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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM), part of the Queensland Government.
This product is continously updated with the latest information available. New editions are generally published in Oct/Nov each year, however minor updates are constantly being included.
DNRM maps are produced automatically by computers, with minimal human oversight; so some duplication of information and occasional minor cartographic inconsistencies can be found.
The PDF version of this can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
West End Elrae Park Andawing Carn Brea Karena Munro Lakeview Lakehouse The Ranch Kimbarra Aurel Park Struanville Ellerslie Brigadoon Kantara Coolibah Akuna Dawnie Ninet-Six Aronui Waigoona Maclands Yuruga Strathdoone Kenmore Park Yarraga Myall Park Elrae Curroka Strathalbyn Blair-Na Park Mar-Lee Fairfields Mirrabooka Amour Ownaview Ellendale Langawirra Wyoming Woolooga Karingal Pipewell Enfield Kurralta Park Riverview Glendon Baldoran Belmont Park Oak Bank Yarran Park Box Dale Wongabeena Naumai New Bon Accord Stanmere Riverlands Spring Park Yaralla Park Greenbank Spring Creek Springfield Forrest Park Wanamara Hillcrest Weroona Hereward Bon Accord Kowald Lindon Lea Glenora Shiloh Stratheden Lynmead Rhodesia The Meadows Woodstock Narlagoon Mayfield Glenwood Wingfield Loch Eaton Taunton Sunny Meadows Carcoola Timberline Daleoak Kennlea Wilkie View Duck Ponds Cumbrae Park Birrageela Windermere Wanui Santas Mandalay Pleasant View Kyilla Tavoy Karee Lingadoo Plainview Park Four Winds Dennis Downs Avondale Nunkeri Coolooli Double Eight Grassdale St Ruth Mooaya Werona Aura Lea Tipton Berneila Kelton Robanna Dalgarrie Mengel Truro Sunset Strip Avalon Fairfield Park Belvedere Patricia Downs Shalimar Tangalooma Sundown Orana Colonsay Key West Glenview Bochara Lynwood Navillus Aeradke Broxbourne Dalby Kaimkillenbun Macalister Apunyal Ashall Creek Ashall Lagoon Auchmah Baining Bald Hill Blaxland Boundary Creek Bowenville Bowenville Water Facility Branch Creek Broadmead Broadwater Gully Broadwater Lagoon Clayhole Creek Condamine River North Branch Cumkillenbar Daandine Dalby West Diplock Ducklo Duffys Lagoon Duleen Formartin Formartin Water Facility Gin Creek Hill Horse Shoe Lagoon Irvingdale Jimbour Jimbour Creek Jondaryan Kaimkillenbun Water Facility Kommamurra Koomi Kupunn Lagoon Creek Macalister County of Aubigny Macalister County of Lytton Main Camp Hill Mount Maria Mocattas Corner Moola Creek Moramby Creek Myall Myall Creek Myall Creek North Branch Myall Creek South Branch Nandi Oakey Creek Squaretop The Crooked Oak Ford Tycanba Washpool Lagoon Weale West Prairie Wienholt Yarrala Young County of Aubigny Yumborra Bonyumba Moffatt Lake Broadwater Conservation Park Lake Broadwater Resources Reserve Natcha Dalby Dalby Town Bowenville Jondaryan Shire Cecil Plains Jondaryan Shire Mount Moriah St Ruth Jondaryan Shire Wainui Irvingdale Wambo Shire St Ruth Wambo Shire Ranges Bridge Springvale Dalby Wambo Shire Pirrinuan Moffat Yaralla North Branch Myall Creek Clayhole Jirette North Branch Condamine River