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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 4cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 12.5km by 12.5km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Inverary Marchfield Glenyarra Melvan Farm Bucklebar Tahyungerigo Rosehill Vine Hill Cana House Somerset Park Yaralla Bungay Rye Hill Forest Lodge Mulconda Riverview Ainsley Park Yarrum Rhodesville Ferndale Waverly Carinya Kundiwarric Argowrie Taree Tinonee Purfleet Abbotts Falls Basin Ford Bays Hill Lookout Bo Bo Creek Blackfords Bay Boorowhangary Island Bootawa Bootawah Bootoowaa Boronia Reserve Bow Bow Creek Breakneck Hill Browns Creek Careys Creek Carpunghat Peninsula Carters Creek Carter Island Cemetery Gully Chatham Chatham High School Chatham Public School Condo Creek Coocumbac Island Coocumbac Island Nature Reserve Coolooglungat Island Coondy Gully Cow Hill Cubba Cubba Creek Curreeki Gully Deans Creek Dennes Creek Dennes Gully Fattorini Creek Flanagans Creek Gaggans Creek Giant Falls Glenthorne Halls Creek Hillville Jacksons Falls Jump Up Hill Karaak Flat Karaak Flat Railway Station Coondy Creek Crooked Creek Dennis Creek Dundaloo Public School Killawarra Killawarra Creek Killawerra Creek Killawarra Railway Station Kimbriki Kimbriki Public School Kiwarric Kiwarric Mountain Kolodong Koorainghat Kundibakh Kundibakh Creek Lantana Crossing Lilias Creek Little Goat Island Little Sugarloaf Creek Manning Gardens Public School Manning Valley Public School Martin Reserve Mays Hill Lookout Milbai Creek Mondrook Mondrook Creek Mondrook Point Moondarook Moondarook Creek Munghi Creek Oaky Island Omaru Park Peg Leg Creek Plum Pudding Creek Red Gully Reedy Island Searls Ford Shoal Bay Skye Park Snakes Creek Stitts Creek Stokes Park Stony Creek Stony Gully Sullivans Ford Swamp Oak Creek Taree Estate Taree High School Taree Hospital Taree Park Taree Post Office Taree Public School Taree Receooures Taree Railwy Station Taree West Public School The Basin The Bight The Pines Tinonee Creek Trotters Island Turragurry Gully Tyrril Creek Whites Crossing Woola Woola Creek Wrigley Park Yaypo Hill Dry Creek Burrell Creek Burrill Creek Bayview Reserve Chatham Park Deb Park Edinburgh Park Fotheringham Park Muscio Park Ruprecht Park Taree South Kiwarrak Bootawa Dam Rocky Falls Creek Dingo Creek Hillview Sidebottom Sidebottom Creek