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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia's national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Wongalea Kelvin Grove Honuna Nandum Quandong Belaly Apsley Bri Bri Rose Farm Boree Park Kingston Park Queel Queel Berangerine Keiross Yarrabee Amoila Haylock Kyeamba Glen Alvie Merienium Duckshot Ulonga Nyntee Wyoming Bri Bri South Aubrey Dale Noonamah Old Erin Mingah Yurdyilla Kelsey Erin Sidonia Mywurlie Carrego Smeaton Park Ville Tarana Te-Aro Oxley Oxley Downs Old Galah Tupra The Brass Butt Willow Dale Corrong Galah Norwood Thelangerin Warrendale Elamany Geramy Craigielea Embah The Willows Nullagong Days Boyong Mallawa Lavistock Walwa Merrivale Kempsey Yeadon Lara Toopuntul Benara Kurragundi Darcoola Yarrawa Bagomba Tooronga Croidon Quindalup Willowgrove Homestead Gelam Coonara Nap Nap Par-Avion Woolamie Yerrinbool Noongaburra Wooloondool Kangaroo Rokeby Nulabor Berragoon Howlong Corinth Gundaline Hay Alleyne Anders Creek Amoilla Alicks Dam Abercrombie Abercrombie Creek Baconian Swamp Bahpunga Baldon Barman State Forest Barmen State Forest Beabula Beabula Railway Station Bedarbidgal Belaley Benduck Benduck North Benduck South Beresford Beresford Creek Big Baldon Sandhill Bluff Point Bluff Black Tom Point Blind Creek Black Creek Booroorban Booroorban Cemetery Booroorban Public School Booroorban State Forest Booroorban Tank Village of Booroorban Boozer Creek Boree Point Bowerabine Bowna Bowna Swamp Box Creek Box Swamp Boyd Brick Tank Well Bromiumbong Dam Bromiumbong Swamp Brush Buckley Buckonyong Creek Budgee Budgee Creek Bulgura Caira Cutting Camerons Camp Canegrass Swamp Caroonboon Carrathool Carrathool Public School Carrathool Railway Station Carse Carse Lake Chambers Clarkes Corner Tank Clear Lake Cluny Lake Comayjong Cooey Point Lagoon Cooladgery Lagoon Coonoon Coonoon Creek Cornellees Point Cowans Creek Cuba Cuba Dam The Cubas Cumbungy Creek Curtains Creek Darcoola Creek Daylight Waterhole Deaf Adder Swamp The Den Tank Derinum East Waradgery Eight Mile Lagoon Eleven Mile Creek Eli Elwah Eilginbah Euroley Eurolie Eurolie Creek Eurolie Anabranch Eurolie Dam Eurugabah Eurugabah Hill Fiddlers Creek Fifteen Mile Creek Firebrace Five Mile Creek Four Corners Four Corners Tank Four Mile Clump Galah Well Glengalla Glen Hope Godfrey Gonowlia Goonawarra Nature Reserve Gordons Point Grant Great Cumbungi Swamp Green Swamp Gre Gre Gum Creek Gum Creek Tank Gum Swamp Gunbar Gunbar Cemetery Gundaline Creek Gunyah Swamp Gwynne Harold Hay Airport Hay Cemetery Hay Post Office Hay Public School Hay Railway Station Hay South Hay State Forest Hay War Memorial High School Hay Weir Hiawatha Horse and Jockey Tank Ibbotson Sandhills Ilginbah Illilawa Ina Ina Bore Ita Lake Jellalabad Jeraly Jeraly Hill Johnston Park Johnstons Tank Jumbuck Jung Jung Jung Jung Swamp Kabarabarabejal Calewatta River Canoon Tank Carses Lake Conargo Dam Cooba Dam Coolamans Waterhole Corrong Station Village of Currathool Currathool West Curtains or Nyangay Creek Eli Elwah Public School Euroley Creek Branch of Eurolie Creek Great Cambung Swamp Gum Leaf Tank The Gums Dam Village of Gunbar Gundadaline Creek Harts Lake Hay Permanent Common Illiliwa Illilliwa Railways Station Illilwa Well Karaula River Killarney Swamp Killendoo Lang Lara Creek Lerap Swamp Lethington Leura Lignam Lake Lignum Lake Lintets Swamp Lintots Swamp Long Point Loch Longbottoms Dam Long Tom Point Lorraine Lyle Macleay Mcfarlands State Forest Mcintyres Corner McLeans Waterhole Magnolia Marked Tree Point Marool Swamp Maude Village of Maude Maude Cemetery Maude Public School Maude Weir Meginleys Lake Meginleys Swamp Melrose Merrimajeel Creek Merrinageal Creek Merrool Creek Middle Paddock Saltbush Swamp Midgecleugh Millers Clump Mills Miranda Miranda State Forest Mirrool Creek Mount Moggumbill Moggumbill Ridge Moologa Lake Muloga Lake Moultrassie Mulberrygong Mungadal Murphys Lake Murrumbidgell or Merrimajeel Creek Myall Nandum Tank Narrabri Swamp Narrawidgery Narrow Lagoon Nerang Nicholson Nimmie Creek Nimming Nimming Creek Nine Mile Well North Uardry Nullabor Railway Station Nyangay Nyangay Creek Old Channel One Tree Village of One Tree One Tree Plain One Tree Tank Oolambeyan Oolambeyan Dam Oorong Oorong Oorong Lagoon Town of Oxley Oxley Cemetery Oxley State Forest Palmer Paradise Paradise East Paradise Tank Parquin Lake Patterson Pembelgong Pembelgong State Forest Pembelong State Forest Peppermint Swamp Pevensey Pevensey Station Pimpampa Pimpara Creek Pimpara Tank Pocock Park Porters Dam Powheep Pungmallee Quandong Tank Raheen Lookout Rainbow Tank Rankin Raubelle Rawleys Lake Reedy Lake Ronald Rookery Rudds Point Russell Rutherford Ryans Lake St Pauls Saltbush Swamp Sand Creek Sand Gully The Sandhills Schicers Sand Hill Seventeen Mile Tank Seventeen Mile Well Shallow Gum Creek Shicers Sandhill Simson Sinclair Sixteen Mile Gums Sixteen Mile Gums Tank 16 Mile Gum Tank Govt Tank Snaky Creek Stewarts Sandhill Sturts Sand Hill Suicide Creek Swamp Lake Tchelery Tchelery Tank Te Aro Tank Telegraph Creek Telegraph Dam Thalaka The Dead Finish Thellangering Thellangering West The Oaks The Read Beds Thirty Mile Gums Tindale Toganmain Toms Point Toms Point State Forest Tongul Toogimbie Toogimbie Tank Toopuntil and Toopuntal Toopuntul Swamp Tully Tupencal Swamp Tupentel Swamp Twenty Mile Gums Twenty Mile Gums Bore Two Mile Sandhill Two Mile Sand Rise Two Trees Twynam Uardry Uardry Station Ulonga Tank Wah Wah No 8 Channel Wah Wah No 9 Channel Wah Wah No 10 Channel Wahwoon Wahwoon State Forest Lake Waljeers Wallaby Wallaby Tank Walthams Tank Wandigong Wangabawgul Waradgery State Forest Wargam Creek Warrigal Warweebundimumbie Lagoon Waymea Werkenbergal Werkenbergal Swamp West Waradgery Whymoul Creek Wilgah Williams Dam Willis Willurah Willurah State Forest Windouran Swamp Wingara Tank Wingen Wirkenberjal Wolseley Wood Wooloombye Wooloondool State Forest Wooloondool Well Wureep Yanga Yang Yang Yannaway Yannaway Lagoon Dinnys Lagoon Yimbaring Lake Bullogal Dowling Downey Dry Lake Dry Lake Well Drysdale Dixons Creek The Dry Lake Bungah Creek Lake Bungarry Burrabogie Burra Burroon Swamp Maude State Forest Hay Reservoir Tooralboung Flora Reserve Pembelgong Flora Reserve Boocathan Pollen Toorong Sahara East Brassbutt Buckonyong Bungarry Matamong Mulloga Pimpara Toopruck Tooralboung Waljeers Lincoln Lagan Wyunga Houlong Mulburruga Great Cumbung Swamp The Reed Beds Moulamein Oolambeyan National Park Kalyarr National Park Gunbar South Bullogal Lake Shicers Sand Hill Illiliwa Well Uardry Outstation Pimpare Creek Wilowgrove Nulabor Station Beabula Station Ilililiwa Illilliwa Torry Plain The Gum Creek Waradgery Ravensworth Hells Gate Braemar Glenhope Elginbah Saint Pauls Red Hill Kyeema Singorimbah Clearview Narringa Miegunyah Everslee Avalon Epsom Downs North Bundy Wargam Park Estate Bundyulumblah Windouran Tank Jung Jung Tank