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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Yunta Uratan Salt Well Cockscomb Well Manna Hill Gold Field McLennan Dam Maldigo Dam Maldigo Hut Manna Hill Olary Post Office Pigeon Box Dam Pine Creek Dam Quartz Hill Oratan Dam New Dam North Carnamoodla Well Plumbago Well Ten Mile Hut Walparuta Mine Mount Victor Wells Olary Creek Old Manunda Dam Bimbowrie Hill Campbell Hut Wilks Dam Chifley Dam Gum Well Bore Honan Dam Raven Dam South Wright Dam Utanda Dam Creek Catch Winnininnie Dam Yerka Hut Bumbumbie Hut St Andrews Station Yacka Peak Nacua Peak Bluff Well Double Dam Cornish Bore Cottage Dam Minindie Wells Mulgathomba Piper Shaft Mine Crocker Original Mine Canegrass Dams Cartwright Dam Ethiudna Mine King Dam Jill Bore New Scrubby Dam North Black Hills Mount Victor South East Dam Tiver Dam Cockburn Netley Gap Well Catch Dam Arkaroola Well No Name Tank Foote Hut Perryhumuck Hut Sampson Dam Two Mile Dam Hurd Hill Grassy Dam Gum Well Dam Olary Silver Mine Grampus Range Turner Dam Marshes Well Sixteen Mile Dam Salt Well Dam Record Dam Winnininnie Well Cattle Pad Dam Binda Dam Gorge Well Cosmopolitan Mine New Well Winnininnie Hill Euro Bore Manna Hill Eating House S J Bore Elsie May Reef Mine Nilpena Hill Faugh-A-Ballagh Mine Wells Hill Westward Ho Reservoir Claypans Dam Number Two Bore Tonga Bore National Park Well Neils Dam Four Brothers Dam Martha Well Number Two Catch Black Tank Well Station Dam White Rock Mine Raven Hill Mine Doughboy Well Mine Varischettis Mine Hiles Catch George North Mine George South Mine Doughboy Creek Harvey Well Maldigo Well Nor-West Dam No 2 Dam Ocalia Bore One Tree Hill Dark Hill Dam Crosscut Dam Duffield Dam Russell Bore Terminus Tank Surprise Bore Watty Dam Willows Hut Mulga Dam New Luxemburg Reservoir Junction Bore Lignum Catch Larry Macs Dam Lucky Dam James Dam Davenport Hill Schwier Dam Quins Dam Shorty Dam Robbie Dam Smith Dam South Black Hills Tonga Creek Telephone Dam Tea and Sugar Dam Scrub Dam Saucepan Dam Pualco Range Redgate Bore Putt Dam Sheedy Dam Salt Creek Dam Short Day Bore Radium Hill Mine Cockburn Dam Duffers Dam Elephant Well Pennynellie Bore Gums Bore Chalker Dam Canegrass Dam Dalkey Mine Crocker East Mine New Bore Dead Horse Corner Bore Cave Dam Beryl Bore Centralia Mine Green And Gold Mine Mac Hill Bore Big Loan Tank Karkala Peak Mallee Bore McGonnery Well Saltash Cutana Dam Windy Hill Yatina Bore Yunta Creek Wadnaminga Goldfields Vickery Well Wompinie New Year Tank Yunta Well Woolshed Bore York Tank Arkaroola Bores Pimponda Well Old Grampus Pearce Dam Antro Dam North Catch Vickery Bore Anabama East Hut Alderman Dam Ethunia Duffer Dam Jones Well Great Eastern Dam J D Well Ironstone South Dam Milo Dam Old Gum Well Nob Ridge Royal Charlie Soak Uratan Dam West Whey Whey Bore Maldigo Bore New Luxemburg Gold Field Mount Victor Well Rockhole Dam Tonkin Dam Trinity East Dam West Mingary Dam Woolshed Dam Benda Range Ryan Dam Starlight Bore Tobacco Bush Dam Wawirra Winnininnie Waters Allanson Dam Anabama Dam Doughboy Bore Eagle South Dam Lines Dam Ironstone Dam Martin Dam Little Borehole Dam Wompinie Creek Bimbowrie Blue Well Boucaut Chimney Tank Grampus Bore Mugg Dam Trinity Mine Station Dams Teetulpa Teasdale Dam Walker Dam Station Well Hooper Bore Karkala Hill Davenborough Creek Deviation Dam Homewood Well Jumbug Well Chinaman Dam Copperlinka Well Fallout Dam Manna Hill Hotel New House Dam Mount Victor Dams North East Catch Snaky Creek Starlight Dam Olary National Park Spring Outalpa Dam Roundhill Dam Wadlaminga Well Dene Hill Chinaman Well Cronje Dam Cornish Well Creek Finch Tank Bore Dam Bulloo Creek Dam Boundary Dams Brady Dam Devonborough Downs Harvey Well No 2 Township Yard Walparuta Spring Ulupa Hill Warne Dam Acacia Dam Bull Dam Cattle Paddock Dam Burta Dam Cutana Cockburn Railway Station Jerry Bore Government Dams Mutooroo West Mine Spring Dam Trig Dam Dare Dam Dodd Hill Gall Well Creek Iron Rock Mindamerika Warukla Hill Watt Dam Wadnaminga Post Office Warrawarumbie Creek Olary Ridges Tea Tree Well Teetulpa Post Office Pine Creek Bore Windmill Dam Knob Well Bluff Dam Amateur Extension Tank Alderman Catch Bulloo Creek Jackson Dam Bluff Hut Kinloch Tank North Well Dam Ration Dam Tin Hut Bore Shorts Watercourse Trojan Mine Outawirra Hill Palina Catch Dam Black Tank Bore Bruce Dam Boolka Dam Oretan Rock Morialpa North Dam Old Manunda Paradise Dam Wharton Hill Wattle Bore North Yeredie Hut Binberrie Hill Farley Dam Eringa Prospect Olary Railway Station Manna Hill Accomadation House Morts Bore Lower Mingary Dam Yards Dam Cottonbush Dam Ameroo Dam Mindamereeka Well Bulloo Bore Old Willan Mine Marsh Well Gum Well South Riley Dam Netley Rock Dam Maldorky Dam Dey Well Two Waterholes Tea Tree Dam Warne Catch Pine Creek Ram Paddock Dam Jubilee Scrub Dam Yeredie Tank Cockrum Dams Plumbago Bore Plain Well Wheal Motley Dam Taltabooka Rocky Dam White Oaks Dam McConnery Well Westward Ho Reef Mine Ocalia Dam Old Gum Dam Grampus West Dam Tarmoola Bore Horse Waterhole Dunbala Hut Rothesay Yards New Year Dam Eutunda Dam Mutooroo Dam Bumbumbie Dam Grant Quarry Karolta Eudunda Hope Mine Eagle West Dam Peters Dam Duffield Bore Oakvale North Dam White Dam Oulnina Bumbumbie Well Four Brothers Big Bulloo Well Middle Dam South East Catch Road Paddock Dam Sixty Dam Canteen Dam Poodla Well Pennynellie Springs White Wells Duffield Well Oratan Rock Galah Creek South Dam Forty Dam Windmill Well Netley Gap East Dam Old Winnininnie Dam Arkarula Dam Blue Dam Gum Well Copper Mine Briggs Dam Mingary Creek Willows Well Read Dam Shorts Dam Cairloch Dam Salt Well Dams Black Hill Catch Davenborough Dam Maldorky Hut Reedy Tank Lignum Station Jackson Well Karlinka Seven Mile Dam Quondong Dam Elsie May Mine Aldokra Black Oak Creek New Granite Dam Mimaroo Well Windmill Bore Brady Gully Boundary Dam Blake Hut Purple Catch Dam Dare Hill Coppin Well Orana Dam Wallaby Hill Peryhumuck Bore Lilydale South Tank Gums Tank Outalpa Railway Station Manunda Lookout Hill Mine Mount Perserverance Mine Mitchell Prospect Long Gully Dam Mingary Railway Station Peaked Hill Dry Well Gum Well Crocker Dam Cutana Creek Yerka Well Birthday Dam Number Seven Bore Perseverance Dam Bell Dam Jim Well Maltinippa Well Vigars Dam Burdon Bore Childs Dam Dead Dog Gate Gums Lake Marshes Bore Wadnaminga Dam Tiverton Nectar Mine Two Mile Bore Round Hill Well Yeredie Bore Oonartra Bore Little White Dam North Hooper Well Little Dam Mildaltie Mine Oakvale Proper Dam Woman In White Mine Vickery Creek Plain Well Tank Iron Idol Mine Cockscomb Dam House Bore Gum Creek Gum Bore Razorback Ridge Tombstone Tank Turkey Nest Bore Rae Dam Boucaut East Dam Ethiudna Hill Double Dams Mount Edwards Bayes Dam Lyndoch Dam Block Dam Chalky Dam Outalpa Hill Dlorah House Dam Hills Well Utanda Well Wilks Well Little Bluff Hut Stony Peak Mutooroo Mine Nob Dam Dead Finish Dam Walparuta Bore Acacia Tank New Starlight Dam Mount Bore Alinda Bore Rock Hut Mount Victor Dam Jacoe Dam Nillinghoo Gold Field Mount Dam Copperlinka Yard Swamp Dam Tazacker Dam Westward Ho Mine Pussy Creek Dam Wonarra Creek Maldorky Buckboard Dam Anabama Extension Dam Cornish Tank McLennan Tank Montstephen Bore Pualco Dam Morialpa Prospect Arkaroola Tank Pimponda Mine Junction Well Kitchen Well Red Dam Eringa South Prospect Spring Well Odeas Bore Potts Dam Mine East Dam MacDonald Hill Well Starks Camp Trinity Dam Tankalano Butler Well Catina Surrender Dam Sandalwood Dam South Bore House Dam Four Corners Dam King Bluff Gold Field Blunder Dam Number Three Bore Old Netley Deep Well Florina Foote Bore Netley Dam Netley Gap Wiawera Well Cold Tea Mine Nillinghoo Post Office Radium Dam Northern Bore Parker Dam Cutana Bore Blue Springs Boucaut West Dam Dadjeri Dam Old Manunda Homestead Mindamereeka Tank Sheedy Tank Kruger Extension Tank Kitchen Dam Triangle Dam Walparuta Hut Nilpena Dam Gall Bore Magpie Dam No 4 Well Grampus Well Wadnaminga Two Brothers Aroona Outalpa Well Martha Dam Boucaut East Extension Tank Horse Waterhole Dam Dinnertime Bore Grampus Rocky Dam Copley Dam Sandalwood Bore Copperlinka Dam Loch Hazard Dam Oakbank Dam Panaramatee Dam Tilpa Bore Pimponda Tank Browns Hill Pinery Hill Mount Tank Mustering Paddock Bore Tombstone Dam Lambert Dam Salt Well Tommie Wattie Bore Walter Outalpa Mine Copperlinka Waterhole Netley Olary Rural School Victoria Towers Dam Waterfall Bore Wrights Bore Bumbumbie Mine Back Bore No Gammon Mine Round Hill Bore Woodville Dam Amature Dam Livelys Dam Homeward Bound Well Oakvale Number Six Bore Salt Well Catch Cottonbush Tank Nilpena Well Sunset Dam Square Dam Ethiudna Well Royal Charlie Mine Pualco Well Breakneck Bore Nicoll Well Mundy Well Countess of Jersey Dam Hardingham Bore Ram Dam Altandee Hill Vic Dam Doughboy Well Waterfall Hut White Well Lyndoch Catch West Creek Phosphate Dam Houlahan Dam Foote Well Lakes Folly Whey Whey Yard Bullock Tank Boundary Plain Catch Glen Bore Ram Well Montstephen Well Prospect McConnery Dam East Doughboy Bore Spring Tank Little Arkarula Bore Spillers Dam Domenic Mine Antro Hut Outalpa McBride Dam South East Hut Woman In White Anzac Bore Hard Hit Dam Mount Sprigg Queen Bee Mine Round Hill Rothesay Dam McDonald Hill Tonkin Well Windi Windich Well Whim Dam Robin Bore Yerka Hill Oulawurri Hill Tonkin Hut Maldorky Well North Well Second Watercourse Dam Bullock Dam Nor-West Hut West Creek Dam Birdcage Dam Bimbowrie Conservation Park Eringa Park Muster Bore Hammatt Dam New Bluff Well Pink Dam Anabama Hill Wandi Windich Well Cockburn Rural School Yantina Dam Putt Well Mine North Mulga Bore Basso Mine Meadows Dam Amateur Dams Duffield Catch Waterfall Yard Benda Dam Borehole West Dam Wilcox Tank Anabama Tank Crocker West Mine Hughes Prospect Middle Ocalia Dam Springs Dam Vranes Prospect Depot Dam Crocker Well Camp Pudla Well Little Well Grampus Dam Satire Dam Eagle North Dam Duffield South Plain Dam Jubilee Three Mile Tank Dinnertime Dam Carkeroo Well Vineys Mine Bluff Bore Maldorky West Dam Copperlinka Creek Yardlowie Hill Lady Macs Dam Eastward Ho Well Lion Hill Devonborough Well Meningie Springs Maynard Well Utanda Hut Outalpa Springs Old Mingary Reservoir Yunta Spring Chimney Bore Bulloo Well Little Arkaroola Bore Spring Bore Wiawera Baxter Prospect Salt Number Two Bore Euro Mine Old Merry Mine Homeward Bound Mine Bonnie Brae Quartz Rock Wheal Motley Yatchi Richi Well Extension Tank Maltinippa Dam Walparuta Tank Whim Well Horse Dam Cockburn Trig Black Hill Malcolm Dam Halfway Dam Winnininnie Con Bore Calico Bore Crocker Well Pegline Dam Johnson Dam Browns Outstation Cottage Tank Jackson Hill Mundy Hill Poverty Dam Pualco Catch Dam Second Moorowie Dam Adlaweena Constance Dam MacDonald Hill Dam Oulnina Railway Station Benda Oakvale Dam Scott Bore Cutaway Dam White Rock Dam Butchers Dam Charlie Bore Palina Dam Sisters Dam Outalpa Tank Cronje Extension Dam King Bluff North Oraton Dam Tiverton Outstation Wallaby Peak Outalpa Springs Well Plumbago Nilpena Ruins Pimpena Hill Perukila Hill Figgans Dam Blue Duck Dam Arkarula Well Muster Dam Old Lake Dismal Gum Dam Teatree Well Bottle Dam Con Well Pussy Cat Dam Arkarula Bore Verity Tank Woolshed Range Hogan Dam Flachuber Mine Tettawuppa Bluff Tank Bortoli Mine Dead Horse Corner Tank Eringa Bore Bristowe Hill Dry Dam Manna Hill Creek Milky Dam Mount Mulga Mine Eastward Ho Bore Mindamereeka Hut Four Mile Dam Droughty Dam West Paddock Dam Yatina Dam Malkulpara Hill Office Well Oultande Reserve Dam Reilly Dam Embankment Dam Iron Peak Magpie Bore Yunta Railway Station Bumbumbie Blackfellows Dam Wattle Bore Marldakunha Vambata Woolshed Well Barrier Highway Walparuta Hill Netley Creek Bore Tiverton Creek Grampus Hill Boundary Bore T P Bore Nine Mile Dam First Moorowie Dam Tom Dam Eaglehawk Dam Doughboy Dam West Knob Well Peryhumuck Dam Antro Well Lambert East Catch Cathedral Rock Cavanagh Chase Bore Crocker Tank South East Tank Coppins Bore Emery Hut Junction Dam Tin Hut Dam Euro Tank East Tombstone Bore Bumbumbie Bore White Hope Mine Broad Arrow Tanks Duffield Dams Evening Star Mine Odd Tick Mine Black Tank Lilydale Shearlock Dam Weekeroo Mine Boulder Dam Black Hill Dam Dlorah Downs McLennan Bore Government Dam Gums Dam Hiles Dam Homestead Dams Harvey Bore Spillers Tank Cutana Railway Station New Well Dam Mike Bore Menning Dam Corner Bore Gorge Dam Doughboy Hut Jones Extension Dam Old Station Well Plain Well Dam East Dam Hook Hill Ram Paddock Well Howe Dam Mulga Bore Number Four Well Nine Mile Yard Horse Paddock Dam Pine Bore Panaramatee Kirkeeks Treasure Nillinghoo Manna Hill Railway Station Oratan Salt Well Burdon Dam Coomba Catch Government Dam No 3 Johnson Old Dams Sutherlands Dam Arkarula Auxiliary Dam Morialpa Bore Dunbala Hill Dogwood Dam Netley Gap West Dam Montstephen Well Opie Dam Cutana Waterhole Lady Louise Mine Yunta Special Rural School Butterfly Dam Cornwell Dam Road Dam Mooleugore Hill Corrowella Bore Yantina Bore Mount Bull Mine Scobie Well Griffith Dam Walparuta Well Netley Hill Pat Hut MacDonald Hill Pigeon Dam Boolcoomata Homestead Anabama Claypan Dam Meningie Well Moorowie Well Winninee Halliday Dam Yardlowie Well West Dam Kevin Dam Utanda Springs Back Dam Rocky River Well Yunta Post Office Pinery Dam Myall Tank Wiawera Dam Lawns Bore Plumbargo Bore Bundera West Station Taltabooka Dam Plain Well Bore Big Dam Corella Covells Dam Homeward Bound Bore Meningie Well Prospect Mine Chick in Green Outalpa Springs Tank Ameroo North West Mine Trinkaleena Mine Duckpond Dam Old Carnamoodla Dam Gloucester Dam Muster Catch Davidson Dam Oom Paul Dam Salt Dam Tepco Plain Catch Horseshoe Paddock Dam Premier Mine Aldockra Hill Antro Auxiliary Dam Marjorie Mine Mine Dam Patt Well Alinda Dam Centenary Dam Jumbug Hut Goslin Gully Olary Well Lindock Dam Rock Bore Chimney Dam Brookes Bore Goode Hill Weekeroo Davenborough Well End of Base Trig Trial Dam Warne Hut Bob Hill Old Dam Starks Camp Dam Mustering Bore Ocalia Creek Old Granite Dam Mutooroo Post Office Oak Park Luxemburg Well Midday Dam Grampus Catch Dam East Rowe Mill South Calico Bore Macs Dam Boundary Deposit Perryhumuck Dam Kadish Bore Jolly Dam Scobie Hill Silverton Bore Ameroo Hill Mine Hard Hit Bore King Billy Tank Ballara Corella Soak Dam Bullock Creek Dam Blackoak Dam Cocktail Dam Four Brothers Bore Towers Dam Tom Tank Dead Horse Corner Dam White Bore Crocker Bore MacDonald Hill Mine Mallee Dam Bore Pat Well Wiawera Creek Yeredie Well Two Thousand Yard Dam Palina Creek Tonga Well Batley Hill Springs Bore Martha Bore Oonartra Well Grampus Rock Dam Pepuarta Kerlinka Euro Dam Jacobs Well Canegrass West Dam Mokinbolo Hill Pine Gully Dam Cox Tank Billy Dam Uratan Old Station Florina Springs York Dam Diggings Bore The White Well Yardlowie Bore Harvey Back Dam Cutana Quarries Harvey Well No 1 Lambert West Catch Tikalina Catch Hole Manna Hill Hut Bulloo Well Bore Punt Well Pine Gully Well Relief Well Open Dam Cox Bore Grampus Rock Wawirra Well Oonartra Dam White Dam Yards Warolinga Hill Mannahill Well Round Hill Dam Cockscomb Hill Sister Olive Dam Warton Hill North Plain Dam Division Dam Warne East Dam Dey Hill MacDonald Hill Bore Whites Well Bore Lower Mingary Accomodation House Copper Top Mine MacDonald Hill Railway Siding Strawbridge Dam Horne Catch Dam Engine Dam Felvis Bore Hubble Dam Manna Hill Dam Scrubby Dam Paringa Dam Perryhumuck Well Mingary Waterhole Old Boolcoomata Tietz Dam Lignum Dam White Tank Black Oak Dam Geranium Dam Oulnina Park Wheal Motley Bore Black Maria Mine Antro Woolshed Wattle Dam New Saucepan Dam Flood Dam Mingary Marsh Bore Peryhumuck Mine Old Boolcoomata Scheelite Boolcoomata Mine Davenborough Bore Three Mile Dam Nor-West Bore McGonnery Dam Mutooroo Onetree Dugout Hartford Dam Xray Well Wadnaminga Reservoir Cockburn Crossing Opening Spring Brinkworth Well Crocker Main Eastern and Central Mine Cutana Dams Mutooroo Creek Eringa Copperlinka Hut Harvey Dam Ameroo Springs Dingo Dam Old Bluff Well Alindee Boolcoomata Quarry Robby Dam Hills Dam Uratan Rock Anabama East Dam Aroona Dam Maldingo Lake Teetulpa Gold Field Goodland Hut Cox North Dam Dismal Lake Tanks Nicabob West Plain Hut Watercourse Dam Hamper Hut Mine Tattawuppa Hill Lake View Mine Outulpa Railway Bore Giles Nob Wawirra Creek Crabb Dam Davenborough Hill Jolley Bore Dean Dam Weir Dam Vickery Rock Winnininnie Creek Miracle Bore Pualco Hill Heinrich Catch Duffields Redwings Dam Reeds Dam Rocky Bore Darcy Bore South Hill Hayes Dam Jubilee Dams North Alticoco Dam Gall Well Wawirra Railway Station Pine Creek Well Boolcoomata Hill Salt Creek No 1 Dam Olary Primary School Diversion Dam Taltabooka Homestead Ameroo Hill Yacca Peak Whey Whey Hut Perryhumuck Mine Rowett Dam Strawbridge Gully Reservoir Quondong Bore Russell Well Bore Maldorky Hill Mundy Dam Paratoo Dam Great Eastern Catch Lucky Bore Snaky Bore Katie Dam Mitchell Hill Winnininnie Railway Station Trail Dam Federation Well Jackson Pile Jack Dam Pualco West Trig Russell Dam Maggie Mine Russell Well Mingary Dam Virginia Well Oulnina Hill Whey Whey Well Kinloch Dam Sunrise Dam Sylvester Bore Harold Dam Wanarra Creek Saltbush Dam Bindarrah Mary Old Mine Mulga Darts Dam Pualco Range Conservation Park Cockey Dam Drew Hill Thrinkaleena Well Ocalia Well Bewooloo Hill Mary Mine Rowe Bore Porky Bore Weekeroo Hill Utulpa Carnamoodla Well Auxiliary Dam Putt Tank Cornish Well St Patrick Dam Old Oratan St Andrews Old Mingary Biddies Dam Dismal Covells Dam Calico Hill Doubt Fire Dam Mingary Post Office Yard Dam Putt Well Pitcairn Hill Borehole Dam Robins Dam Little Rat Mine Brady Mine Joyce Dam Jacobs Dam Jones Dam Spieler Creek Rowe Camp Dam Mindamereeka Hill The Pigeon Box Foote Hill Larry Macs Bore Woolacott Dam White Elephant Bore Three Mile Dugout East Jumbuc Hole Alticoco Well Swanny Tank Bayes Catch Lubra Dam Dismal Creek Vickery Rock Well No 3 Dam Hideaway Dam Diamond Dam Mallee Dam Gums Well Hiles Well Green Yards Sheedy Yard Bimbowrie Creek Mindamereecka Hill Burns Bullo Creek MacDonalds Hill Radium Hill Mannahill Alindee Hill Ulupa Winnininnie Station Brown Hill Tattawuppa Pepuarta Hill Cockscomb Dodds Hill Mundys Hill Dlorah Tiverton Station Mitchells Hill Alabama East Hut Manunda Creek Number One Dam Number Two Dam Number Three Dam Hammatts Well Pualco West Lilydale Out Station Lilydale Station Government Dam Number Three