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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Uralla Carrawatha Inverness Blantyre Bentwood Glendale Leumeah Glenarthur Hartwood Abington Barton Range Banarka Dee Why Coy-Bil Coybil Dollar Downs Shena Gowrie Lazy Iona Downs Tipa-Jootti Merrylands Wingadee Mount Marion Success Merryfield Dawn Haven Winden Toolangatta Deans Mountain Kia-Ora Tellata Jesmond Parema Triangle Wellencourt Gwandoban Table Top Eden Moor Mandeville Premer Wha-Ree Currawong Ulinga Bullarook Kildare Connemarra Byrbank Rockgedgiel Tamalie Bundella Park Bunaella Braemar Cawoola Old Bullarook Arlington Berowaca Greenslopes Oakey Creek Kerrawah Makiwa Tirranna Darrawee Clear Springs Texas Wyeela Locknaw Munna Kurrajong Park Mount View Roselea Pinegrove Galloway Carinya Carinia Kenmoylorn Nioka Binnia Binnia Downs Braedene Woodlands Pandora Tuwinga Bradview Quamby Eulaba Barana Thenderra Killaree Delawong Beverly Downs Binnia Hills Bullaroy Mingladon Koorani Banoon Mundroola Main Top Ellerslie Winooka Mount Oeba The Bowery Oakdale Burragundy Coolah Creek Allison Back Creek Mount Abundance Abundance Bald Ridge Creek Bamboo Hill Bamboo Mount Bluff Mountain Black Stump Cemetery Black Stump Creek Black Stump Graveyard Binnia Creek Boltons Creek Bomera Bomera Railway Station Bone Brennan Brennans Creek Brennans Gap Brennans Gap Creek Carlisle Carlisle Springs Catos Creek Clarke Connemara Railway Station Coxs Creek Coybil Creek Deans Mountain Creek Deep Gully Devils Hole Gully Ferngrove Creek Mount Finlay Flash Jacks Creek Gamble Creek Gap Creek Gundare Gundare Creek Honeysuckle Corner Hut Creek Jacks Hill Currajong Gully Deans Mountain Gully The Devils Hole Creek Ferngrove Gully Finlay Mountain Jacks Mount Little Plain Creek Log Creek Lowe Mooki Creek Moores Mountain Morven Mount Direction Muddy Gully Nanny Flat Creek Napier Neible Oakey Pandoras Pass Piambra Pipeclay Gully Pottinger Mount Pottinger Pulpit Rock Queensborough Rocky Creek Round Mountain Rushy Creek The Rushy Gully Saltshed Creek Seven Mile Junction Snake Creek Spring Gully Stony Creek The Seven Mile Ulinda Ulinda Creek Weetaliba Weetaliba Post Office Weetaliba Public School Weetaliba Railway Station Weetalibah Whitbys Creek Whitbys Gully Wiggins Creek Diana Creek Yellow Creek Yellow Gully Bundella Direction Head Direction Head Peak Bundella Cemetery Bundella General Cemetery Bundella Public School Bundulla Black Stump Resting Place Bottom Weir Bryan Egan Weir Oxley Park Ropers Road Twelve Mile Gully Weetauba Railway Station Remep Tamilies Creek Oaky Creek Honeysuckle Creek Flash Jack Creek