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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Redbank Bobelah Wooden Bone Cooley Arbour Merriman Derra Fort Bourke Virginia The Island Summerville Darling Farms Rossmore Cedars Alambi Mooculta Bellevue Tarrion Mooculta West Kentucky Nulty Coolaburra Janbeth Greenvale Hastings Neranghi The Angle Oakleigh Toorang Jandra Mount Oxley Myandetta Tichawanta Eumarra Templestowe Moorawari Toorak Glen Villa Prattenville Charlton Boonery Yanda Maroona Sainsbury Park Wilbertree Myall Park Trafalgar Bendemeer Keerugulla Woodstock Cuddy Hamilton Park Doradilla Gongolgon Kinchela North Compton Downs Compton Downs Mullagalah Cowga Knightvale Wave Hill Ben Lomond Toolooly Fairlight Belah Mulgowan Glenelg Willamurra Wallanburra Wyuna Downs Nidgery Galambo Nidgery Down Kenilworth Brookside Westella Byrock Station Pendiana Curraweena Cambus Nemeena Mulgawarrina Gonella Burrawa Bimbera Emohruo Wilgareena Coronga Peak Koonawarra Old Curraweena Glenariff Tubbavilla Wilga Downs Mayfield Lindsay Park Mulgaroon Wallangarra Bahloo Wilgaroon Kurrawong Oakvale Bundong Colossal Dijoe Lyndhurst Yandilla Glen Idyll Bald Hills Josephstown Bunyarra Runnymede Tara Cooneybar Boorara Buckeroo Exley Glenvue Woodlands Bourke Angle Back Creek Bendemeer Mountain Bendemere Tank Bendermeer Mountain The Big Waterhole Booka Boomi Creek Boorindal Railway Station Bourke Airport Bourke Intermediate High School Bourke Post Office Bourke Railway Station Bourke South Base Brewon Bore Buckeroo Mountain Charlton Siding Compton Downs Railway Station Coolabah Corilla Tank Coronga Cowper Curraweena Hill Curraweena Tank Davey Public Watering Place Dead Horse Creek Deadmans Creek Dwyers Railway Station Edgeroi Eight Mile Lagoon Finneys Cowal Glenariff Railway Station Gongolgon Cowal Gralga Gunderbooka Mount Gunderbooka Gunderbooka Range Helmans Tank Horsfalls Billabong Humes Creek Keerugulla Lake Mount Kelly Kellys Cowal Kerrigundi Creek Cowal Lagoon Currawynnia Hill Dwyers Siding The 8 Mile Lagoon Kaniva Tank Little Mountain Little Peak Lord Carrington Hill Medway Merrere Mount Merrere Mitcham Moira Momba Creek Mulga Creek Mulga Tank Murrumburra Dam Nariangie Bogan Narran Waterholes Neranghi Bogan Creek Neranghi Bogan The New Year New Years Range Bourke North Base North Bourke Nurathulla Tank Oliver Orange Tree Lagoon Outcrop Oxley Range Paka Tank Pera Bore No 1 Pera Bore No 2 Pink Hills Plummer Park Polygonum Swamp Ram Paddock Island Ross Billabong Ross's Billabong Runker Peak Running Box Flat Ryans Lagoon South Base Bourke Stone Quarry Tank Sullivans Lagoon Sunday Morning Hill Tarcoon Railway Station Tarrian Creek Tarrion Creek Tarrion Creek Railway Station Tarrion Railway Station The Three Sisters Turners Creek Two Water Holes Tank Waddell Tank Wammiga Mount Wammiga Wammigo Welman Warungo The Washpool Watsons Well Wave Hill Railway Station Willeroon Wyandetta Wyuna Wyuna Downs Railway Station Dijou Dijou Mountain Dry Forest Duck Egg Swamp The Duckholes Butchers Creek Bye Byerock Byerock Tank Byrock Byrock Public School Byrock Railway Station Byrock Tank Bywash Billabong The Bywash John Taylor Range The Big Billabong Sturt Bendermere Coolaree Cowabee Grandoonbone Haradon Langmore Lynch Morla Navina Stonehenge Tulloch Wommera Annandale Banga Barton Belars Billa Bulla Booda Bookambone Bunglega Burton Cockerminia Coolibar Coorilla Currawynnia Dalby Davidson Dederang Donald Dwyer East Bourke Edenhope Euroa Farnell Goulburn Gruyere Gundawarra Hazelwood Howqua Huntly Irrewarra Kaiwilta Kaniva Kialla Kitchela Koroit Lee Loftus Mackay Madson Maffra Manwanga Marong Miendetta Mirboo Moodana Mootcha Morwell Mulholland Nemina Numurkah Nurathulla Oxley Parailla Puthawarrie Randall Robertson Ross Russell Satiara Sinclair Stanhope Stuart Tarcoon Tilpa Tobin Traralgon Trawalla Tuppulmummi Wadell Wanalta Wangoom Waterloo Wererina West Bogan Whakoo Wilga Yargunyah Yarraman Zouch Aripilis Bothadoola Boyong Bullamunta Franklin Mumpber Paka Pera Talaa Gumhall Gundabooka Lenakka Mitchell Penilui Ramsay Runker Toburra Trethella Warrego Buccambone Delatite Finlay Hillsborough Little Mialora Perayambone Stawell Gundabooka National Park Bendemeer Tank Crawfords Dam Bourke Reservoir Pattison Bourke Walgett School of Distance Education Bogan Darling Shire Gypsum Mine The Cedars Bendermere Mountain Bendermere Tank Mount Oxely Boradilla Mount Nelly Yanda Creek Two Waterholes Tank Nurathululla Boorindal Buigal Yahgunyah Cowal Willamura Willa Murra Mulgowen Wilgha Downs Mount Dijou