroo Lake Wilson Winbar Range Windoole Sand Hill Windoole Waterhole Wirra Warra or Kerribree Creek Yandaroo Lake Dicks Dam Burragurry Mount Derrywillany Windole Budtha Waterhole Butha Butha Goothona Goulcoura Gundalie Millara Murlimbilly Partchuka Toolacody Toungourarow Weinercally Nalticombe Compodore Creek Cuirrangalpa Blarney Byjerk Cahirnane Coorallie Gleena Goombalie Longside Mere Nummo Uteeara Wentworth Carilla Mungundi Booka Arabi Binpooker Byco Birra Calpacaira Far West Marra Paroo Pulacarra Stewart Thoolabool Tilpa Tutty Undelcarra Wolseley Yamaranie Barcoola Biparo Burry Gurry Campamooka Coolpooka Coonong Happy Valley Hora Hylaman Jung Jung Singoramba Tindeanda Uliara Yarramarra Buckinbe Weelongbar Momba Bonita Canpadore Darling Dootheboy Gellabudda Ginnewandinia Goonie Mulga Salisbury Tigeralba Tyngin Winderra Yandagulla Bungadool Service Nalticomebee Windoley Wallandra Derrina Keirangunyah Woolla Balara Tatiara Marra Billabong Thoolabool Range Toorale National Park Darling Shire Taltowera Goonery Well Cuttaburra Creek Yanderoo Lake Yandoroo Lake Ballycastle Lake Goomboolara Tank Keernie Hailstone Hill Burrygurry Mountain The Cuttaburra Warrego River Warego River Warredo River El Dorado Morma Downs Frazer Lake Goonawindra Wongawal Polacarra Clifton Mount Glass Boat Hole Creek Rosedale Lake Boolpoora Lake Kerrigundi Waterhole Narrwarre Buckanbee