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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 4cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 12.5km by 12.5km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Courallie Drumadoon Ingledene Wakefield Rosewood Wattle Grove Glen View Wanderriby Mount Pleasant Moleen Akuna Rocky Cottage Overdene Jeogla Roxborough Biston Park Hilton Wyatts Creek Avaion Eastwood Mount View Copper Rock Barjo Back Creek Bald Hill Billycan Hill Budgaree Gully Cave Gully Chandler Falls Chandler Public School Chandler River Church Rock Clear Gully Eaglehawk Gully Eely Creek Fire Lookout Egans Gully Ferny Gully Fletchers Gap Glenview Green Gulf Green Gully Green Gully Spur Honey Gully Honeysuckle Creek Honeysuckle Flat Hut Gully Kangaroo Flat Church Rocks Ferney Gully Green Gully Creek Helena Creek Kirkwoods Creek Kirkwoods Gully Lapstone Lightning Knob Long Gully Lovelocks Flat Macphersons Gully Main Camp Flat Mill Gully Mullens Crossing New England Ridge New England Spur Nine Mile Hut Creek Oaky Falls Oaky River Oaky River Dam Old Washpool Creek Pantons Point Pikes Creek Pipeclay Hill Poganbilla Ponds Creek St Helena Creek St Helena Gulf Razorback Hill Rigneys Gully Rocky Creek Sandy Creek Sawdust Creek Sawdust Gully Sawpit Gully School Gully Second Gully Shepherds Flat Shephards Flat Creek Sleeper Creek Solomons Hill Spankers Gully Styx Styx Creek Styx River Wallaroo Gully Wattle Flat Wollomombi Wollomombi Falls Woolomombi Falls Wright Creek Yard Creek Diamond Creek Dingo Gully Yooroonah Bullecourt Gully Big Anne Checks Lookout Edgars Lookout Farewell Flat Falls Lookout Lower Wattle Flat Station Creek Rockvale Creek