Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

NSW 8535-S

NSW 8535-S - Gulargambone

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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.

At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Locations within this Map

Pretoria Uangra Kerribee Eureka Kindamindi Inglewood Pine Grove Newhaven Ellerslie Merri Merri Glencoe Warrawee Santa Paula West Point Warrambone Bourbah Belara Warrie Eirraw Troon Murrimbong Merryvale Inglewarra Blamford Downs Dalwood Hughenden Avoca Warrie Downs Wilbermere Widgeree North Woodside Boree Brinawa Burwood Paistex Youldoo Verona Weronga Nepean New Gular Mellerstain Woodside Calga Park Terang Densley Broadwater Wyrona The Maze Kinross Dunromin Earlside Morotai Pine Clump Brewarra Wallaroy Homebush Cordale Cheeridel Webegong Back Merrigal Back Tenandra North Bullagreen North Armatree Wonga Wangaratta Glenwood Masterton Yarran Macville Glenmuir Kooringle Saratoga Glenmore Grandoon Park Wilga Plain Bellvue Chosan Jindalee Emu Park Millawa Eumerella Old Bundilla Merridgerri Dragon Weona Park Koorawatha Tarrawonga Erdec Bullagreen Gulargambone Back Creek Amareb Creek Amareb Gully Village of Armatree Armatree Boebung Bourbah Bore Bullagreen Swamp Bullagreen Tank Connibong Dead Gum Lake Gibber Waterhole Gular Gulargambone Bore Gulargambone Cemetery Gulargambone Central School Healy Illurmurgalla Waterholes Galargambone Galargambone Creek Gular Rail Little Merri Merri Creek Long Waterholes Merrigal Pine Gully Tailby Tailby State Forest The Quiet Corner Wamabung Dam Warrie State Forest Wemabung Dam Dooroombah Dragon Cowal Droggy Lake Bundilla Armatree Bore Black Swamp Gular Bore Gulargambone Memorial Park Gulargambone Sportsground Merri Merri Swamp Jack White Memorial Park Jean Walker Park Wingebar Village of Gular Bill Delaney Park Baronne Creek Wilber Creek Tooraweenah Creek Mariemon Creek Tooraweenah Tank Mount Terrabile