Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

GA SI50-08

GA SI50-08 - Newdegate

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Availability of Geoscience Products: As a specialist map provider, Cairns Charts & Maps has access to the full archive of Geoscience Australia's topographic collection. All products will be printed-on-demand and dispatched to you as quickly as possible. We do not foresee any impact to customers by the reported changes to GA's production of paper products.

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Jerramungup 1 Mile Rocks 1 Mile Rocks Nature Reserve Akoonah Almaree Amaroo Anembe Annabel Creek Annie Peak Aquilla Arizona Attunga Baanga Hill Baanga Rock Bakelup Creek Bakelup Pools Balfour Downs Bangor Bar Twenty Barina North Barookee Hill Beechdale Beenong Bellmans Beulah Big Creek Big Hill Bilga Bilney Springs Bivouac Rocks Bobs Place Booleroo Boomaroo Boonoke Boundary Creek Boundary Rock Bounty Braeside Breakaway Ridge Nature Reserve Broadacres Brookfield Bullsroar Bundara Buniche Burando Burkett Rock Burna Downs Burngup Caipercoolallup Spring Cairlocup Nature Reserve Calyerup Creek Calyerup Creek Mine Calyerup Rocks Cameron Creek Capecup Caringa Caringal Carinya Carlacatup Pool Carracarrup Creek Carracarrup Pool Cartup Pool Cave Point Chasrose Cobomup Creek Cocanarup Cocanarup Creek Cocanarup Mine Cocanarup Pool Cocanarup Spring Cojuma Coleman Soak Colladdie Coln Valley Commander Rocks Condign Coompertup Coonara Cowerdup Craigievale Craneford Station Cyandra Dalkon Downs Damnosa Nature Reserve Davrod Estates Dickman Rock Dingo Rock Drummond Spring Duleep Creek Duleep Spring Dumar Dunn Rock Dunn Rock Nature Reserve Dunnart Dunvegan Duordi Downs East Newdegate Edwards Point El-Dorado Elstree Farm Eyre Range Faraway Faraway Farms Fatima Fields Fendale Fitzgerald Fitzgerald River National Park Girraween Glen Raven Glenculter Glenern Glenidol Glennlossy Gnianup Junction Golden Acres Green Stone Greenshield Soak Gunna Do Gunna Tri Hall Lagoons Hall Rock Hamersley Inlet Hamersley River Heathland Nature Reserve Hicks Creek Highlands Stud Holland Rock Grain Storage Holland Rocks Holland Rocks Nature Reserve Holland Soak Hollands Track Farm Hopefuleigh Huscote Hyview Downs Irimple Ivanhoe Jackilup Creek Jacup Jacup Creek Jacup Dam Jerramungup District High School Jerramungup Golf Club Jerramungup Spring Jindalee Jusak Kangaroo Soak Karenvale Kathleen Nature Reserve Kelley Creek Kelvingrove Kensey Park Kent Kerrydale Killara Kilmaurs Kingfield Kingsville Kintail Park Kirra Kohlbardi Kuibrook Kuliup Kybulup Creek Kybulup Pool Kyltorran Kywong Lake Ace Lake Belah Lake Biddy Lake Biddy Homestead Lake Biddy Nature Reserve Lake Bryde Lake Bryde Nature Reserve Lake Buchan Lake Burkett Lake Cairlocup Lake Chidnup Lake Cobham Lake Fleay Lake Hill Lake Janet Lake Janet Nature Reserve Lake Joy Lake King Lake King Golf Club Lake King Nature Reserve Lake King Primary School Lake Lockhart Lake Magenta Lake Magenta Farms Lake Magenta Nature Reserve Lake Milarup Lake Morris Lake Noonan Lake Ottaway Lake Pallarup Lake Pingarnup Lake Rafa Lake Romani Lake Ronnerup Lake Royston Lake Stubbs Lake Tunney Lakeland Nature Reserve Lakeside Lancing Laurinya Lazy B Lillipilli Linden Lea Linwood Little Jacup Creek Lochcair Lockhart Nature Reserve Long Creek Long Creek Nature Reserve Longreach Lovat Downs Lovelle Park Macsville Magdhaba Downs Magdhaba Lake Magdhaba Soak Magenta Mail Box Hill Mainnerup Malkana Mallee Hill Mannavale Manyutup Creek Maudeena Park Maxley Menota Milarup Mills Lake Minelup Creek Minelup Pool Mission Monkey Rock Monte-Vista Moora Downs Moort-Lea Mount Drummond Mount Madden Mount Short Mylies Beach Myuna Rock Nardoo Naree Needilup Needilup Golf Club Needilup River Netty Never Never Newdegate Newdegate Agricultural Research Station Newdegate Golf Club Newdegate Primary School Nimbuwah Nirvana Nooraglen Norndup Spring Nunkeri Nyerilup Creek Oakdale Old Jerramungup One Tree Rock Overall Overington Pallarup Nature Reserve Pallarup Rocks Panton Creek Parua Downs Parwoonup Peppinella West Perkins Creek Perkins Pool Perkins Rock Pingamup Pingamup Gully Pingarnup Pingrup Pingrup Primary School Proudlove Downs Quagitup Quoin Head Ramona Ribblesdale Ringamere Riverdell Rock Dam Hill Rocklea Park Rocklee Roes Rock Roselea Rothesay Ryelands Scott Creek Sevenhills Shackerston Sheneeda Sheoak Hill Sheralee Shirric Silver Wattle Hill Silver Wattle Hill Nature Reserve South Buniche Nature Reserve South Newdegate South West Bay Gully Spring Creek Staunton Stennetts Lake Stevenson Creek Stirling Downs Sullivan Soak Sydenham Talland Tanami Tank No. 12 Tank No. 14 Tank No. 22 Tank No. 32 Tarkarri Tavistock Terandra The Block The Brook The Sticks Tiarri Tooartup Creek Twertatup Creek Udarrup Spring Undara Upsan-Downs Ups'N Downs Upson Downs Uralla Uralla Rock Urara Valhalla Waijecoolallup Walma Waricul Warkalup East Wattledale West Beach West Fitzgerald West Plains West River Whalebone Beach Whelarra Whoogarup Range Wilbrook Wilgerup Creek Windmesh Windy Hill Woodstock Wooganup Woondingellup Pool Wooroonga Yaalup Lagoon Yaalup Nature Reserve Yakka Flats Yandina Yarbudup Yatelands Yllhartado Yoolburra Lake Burnett Newdgate Lake Hills Uralla Rocks Lake Ottoway Stennets Lake One Mile Rocks One Tree Rocks Baanga Rocks One Mile Rocks Nature Reserve Der Rocks Myuna Rocks Lake Perham Magdabah Soak Magdhaba Lake Lochart Dunn Rocks Hall Lagoon Nyabing-Pingrup Shire Overshot Hill Hick Creek Cartacup Carlcatup Pool Cartacup Pool Manyatup Creek Cairlocup Kybulup Kybelup Scotts Creek Rocky Gorge Rocky Gully Jeramungup Spring Elwes River Hammersley River Wilgarrup Pool Carlawillup Rockhole Twertup Creek Susetta River