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This Topographic Map is produced by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM), part of the Queensland Government.
This product is continously updated with the latest information available. New editions are generally published in Oct/Nov each year, however minor updates are constantly being included.
DNRM maps are produced automatically by computers, with minimal human oversight; so some duplication of information and occasional minor cartographic inconsistencies can be found.
The PDF version of this can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Mariana Logwood Kiaora Delamere Gutchy Dun Bobbin Dilkusha Fairview Stewart Hill Rosedale Red Hill Netherton Glenelg Emohruo Ulirrah Bungawatta Allendale Millbrook Cooloola Cove Maryborough Tiaro Maaroom Bauple Boonooroo Tuan Tinnanbar Poona Point Gunalda Aldridge Creek Atkinsons Mountain Aubinville Baddow Baddow Island Bauple Creek Bauple State Forest Mount Bauple Beaver Rock Benarige Creek Biddierr Creek Bidwill Bidwill Creek Big Angle Big Boar Creek Big Sandy Creek Big Tuan Creek Black Spring Black Swan Creek Blackmount Boar Creek Bongmollow Bookar Island Boonlye Point Boonooroo Point Boonoy Creek Browns Camp Browns Camp Creek Butchers Creek Buttha Creek Chinaman Creek Ching Island Cooloola Coast Coonangoor Creek Coondoo Creek Coonoongwa Waterholes Copenhagen Bend Cornwell Gully Cowra Cowra Point Crooked Creek Cubbih Creek Culvert Creek Denison Dickabram Dimond Creek Dinna Creek Dixons Creek Dream Island Dunmora Dutton Creek Mount Eaton Eighteen Mile Creek Elliott Fairfield Figtree Creek Fison Point Garden Island Lake Garry Geewan Creek Girkum Creek Glenwood Gootchie Grahams Creek Granville Grassy Mountain Great Sandy Strait Gunalda Gap Gunchellan Swamp Gundiah Gutchy Creek Guyra Mountain Heath Reach Yankee Jack Creek Johnsons Crossing Jordan Creek Jumpo Creek Kalah Creek Kangaroo Creek Kanigan Creek Mount Kanigan Kanyan Kauri Creek King Parrot Creek Kooringa Kunst Crossing Lake Charles Leslie Reach Little Boar Creek Little Tahiti Creek Little Tinana Creek Little Tuan Creek Logging Creek Maaroom Creek March Maryborough West McGregor Creek Middle Bank Minni Minni Creek Moonboom Islands Mosquito Creek Mount Eaton Creek Mungar Myrtle Creek Nashs Gully Native Dog Creek Ndtooching Neerdie Tiaro Shire Neerdie Mount Neerdie Netherby New Island Newtown Oaky Creek Opossum Creek Owanyilla Pallas Street Paterson Penny Mountain Phoenix Waterholes Pilerwa Poona Poona Creek Proctor Creek Ration Creek Red Ridge Creek Redbank Creek Rocky Creek Round Bush Island Sandfly Creek Sandy Creek Scrub Turkey Creek Scrubber Creek Scrubby Creek Shark Inlet Sheepbreak Creek Six Mile Creek Slain Island Slaty Creek Slogertys Creek Snout Point South Head South White Cliffs Spudo Gully St Mary Stewart Island Stewarts Camp Creek Stockyard Creek Stony Creek Sugarloaf Creek Tahiti Tahiti Creek Talegalla Weir Tawan Teddington Weir Tewan Creek Thangawang Creek The Red Bank The Reedy Water Hole Theebine Theebine Mountain Thomas Island Tinana Tinana Maryborough City Tinana Ford Tinana Creek Tinana Island Toolara Tootawwah Creek Tooth Island Toowoora Creek Turkey Island Ulirrah Creek Ululah Creek Ungowa Creek Upper Rocky Point Violet Creek Walliebum Lagoon Warren Creek Wobber Creek Wobber Springs Yankee Jack Lake Yard Creek Yengarie Yerra Young County of March Cockburn Gutter Timbrell Creek Antigua Baddow Island Conservation Park Granville Conservation Park Great Sandy Conservation Park Kauri Creek Conservation Park Mount Bauple National Park Scientific Police Paddock Conservation Park Poona National Park Tinana Creek Conservation Park Tinana Island Conservation Park August Creek Cypress Creek Deep Creek Mariana Creek Bauple Forest Kanigan Mungar Tiaro Shire Owanyilla Tiaro Shire Pilerwa Tiaro Shire Pioneers Rest Teddington Tiaro Shire Toolara Forest Tiaro Shire Tuan Forest Tiaro Shire Yerra Tiaro Shire Boonooroo Plains Great Sandy Strait Maryborough City Oakhurst Maryborough City The Dimonds Tuan Forest Maryborough City Ferney Glenorchy Mungar Woocoo Shire Owanyilla Woocoo Shire Pilerwa Woocoo Shire Teddington Woocoo Shire Tinana Woocoo Shire Tinana South Yerra Woocoo Shire Tin Can Bay Cooloola Shire Tuan State Forest Tin Can Bay Tiaro Shire Magnolia Wallu Neerdie Cooloola Shire Oakhurst Woocoo Shire Oakhurst Tumbowah Creek Dumbua Creek Tinana River Bounlyo Point Moonboom Island Mungar Junction Boonaroo Point Huon Mundy Creek Kuari Creek Mount Bauple National Park Turkey Creek Kanighan Mount Kanighan Mount Kannagan Toolara Forest Wide Creek Wide Bay Creek