Nautical Chart / Marine Chart

PNG 625

China Strait
PNG 625 - China Strait

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If you require an unfolded copy (ie: flat for framing), please select Flat Paper, and we will organise a special print service to accomodate your request.

The full Australia Hydrographic Office index of products is available at the Australia Chart, ENC and Publication Index.

This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to 'Notice to Marines' by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or 'sea map', is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), 'spot depths' across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Yama Reef West Channel Weku Una Wekouna Rock Weku Sinibu Rock Mount Weia-Dubi Weia-dubi Wakoiaia Waga Tu Tuna Bay Tuyam Islet Tuyam Island Tobu Tobu Island Tobai Point Tautowatowolo Point Tautowatowola Point Werka Kata Keia Tau Hana Gana Tanabuibuina Bay Tanobuibuina Bay Sugu Tusi Sugu tusi Rock Suahia Bay Sisinoli Point Simagahi Silisimai Point Siro siro mai Sidudu Sawa Sawaga Rocky Pass Saw Sawaga Sawasawaga Passage Sauasauaga Sariba Island Hayter Island Saraoni Island Spike Island Sapikunuri Cocoa Nut Rock Coconut Rock Samarai Island Dinner Island Samarai Samarar Samaria Sabuiona Rogeia Pata Bay Logepwata Bay Rogeia Island Heath Island Rogea Island Ramaga River Possession Bay Nawaripa Bay Nasa Rua Rua Nasariri Island Beehive Island Nasa Pei Pei Namoai Bay Wanatonoli Bay Mekinley Island West Iguari Island West Igwali Island Manu Pisina Rocks Magesina Magalkalona Maga Ikarona Bay Magaikalona Bay Stanley Bay Madagowa Lolo Siwa Siwoi Loani LNQ Loani Mission Lesimano Island Brewer Island Lessamanu Island Leipla Lamhaga Ramaga Ramaga Mission Ramoga Mission Labu Labu Bay Rabu-rabu Bay Labu Labu Kwiaro Bay Kwaui Islet Button Island Kwaui Island Kwauia Island Kwato Island Kwato Eina Kaba Kwasi Kwato Kwato Mission Kwalosai Kwai Ama Kwaiam Peninsula Point Kunubalia Kumikuku Koia Reiba Reiba Koru Reiba Reiba Island Kilamaiehela Bay Kiapara Kasabanalua Kana Waneipa Kana Kopi Point Kana Kopa Point Kana Kopi Creek Kana Kopi Bay Kana Kopa Bay Saraoni Harbour Kana Kopa Kai Rau Rau Uai Island Kaba Eru Eru Kabu Eru Eru Ito Island Wanepa Island Isu Na Daga Dagai Wari Isulailai Point Isu Matumataiara Isu Hina Isu Bobo Ilei Island Castori Iguari Islands Mount Iarihau Iari hau Heath Patches Hatuno Hatuna Halu Bai Rawa Rock Gull Patch Cull Patch Guara Kaba Omana Gona Bara Bara Goilawalika Gobura Bay Gesila Island Coast Island Garahi Island Galahi Island Head Island Gadogadoa Island Gado gado Gadogadoa Godagadoa Eboma Island Ebuma Island Middle Island East Iguari Island East Igwali Island Iguari Island Igwali Island Paples Island East Channel Eabeuri Point Eabeuri Dorasi Shoal Doini Island Blanchard Island Dei Rena Deika Deika Deka Deka Island Dagadagabonalua Daga daga bonarua Dagadaga Dabali China Strait China Rock Waga Tari Castori Islets Castori Islands Bonarua Hili Hili Bonaloahilihili Island Bona Rua Dai Daiwa Bolibolie Bay Hiliwa dara Bay Bilo Bilolo Shoals Bilo Bilolo Rock Mount Bilo Bilolo Mount Haines Belesana Slipway Beika Island Bead Island Banaria Bay Bonalia Bay Baia Baia Karona Arch Islands Doini DOI China Straits SQT Kilakilana School