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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM), part of the Queensland Government.
This product is continously updated with the latest information available. New editions are generally published in Oct/Nov each year, however minor updates are constantly being included.
DNRM maps are produced automatically by computers, with minimal human oversight; so some duplication of information and occasional minor cartographic inconsistencies can be found.
The PDF version of this can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Callandoon South Glen Earn Bonnie Doon Coomba Woomera Ulawanna Broomfield Euora Fairview St Helens Micklegate Royston Youronga Rosewood Trinkey Waterford Ruthdale Murracoran Mundine Boobora Kildonan Edendale Turkey Lagoon Karloo Carbuckey Boonara Stirling Merriwa Budleigh Myall Plain Newstead Allandale Malgarai Mallala Box Plain Willaroo Toenda Gambella Melon Ridge Avondale Coppymurrumbilla Oakhurst Adavale Wonga Limbon Burringbah Cheswich Worrah Drumduan Burradoo Boori West Norebah Baccleugh Strayleaves Boori Lockhart Saber Downs Booroola Ivanhoe Rezeck Kepajoy Wilga Warriana Mobbindry Tremayne Belara Baree Tulloona Osterley Tamaroo Boonanga Coolanga Moonaloo Amaroo Tullinga Downs Omi Bibilah Gold Plain Rosslen Sefton Werchillaba Lutana Milton Nulla Nulla Milroy Myling Glenay Glenville Girrahween Yoongundie Kesteven Wilga Karauh Leyland Edenvale Mungle Boomerang Capernum Wilvy Langley Tulloona Bore Oaklea Oak Woods Amaki Glenhoma Yambulla Usaman Bonanza Kerrabee Ventura Alma Downs Cleveland Alawa Marlow Backspear Berillea Kirewa Minnumurra Windridge Minilya Rudall Booraba Calrossie Wareena Lindon Downs Boggabilla Goondiwindi North Star Toomelah Station American Plain Back Mungle Creek Bibilah Platform Boggabilla Aboriginal School Boggabilla Camp Boggabilla Railway Station Town of Boggabilla Boobera Boobera Lagoon Boobera Watercourse Boobora Lagoon Boobora Watercourse The Boobora Watercourse Boonanga Public School Booraba Ridge Browne Carroby Cook Coolibah Watercourse Coppymurrumbill Currumbah Currumbah No 1 Bore Currumbah No 2 Bore Gobbooyallana Lagoon Gooroo Lagoon Graveyard Plain Holmes The Home Sand Ridge Humptybung I B Bore I.B. Bore Camp Illingrammindi Kettleys Waterhole Croppa or Coxs Creek Currumbah Bore Gilliooloo Gully The Home Sandridge Limebon Malgarai Lagoon Malgarai or Diry Lagoon Malgarai Railway Station Marlow Bore Mayne Maynes Lagoon Maynes or Yarrangooran Lagoon Miccabar Crossing The Miccabar Crossing Mingan Mobbindry Creek Momera Lagoon Momera Swamp Morella Morella Creek Morella Lagoon Morella Watercourse Mundine Waterhole Mundin Waterhole Mungle Back Creek Mungle Creek Branch of Mungle Creek Mungle Scrub Mungle Station Muscle Creek Muscle Gully North Star Public School North Star Railway Station North Star Station Oaklea Camp Old Tulloona Watercourse Old Tulloona One Mile Creek Paine Polidoroi Lagoon Poopoopirby Lagoon Postmans Gully Postmans Plain Punboogal Branch Punboocal Lagoon Pungbougal Lagoon Ridge Plain Rosewood Camp Spea Gap Tank Spear Gap Camp Spear Gap Tank Swamp Creek Tackinbri Creek Telephone Lagoon The I.B. Waterhole The Rocks Camp The Whalan Toomelah Toomelah Public School Toongcooma Tullinga Tulloona No 1 Bore Tulloona Public School Tulloona School Gobooyallana Uathery Lagoon Wallaby Creek Waranah Camp Warialda No. 1 Bore Warrana Bore Wearne Wearne Railway Station Wearne Station Whalan Whalan Creek Whalan Watercourse Wolonga Camp Dry Creek Dry Gully Leonard Victor Waters Park Boggabilla Silo Broomfield Tank Water Facility Callandoon Dingo Creek Dumaresq River Good Waterhole Hunter Merawa Mooroobie Nungway Waterhole One Mile Corner Rainbow Lagoon Serpentine Lagoon Goondiwindi Goondiwindi Town Kurumbul Brigalow Creek Wondalli Creek Pipeclay Creek Kildonan Station Booboora Lagoon Boobora Bore Booboora Bore Severn River Macintyre River Doyles Siding Coppimoranbilla Croppa Creek Forest Creek Back Creek Bibilah Station Bilibah Milroy Bore Winbridge Station