Topographic / Ordnance Survey Map

QLD 9139-1

QLD 9139-1

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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM), part of the Queensland Government.
This product is continously updated with the latest information available. New editions are generally published in Oct/Nov each year, however minor updates are constantly being included.
DNRM maps are produced automatically by computers, with minimal human oversight; so some duplication of information and occasional minor cartographic inconsistencies can be found.
The PDF version of this can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.

At this scale, 2cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 25km by 25km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Locations within this Map

Emu Plains Emu Park Kelmscott Roseneath Miamba Girraween Cumbil Lauradale North Riverton Kelso Brooklyn Moorabinda Behanna Riverton Mount Bowman Roseneath Station Glenalpine Calumet Saleit Cornvale Benandry Pine Grove New Farm Riverstone Myranee Monkstadt Tarcoola Waikno Taroona Highland Home Oaky Creek Bowman Bonnie Doon St Elmo Condah Cooee Riverview Las Vegas Needlewood Haystack Glenmore Glenrock Bald Rock Creek Beardy Bentley Springs Bentley Springs Creek Big Oaky Creek Blue Nugget Gully Blain Blue Cow Gully Black Creek Billabong Black Creek Bonshaw Bonshaw Cemetery Bonshaw General Cemetery Bonshaw Public School Bonshaw Racecourse Village of Bonshaw Georges Creek Granite Creek Hallams Creek Hasselmann Pinnacle Hetheringtons Sugarloaf Georges Gully Little Georges Creek Little Gulf Creek Little Gulf Gully Little Limestone Creek Long Gully Mullers Lagoon Niagara Creek Niagara Falls Norwood Perth Round Hill Round Hill Creek Round Mountain Creek Sandy Camp Sandy Camp Creek Sandy Creek Sandy Hole Sandy Waterhole Stirrup Iron Creek Stirrup Iron Gully Sugarloaf Creek Sugarloaf Gully The Round Mountain Towel Creek Dumaresq Aitkins Flat Back Creek Maidenhead Rocky Gully Tea Tree Creek Watsons Crossing Myall Creek Reedy Creek Log Creek Gulf Creek Mountain Creek Beardy River Boughyard Creek The Pinnacle Carpet Snake Creek Rocky Creek